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Bug 590591 - nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in nautilus_file_peek_display_name()
nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in nautilus_file_peek_display_name()
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal critical
: ---
Assigned To: Tomas Bzatek
Nautilus Maintainers
: 598681 599675 601184 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-08-03 09:21 UTC by Pedro Villavicencio
Modified: 2009-11-17 09:32 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.27/2.28

Possible workaround, falling back to parent folder info when selected item is not valid. (1.31 KB, patch)
2009-11-02 16:15 UTC, Tomas Bzatek
needs-work Details | Review
nautilus-2.28.2-unfreeze-listview-after-rename.patch (943 bytes, patch)
2009-11-10 14:32 UTC, Tomas Bzatek
committed Details | Review

Description Pedro Villavicencio 2009-08-03 09:21:49 UTC
this report has been filed here:

"extracting files, then opening new tab"


Thread 1 (process 3568)

  • #0 nautilus_file_peek_display_name
    at nautilus-file.c line 3695
  • #1 nautilus_file_get_display_name
    at nautilus-file.c line 3718
  • #2 selection_changed_callback
    at nautilus-information-panel.c line 1124
  • #3 IA__g_closure_invoke
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.21.4/gobject/gclosure.c line 767
  • #4 signal_emit_unlocked_R
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.21.4/gobject/gsignal.c line 3247
  • #5 IA__g_signal_emit_valist
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.21.4/gobject/gsignal.c line 2980
  • #6 IA__g_signal_emit_by_name
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.21.4/gobject/gsignal.c line 3074
  • #7 fm_directory_view_send_selection_change
    at fm-directory-view.c line 2256
  • #8 display_selection_info_idle_callback
    at fm-directory-view.c line 2859
  • #9 IA__g_main_context_dispatch
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.21.4/glib/gmain.c line 1960
  • #10 g_main_context_iterate
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.21.4/glib/gmain.c line 2591
  • #11 IA__g_main_loop_run
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.21.4/glib/gmain.c line 2799
  • #12 IA__gtk_main
    at /build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.17.6/gtk/gtkmain.c line 1205
  • #13 main
    at nautilus-main.c line 548

Comment 1 Akhil Laddha 2009-10-27 03:59:02 UTC
*** Bug 598681 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 2 Akhil Laddha 2009-10-27 03:59:08 UTC
*** Bug 599675 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Tomas Bzatek 2009-11-02 16:15:49 UTC
Created attachment 146759 [details] [review]
Possible workaround, falling back to parent folder info when selected item is not valid.

Some users reported the same issue in Fedora 12, however without good repro steps. The issue happened when deleting files in one case but I'm unable to reproduce it here.

Some notes:
- the selection_changed_callback() is properly called once the delete operation is finished, no intermittent callbacks during the operation.
- for some reason, we get a single GFile object but lookup for corresponding  NautilusFile fails. Might be a race condition, we get the file URI which is already gone from the nautilus folder view.
Comment 4 Alexander Larsson 2009-11-05 15:36:37 UTC
I managed to reproduce this by doing, in list view under valgrind:
create new folder
press delete to delete name
press enter
press delete to delete file
try to open the file which is still there.
Comment 5 Sebastien Bacher 2009-11-05 15:37:14 UTC
launchpad bug comment

"There could be more bugs around this one. I give instruction that definitely make nautilus crash.

-> *create a new folder* -> folder name is "Namenloser Ordner", in engl. i think: "Unnamed Folder".
-> instead of entering a new folder name, *hit delete* -> folder is unamed : ""
-> *hit enter* -> folder name is as before :"Namenloser Ordner" / "Unnamed Folder"
-> deleting this folder results in a crash"

it happens when using listview
Comment 6 Fabio Durán Verdugo 2009-11-08 20:47:08 UTC
*** Bug 601184 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Tomas Bzatek 2009-11-10 14:32:34 UTC
Created attachment 147378 [details] [review]

Better patch based on repro steps. This fixes the issue with leftover item after rename with empty string.

Still, do you think that so many people create directories with no name, judging by the number of duplicates reported?
Comment 8 Alexander Larsson 2009-11-17 09:30:38 UTC
I dunno. I guess it may happen quite a bit by accident if you press backspace not realizing that the whole entry is selected (for overwrite) and then accidentally press enter.

Anyway, Its obviously right and causes this bug so I'm commiting and closing. We'll get more reports if there are more issues.