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Bug 598671 - The '"x" is an executable text file' dialogue is not user friendly
The '"x" is an executable text file' dialogue is not user friendly
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
: 596728 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-10-16 12:47 UTC by Sam Illingworth
Modified: 2021-02-06 18:51 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Sam Illingworth 2009-10-16 12:47:33 UTC
I originally raised this as an idea on the Ubuntu brainstorm, but was told it should be reported as a bug by the brainstorm admin (the brainstorm is here:  Then the Ubuntu bug people said to report it here, so here I am reporting it a third time.

When you click on an executable text file, such as a script to which you've just made a change which you want to test, a dialogue appears asking if you want to open it, run it, run it in a terminal, or cancel. I think this dialogue is severely flawed.

Why aren't the two run buttons next to each other? Why isn't cancel on the far left where it usually is? What if I want to edit the file instead of displaying it (I know the Display button /actually/ opens it for editing, but it doesn't say that)? Why can't I tell it to stop asking me every time I click on the file, if I always want to do the same thing? And why is the dialogue so cluttered?

My solution is as follows:

- Move Cancel to the far left, because that's where we've come to expect it to be
- Rename the Display button Display/Edit, because that's what it's for
- Get rid of the Run in Terminal option, but put a "Run in Terminal" tick box under the "Run" button, because the dialogue is cluttered
- Add a "Remember my Choice" tick box

It occurs to me that this is probably trivial to fix - could it be a paper-cut? I don't know if you could say it effects lots of users, but it does happen on any executable file. I know that the last thing my mum wants to see when she clicks an executable file is a scary technical sounding dialogue - if we could simplify it (by reducing the number of buttons) and give her a remember my choice option so that she doesn't get bothered with it every time, she'd be a lot happier.
Comment 1 Marcus Carlson 2010-07-21 22:10:11 UTC
Related to 601736
Comment 2 António Fernandes 2013-04-10 22:35:24 UTC
*** Bug 596728 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 António Fernandes 2017-08-15 22:05:47 UTC
This is still relevant.

A message dialog with 4 horizontal buttons is too much. The HIG recommends 1-3 buttons.[0] But an action dialog would probably be too much for just a question.

One idea would be to reduce to 3 options ─ Cancel, Display, Run ─ where "Run" always runs in a terminal window (which will close when finished). Running in terminal is the safest bet for scripts anyway, to get input and output, to know when it is finished, and to stop it if needed.

(Going beyond this bug's context, even when we don't show this dialog because the preference is set to "Just run them", I think scripts should be run in a terminal window.)

Comment 4 Carlos Soriano 2017-08-16 08:55:40 UTC
Needs design input, but appropiate for newcomers.
Comment 5 António Fernandes 2017-08-31 09:29:35 UTC
Maybe this needs a complete redesign, actually.

Do we even need the three options in preferences and this dialog? Maybe we are doing it wrong.

It would be simpler to always open scripts as regular text files, but, if executable, also offer a "Run in Terminal" action to the context menu. Al functionality preserved, no preferences or dialogs needed.
Comment 6 Alexandru Fazakas 2018-04-07 22:23:27 UTC
This has been fixed with this patch:
Comment 7 António Fernandes 2018-04-07 22:34:35 UTC
The linked Merge Request is unrelated to this bug. This bug is about the dialog to choose between opening or running an executable text file, not an error dialog.
Comment 8 António Fernandes 2021-02-06 18:51:00 UTC
This has been resolved by a new design which does away with this dialog.