GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 589606
gst-rtsp-server:not getting the video in both lan and wan
Last modified: 2009-08-03 11:50:40 UTC
After the closing of bug 589489, segfault of gst-rtsp-server was solved.But ,now the gst-rtsp-server(streaming server) + realoneplayer(streaming client) is not working in both lan and wan.Just before the commit it perfectly worked in lan with udp connection.Now what ever be the port ,even if it is 80 (http) or whatever, it tried for tcp connection through tunnelling.So didnt getting the video in both lan and wan!!!!! follwoing is the log i got in my lan, RTSP response message 0xbf999874 status line: code: '200' reason: 'OK' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '3' key: 'Transport', value: 'RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=6970-6971;server_port=45298-45299;mode="PLAY"' key: 'Server', value: 'GStreamer RTSP server' key: 'Session', value: 'rdwnkjnsntmayblw' body: length 0 ** Message: client 0x86b92f0: sent a message with cseq 3 ** Message: 0x87ea980: new source 0x880e978 ** Message: structure: application/x-rtp-source-stats, ssrc=(guint)1738899436, internal=(boolean)false, validated=(boolean)false, received-bye=(boolean)false, is-csrc=(boolean)false, is-sender=(boolean)false, rtp-from=(string), have-rb=(boolean)false, rb-fractionlost=(guint)0, rb-packetslost=(int)0, rb-exthighestseq=(guint)0, rb-jitter=(guint)0, rb-lsr=(guint)0, rb-dlsr=(guint)0, rb-round-trip=(guint)0; ** Message: 0x87ea980: new SDES 0x880e978 RTSP request message 0x87a70ec request line: method: 'SETUP' uri: 'rtsp://' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '4' key: 'Transport', value: 'RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=6972-6973;mode=play' key: 'User-Agent', value: 'RealMedia Player HelixDNAClient/ (win32)' key: 'Session', value: 'rdwnkjnsntmayblw' body: ** Message: client 0x86b92f0: received a request ** Message: watching session 0x881d190 RTSP response message 0xbf999874 status line: code: '200' reason: 'OK' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '4' key: 'Transport', value: 'RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=6972-6973;server_port=38856-38857;mode="PLAY"' key: 'Server', value: 'GStreamer RTSP server' key: 'Session', value: 'rdwnkjnsntmayblw' body: length 0 ** Message: client 0x86b92f0: sent a message with cseq 4 ** Message: 0x87ead18: new source 0x880f218 ** Message: structure: application/x-rtp-source-stats, ssrc=(guint)731481335, internal=(boolean)false, validated=(boolean)false, received-bye=(boolean)false, is-csrc=(boolean)false, is-sender=(boolean)false, rtp-from=(string), have-rb=(boolean)false, rb-fractionlost=(guint)0, rb-packetslost=(int)0, rb-exthighestseq=(guint)0, rb-jitter=(guint)0, rb-lsr=(guint)0, rb-dlsr=(guint)0, rb-round-trip=(guint)0; ** Message: 0x87ead18: new SDES 0x880f218 RTSP request message 0x87a70ec request line: method: 'SET_PARAMETER' uri: 'rtsp://' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '5' key: 'Subscribe', value: 'stream=0;rule=0,stream=0;rule=1,stream=1;rule=0,stream=1;rule=1' key: 'Session', value: 'rdwnkjnsntmayblw' body: ** Message: client 0x86b92f0: received a request RTSP response message 0xbf999770 status line: code: '200' reason: 'OK' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '5' key: 'Server', value: 'GStreamer RTSP server' body: length 0 ** Message: client 0x86b92f0: sent a message with cseq 5 RTSP request message 0x87a70ec request line: method: 'PLAY' uri: 'rtsp://' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '6' key: 'User-Agent', value: 'RealMedia Player HelixDNAClient/ (win32)' key: 'Session', value: 'rdwnkjnsntmayblw' key: 'Range', value: 'npt=0-31.533000' key: 'Bandwidth', value: '524300' body: ** Message: client 0x86b92f0: received a request ** Message: seeking to 99:99:99.999999999 - 0:00:31.533000946 ** Message: done seeking 1 ** Message: 0x87e8c38: got message type async-done ** Message: prerolled again ** Message: stats: position 0:00:01.000000000, duration 0:00:31.533333333 RTSP response message 0xbf999858 status line: code: '200' reason: 'OK' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '6' key: 'RTP-Info', value: 'url=rtsp://;seq=4997;rtptime=3484311200, url=rtsp://;seq=18026;rtptime=1471682209' key: 'Range', value: 'npt=1.000000-31.533333' key: 'Server', value: 'GStreamer RTSP server' key: 'Session', value: 'rdwnkjnsntmayblw' body: length 0 ** Message: going to state PLAYING media 0x87e8c38 ** Message: adding ** Message: adding ** Message: active 2 media 0x87e8c38 ** Message: state PLAYING media 0x87e8c38 ** Message: 0x87e8c38: got message type new-clock ** Message: client 0x86b92f0: sent a message with cseq 6 ** Message: 0x87ea980: source 0x880e978 bye ** Message: 0x87ead18: source 0x880f218 bye RTSP request message 0x87a70ec request line: method: 'TEARDOWN' uri: 'rtsp://' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '7' key: 'User-Agent', value: 'RealMedia Player HelixDNAClient/ (win32)' key: 'Session', value: 'rdwnkjnsntmayblw' body: ** Message: client 0x86b92f0: received a request ** Message: going to state NULL media 0x87e8c38 ** Message: removing ** Message: removing ** Message: active 0 media 0x87e8c38 ** Message: unprepare media 0x87e8c38 ** Message: stream 0x87ead18 received caps (nil), NULL ** Message: stream 0x87ea980 received caps (nil), NULL ** Message: free session media 0x883a788 ** Message: going to state NULL media 0x87e8c38 ** Message: active 0 media 0x87e8c38 ** Message: free session stream 0x882ad20 ** Message: free session stream 0x8851200 RTSP response message 0xbf999820 status line: code: '200' reason: 'OK' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '7' key: 'Server', value: 'GStreamer RTSP server' key: 'Session', value: 'rdwnkjnsntmayblw' body: length 0 ** Message: finalize session 0x881d190 ** Message: added new client 0x88024c0 ip ** Message: attaching to context 0x86b6248 ** Message: client 0x86b92f0: connection closed ** Message: finalize client 0x86b92f0 ** Message: finalize media 0x87e8c38 RTSP request message 0x884594c request line: method: 'OPTIONS' uri: 'rtsp://' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '1' key: 'User-Agent', value: 'RealMedia Player HelixDNAClient/ (win32)' key: 'Supported', value: 'ABD-1.0' key: 'ClientChallenge', value: '4cd5530d52fbeab651d70c30a6586d30' key: 'ClientID', value: 'WinNT_5.1_6.0.14.955_RealPlayer_R41APDF_en_686' key: 'CompanyID', value: 'fhgZhJc8Hm3096MexhxhCQ==' key: 'GUID', value: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' key: 'PlayerStarttime', value: '[09/04/2007:02:30:05 -08:00]' key: 'RegionData', value: '0' body: ** Message: client 0x88024c0: received a request RTSP response message 0xbf9998e4 status line: code: '200' reason: 'OK' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '1' key: 'Public', value: 'OPTIONS, DESCRIBE, GET_PARAMETER, PAUSE, PLAY, SETUP, SET_PARAMETER, TEARDOWN' key: 'Server', value: 'GStreamer RTSP server' body: length 0 ** Message: client 0x88024c0: sent a message with cseq 1 RTSP request message 0x884594c request line: method: 'DESCRIBE' uri: 'rtsp://' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '2' key: 'Accept', value: 'application/sdp' key: 'User-Agent', value: 'RealMedia Player HelixDNAClient/ (win32)' key: 'Bandwidth', value: '524300' key: 'ClientID', value: 'WinNT_5.1_6.0.14.955_RealPlayer_R41APDF_en_686' key: 'GUID', value: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' key: 'Language', value: 'en, *' key: 'RegionData', value: '0' key: 'Require', value: 'com.real.retain-entity-for-setup' key: 'SupportsMaximumASMBandwidth', value: '1' body: ** Message: client 0x88024c0: received a request ** Message: found media 0x86dec40 for url abspath /test.mp4 ** Message: found stream 0 with payloader 0x87e1550 ** Message: found stream 1 with payloader 0x87e5250 ** Message: constructed media 0x87e8ca0 for url /test.mp4 ** Message: preparing media 0x87e8ca0 ** Message: stream 0x87ed228 received caps 0x8840ee0, application/x-rtp, media=(string)audio, clock-rate=(int)8000, encoding-name=(string)MPEG4-GENERIC, encoding-params=(string)1, streamtype=(string)5, profile-level-id=(string)1, mode=(string)AAC-hbr, config=(string)0d88, sizelength=(string)13, indexlength=(string)3, indexdeltalength=(string)3, ssrc=(guint)3667520767, payload=(int)97, clock-base=(guint)3212987154, seqnum-base=(guint)42825 ** Message: stream 0x87ed228 received caps 0x8840ee0, application/x-rtp, media=(string)audio, clock-rate=(int)8000, encoding-name=(string)MPEG4-GENERIC, encoding-params=(string)1, streamtype=(string)5, profile-level-id=(string)1, mode=(string)AAC-hbr, config=(string)0d88, sizelength=(string)13, indexlength=(string)3, indexdeltalength=(string)3, ssrc=(guint)3667520767, payload=(int)97, clock-base=(guint)3212987154, seqnum-base=(guint)42825 ** Message: stream 0x87ea900 received caps 0x882e6a0, application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)MP4V-ES, profile-level-id=(string)1, config=(string)000001b001000001b58913000001000000012000c48d8800f50a041e1463, ssrc=(guint)1175900824, payload=(int)96, clock-base=(guint)1865900305, seqnum-base=(guint)17293 ** Message: stream 0x87ea900 received caps 0x882e6a0, application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)MP4V-ES, profile-level-id=(string)1, config=(string)000001b001000001b58913000001000000012000c48d8800f50a041e1463, ssrc=(guint)1175900824, payload=(int)96, clock-base=(guint)1865900305, seqnum-base=(guint)17293 ** Message: 0x87e8ca0: got message type tag ** Message: 0x87e8ca0: got message type tag ** Message: 0x87e8ca0: got message type tag ** Message: 0x87e8ca0: got message type async-done ** Message: stats: position 0:00:00.000000000, duration 0:00:31.533333333 ** Message: object 0x87e8ca0 is prerolled RTSP response message 0xbf999890 status line: code: '200' reason: 'OK' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '2' key: 'Content-Type', value: 'application/sdp' key: 'Content-Base', value: 'rtsp://' key: 'Server', value: 'GStreamer RTSP server' body: length 577 00000000 (0x881d2c8): 76 3d 30 0d 0a 6f 3d 2d 20 31 31 38 38 33 34 30 v=0..o=- 1188340 00000010 (0x881d2d8): 36 35 36 31 38 30 38 38 33 20 31 20 49 4e 20 49 656180883 1 IN I 00000020 (0x881d2e8): 50 34 20 31 32 37 2e 30 2e 30 2e 31 0d 0a 73 3d P4 00000030 (0x881d2f8): 53 65 73 73 69 6f 6e 20 73 74 72 65 61 6d 65 64 Session streamed 00000040 (0x881d308): 20 77 69 74 68 20 47 53 74 72 65 61 6d 65 72 0d with GStreamer. 00000050 (0x881d318): 0a 69 3d 72 74 73 70 2d 73 65 72 76 65 72 0d 0a .i=rtsp-server.. 00000060 (0x881d328): 65 3d 4e 4f 4e 45 0d 0a 74 3d 30 20 30 0d 0a 61 e=NONE..t=0 0..a 00000070 (0x881d338): 3d 74 6f 6f 6c 3a 47 53 74 72 65 61 6d 65 72 0d =tool:GStreamer. 00000080 (0x881d348): 0a 61 3d 74 79 70 65 3a 62 72 6f 61 64 63 61 73 .a=type:broadcas 00000090 (0x881d358): 74 0d 0a 61 3d 72 61 6e 67 65 3a 6e 70 74 3d 30 t..a=range:npt=0 000000a0 (0x881d368): 2e 30 30 30 30 30 30 2d 33 31 2e 35 33 33 33 33 .000000-31.53333 000000b0 (0x881d378): 33 0d 0a 6d 3d 76 69 64 65 6f 20 30 20 52 54 50 3..m=video 0 RTP 000000c0 (0x881d388): 2f 41 56 50 20 39 36 0d 0a 63 3d 49 4e 20 49 50 /AVP 96..c=IN IP 000000d0 (0x881d398): 34 20 31 32 37 2e 30 2e 30 2e 31 0d 0a 61 3d 72 4 000000e0 (0x881d3a8): 74 70 6d 61 70 3a 39 36 20 4d 50 34 56 2d 45 53 tpmap:96 MP4V-ES 000000f0 (0x881d3b8): 2f 39 30 30 30 30 0d 0a 61 3d 63 6f 6e 74 72 6f /90000..a=contro 00000100 (0x881d3c8): 6c 3a 73 74 72 65 61 6d 3d 30 0d 0a 61 3d 66 6d l:stream=0..a=fm 00000110 (0x881d3d8): 74 70 3a 39 36 20 70 72 6f 66 69 6c 65 2d 6c 65 tp:96 profile-le 00000120 (0x881d3e8): 76 65 6c 2d 69 64 3d 31 3b 63 6f 6e 66 69 67 3d vel-id=1;config= 00000130 (0x881d3f8): 30 30 30 30 30 31 62 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 31 000001b001000001 00000140 (0x881d408): 62 35 38 39 31 33 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 b589130000010000 00000150 (0x881d418): 30 30 30 31 32 30 30 30 63 34 38 64 38 38 30 30 00012000c48d8800 00000160 (0x881d428): 66 35 30 61 30 34 31 65 31 34 36 33 0d 0a 6d 3d f50a041e1463..m= 00000170 (0x881d438): 61 75 64 69 6f 20 30 20 52 54 50 2f 41 56 50 20 audio 0 RTP/AVP 00000180 (0x881d448): 39 37 0d 0a 63 3d 49 4e 20 49 50 34 20 31 32 37 97..c=IN IP4 127 00000190 (0x881d458): 2e 30 2e 30 2e 31 0d 0a 61 3d 72 74 70 6d 61 70 .0.0.1..a=rtpmap 000001a0 (0x881d468): 3a 39 37 20 4d 50 45 47 34 2d 47 45 4e 45 52 49 :97 MPEG4-GENERI 000001b0 (0x881d478): 43 2f 38 30 30 30 2f 31 0d 0a 61 3d 63 6f 6e 74 C/8000/1..a=cont 000001c0 (0x881d488): 72 6f 6c 3a 73 74 72 65 61 6d 3d 31 0d 0a 61 3d rol:stream=1..a= 000001d0 (0x881d498): 66 6d 74 70 3a 39 37 20 73 74 72 65 61 6d 74 79 fmtp:97 streamty 000001e0 (0x881d4a8): 70 65 3d 35 3b 70 72 6f 66 69 6c 65 2d 6c 65 76 pe=5;profile-lev 000001f0 (0x881d4b8): 65 6c 2d 69 64 3d 31 3b 6d 6f 64 65 3d 41 41 43 el-id=1;mode=AAC 00000200 (0x881d4c8): 2d 68 62 72 3b 63 6f 6e 66 69 67 3d 30 64 38 38 -hbr;config=0d88 00000210 (0x881d4d8): 3b 73 69 7a 65 6c 65 6e 67 74 68 3d 31 33 3b 69 ;sizelength=13;i 00000220 (0x881d4e8): 6e 64 65 78 6c 65 6e 67 74 68 3d 33 3b 69 6e 64 ndexlength=3;ind 00000230 (0x881d4f8): 65 78 64 65 6c 74 61 6c 65 6e 67 74 68 3d 33 0d exdeltalength=3. 00000240 (0x881d508): 0a . ** Message: client 0x88024c0: sent a message with cseq 2 RTSP request message 0x884594c request line: method: 'SETUP' uri: 'rtsp://' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '3' key: 'Transport', value: 'RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;mode=play' key: 'User-Agent', value: 'RealMedia Player HelixDNAClient/ (win32)' body: ** Message: client 0x88024c0: received a request ** Message: reusing cached media 0x87e8ca0 ** Message: manage new media 0x87e8ca0 in session 0x8810f98 RTSP response message 0xbf999874 status line: code: '200' reason: 'OK' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '3' key: 'Transport', value: 'RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;mode="PLAY"' key: 'Server', value: 'GStreamer RTSP server' key: 'Session', value: 'eymkwwqlnljmjlcl' body: length 0 ** Message: client 0x88024c0: sent a message with cseq 3 RTSP request message 0x884594c request line: method: 'SETUP' uri: 'rtsp://' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '4' key: 'Transport', value: 'RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;mode=play' key: 'User-Agent', value: 'RealMedia Player HelixDNAClient/ (win32)' key: 'Session', value: 'eymkwwqlnljmjlcl' body: ** Message: client 0x88024c0: received a request ** Message: watching session 0x883bef0 RTSP response message 0xbf999874 status line: code: '200' reason: 'OK' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '4' key: 'Transport', value: 'RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;mode="PLAY"' key: 'Server', value: 'GStreamer RTSP server' key: 'Session', value: 'eymkwwqlnljmjlcl' body: length 0 ** Message: client 0x88024c0: sent a message with cseq 4 RTSP request message 0x884594c request line: method: 'SET_PARAMETER' uri: 'rtsp://' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '5' key: 'Subscribe', value: 'stream=0;rule=0,stream=0;rule=1,stream=1;rule=0,stream=1;rule=1' key: 'Session', value: 'eymkwwqlnljmjlcl' body: ** Message: client 0x88024c0: received a request RTSP response message 0xbf999770 status line: code: '200' reason: 'OK' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '5' key: 'Server', value: 'GStreamer RTSP server' body: length 0 ** Message: client 0x88024c0: sent a message with cseq 5 RTSP request message 0x884594c request line: method: 'PLAY' uri: 'rtsp://' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '6' key: 'User-Agent', value: 'RealMedia Player HelixDNAClient/ (win32)' key: 'Session', value: 'eymkwwqlnljmjlcl' key: 'Range', value: 'npt=0-31.533000' key: 'Bandwidth', value: '524300' body: ** Message: client 0x88024c0: received a request ** Message: seeking to 99:99:99.999999999 - 0:00:31.533000946 ** Message: done seeking 1 ** Message: prerolled again ** Message: stats: position 0:00:01.000000000, duration 0:00:31.533333333 RTSP response message 0xbf999858 status line: code: '200' reason: 'OK' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '6' key: 'RTP-Info', value: 'url=rtsp://;seq=17300;rtptime=1865900305, url=rtsp://;seq=42826;rtptime=2089286270' key: 'Range', value: 'npt=1.000000-31.533333' key: 'Server', value: 'GStreamer RTSP server' key: 'Session', value: 'eymkwwqlnljmjlcl' body: length 0 ** Message: going to state PLAYING media 0x87e8ca0 ** Message: adding TCP ** Message: adding TCP ** Message: active 2 media 0x87e8ca0 ** Message: state PLAYING media 0x87e8ca0 ** Message: 0x87e8ca0: got message type async-done ** Message: 0x87e8ca0: got message type new-clock ** Message: client 0x88024c0: sent a message with cseq 6 RTSP request message 0x884594c request line: method: 'TEARDOWN' uri: 'rtsp://' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '7' key: 'User-Agent', value: 'RealMedia Player HelixDNAClient/ (win32)' key: 'Session', value: 'eymkwwqlnljmjlcl' body: ** Message: client 0x88024c0: received a request ** Message: going to state NULL media 0x87e8ca0 ** Message: removing TCP ** Message: removing TCP ** Message: active 0 media 0x87e8ca0 ** Message: unprepare media 0x87e8ca0 ** Message: stream 0x87ed228 received caps (nil), NULL ** Message: stream 0x87ea900 received caps (nil), NULL ** Message: free session media 0x8810f98 ** Message: going to state NULL media 0x87e8ca0 ** Message: active 0 media 0x87e8ca0 ** Message: free session stream 0x8827400 ** Message: free session stream 0x881d470 RTSP response message 0xbf999820 status line: code: '200' reason: 'OK' version: '1.0' headers: key: 'CSeq', value: '7' key: 'Server', value: 'GStreamer RTSP server' key: 'Session', value: 'eymkwwqlnljmjlcl' body: length 0 ** Message: finalize session 0x883bef0 ** Message: client 0x88024c0: connection closed ** Message: finalize client 0x88024c0 ** Message: finalize media 0x87e8ca0 ** Message: added new client 0x88024f0 ip ** Message: attaching to context 0x86b6248 ** Message: added new client 0x8802520 ip ** Message: attaching to context 0x86b6248 ** Message: client 0x88024f0: tunnel start ** Message: client 0x88024f0: no tunnelid provided ** Message: client 0x8802520: tunnel complete ** Message: client 0x8802520: no tunnelid provided 0:00:20.938015376 16783 0x86b3498 ERROR default gstrtspconnection.c:1480:parse_request_line: invalid method a695e78e-bdfd-420e- ** Message: client 0x8802520: received an error Parse error ** Message: finalize client 0x8802520 ** Message: client 0x88024f0: connection closed ** Message: finalize client 0x88024f0
I checked the streaming with Darwin as the streaming server.There i got the video in both lan and wan.And in WAN connection became tcp(tunnellling).
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 589983 ***