GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 579801
Support for
Last modified: 2020-03-17 08:29:22 UTC is a free equivalent of It would be nice if it was supported.
See here for roadmap: Client support:
Aaron Bockover has added this in the stable branch and should be in 1.4.4. You need to add a gconf key like such: gconftool-2 --set /apps/banshee-1/plugins/audioscrobbler/api_url --type string Also your account and password need to be the same as your credentials. Patches to support different usernames/passwords would be welcome, as well as UI work so it's user visible.
FYI, Aaron's commit adding the gconf key :
Bulk changing the assignee to banshee-maint@gnome.bugs to make it easier for people to get updated on all banshee bugs by following that address. It's usually quite apparent who is working on a given bug by the comments and/or patches attached.
This isn't working in >= 1.5.3. See fedora bug:
Any progress on this, I looked at the GUI and I looks as if now Last.FM is using tokens? True? Is there now a difference between Libre.FM and Last.FM?
Perhaps this is something that could be added as an extension? Or are there plans to incluce support in Banshee?
A Possible Solution would be to get the old Plugin from git and rework it.
Any chance this could be a blocker for 1.6? (I couldn't find a tracker bug for 1.6).
I think I should be something developed in the Community Extensions. And perhaps be included when it is stable. Samuel
I've looked a little bit at, somehow it seems to me that they want to change to use tokens to and get uptodate to the new audioscrobbler api. At least it's a todo on their list. The problem, they have no documentation about the old api just a link to where the new api doc is online now. Perhaps it would be wise to make a Extension Point in Banshee to register a Scrobbler so we don't need a new Service for each Scrobbling Tool in the future. Other possibilities would be things like Setting Status in an IM - Client or pushing updates to a website about the current Song. So I think such an extension Point would be interesting. Or is there another possibility?
If wants to implement the same authentication system and API as, then so be it, we can add a preference for changing the service provider base URI. If not, a new extension can be implemented in Community Extensions. This is not something I would like to be maintained in the main project though, if a separate extension (e.g. lots of duplication of code) is made, even if it were to become stable. is silly to think they'll get any support if they behave at a service level any differently from
I would find this feature useful (and don't mind it being an extension) : I would like to scrobble both sites...
I would also love to be able to use with Banshee. I used libre before with Rythmbox but I really do prefer banshee over that
Banshee is not under active development anymore and had its last code changes more than three years ago. Its codebase has been archived. Closing this report as WONTFIX as part of Bugzilla Housekeeping to reflect reality. Please feel free to reopen this ticket (or rather transfer the project to GNOME Gitlab, as GNOME Bugzilla is being shut down) if anyone takes the responsibility for active development again. See for more info.