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Bug 594647 - KeepAlive Off + mod_ssl on
KeepAlive Off + mod_ssl on
Product: sysadmin
Classification: Infrastructure
Component: Other
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: GNOME Sysadmins
GNOME Sysadmins
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-09-09 14:11 UTC by Owen Taylor
Modified: 2013-11-21 14:56 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Owen Taylor 2009-09-09 14:11:23 UTC
My understanding is that you really want to use persistent connections with TLS when possible since the overhead of establishing a connection is large.

But on, we seem to have:

 Bugzilla set to redirect to https
 KeepAlive Off

We might also want to up KeepAliveTimeout from 15 (seconds) ?

Apache is definitely sending back a Connection: close header with each request - I haven't verified that Firefox actually closes the connection and renegotiates SSL each time.

(Probably worth verifying with Wireshark before worrying about this too much.)
Comment 1 Max Kanat-Alexander 2009-09-09 20:55:47 UTC
This is set this way on purpose--under mod_perl, each request is taking a tiny bit of time, but each httpd child takes up a lot of RAM. So if you tie up each httpd child for a long time and then you suddenly have a traffic spike, you could OOM the server.
Comment 2 Christer Edwards 2011-01-03 21:23:02 UTC
can we close this ticket if this is done by design?
Comment 3 Andrea Veri 2013-11-21 14:56:37 UTC
The GNOME Infrastructure Team is currently migrating its bug / issue tracker away from Bugzilla to Request Tracker and therefore all the currently open bugs have been closed and marked as OBSOLETE.

The following move will also act as a cleanup for very old and ancient tickets that were still living on Bugzilla. If your issue still hasn't been fixed as of today please report it again on the relevant RT queue.

More details about the available queues you can report the bug against can be found at

Thanks for your patience,

the GNOME Infrastructure Team