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Bug 572729 - fullscreen forward and backward are reversed in hebrew rtl UI
fullscreen forward and backward are reversed in hebrew rtl UI
Product: f-spot
Classification: Other
Component: Browsing
Other All
: Normal minor
: ---
Assigned To: F-spot maintainers
F-spot maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-02-22 11:19 UTC by Nadav Kavalerchik
Modified: 2018-07-01 09:03 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Nadav Kavalerchik 2009-02-22 11:19:01 UTC
Please describe the problem:
when in fullscreen mode and using hebrew rtl UI
the forward and backward buttons are displayed in reverse order
and the exit (X) as almost... not visible.

i guess the entire navigation panel/toolbar should be justified to the right
or set into rtl mode (some how)

and a little usability issue...
the "return from fullscreen" button should be slitely moved apart from the reset
of the buttons or placed in a more sensible position.

Steps to reproduce:
1. LANG=he_IL.UTF-8 f-spot
2. switch to fullscreen mode
3. move the cursor to the lower part of the screen

Actual results:
when in fullscreen mode and using hebrew rtl UI
the forward and backward buttons are displayed in reverse order
and the exit (X) as almost... not visible.

Expected results:
reverse order the entire bar and make the button fully visible (centered?)

Does this happen every time?

Other information:
already reported in ubuntu:
Comment 2 Usama Akkad 2010-04-23 13:51:32 UTC
I confirm this bug for Arabic language
and it also effect the main interface
Comment 3 André Klapper 2018-07-01 09:03:03 UTC
f-spot is not under active development anymore, has not seen code changes for five years, and saw its last tarball release in the year 2010.
Its codebase has been archived:

Closing this report as WONTFIX as part of Bugzilla Housekeeping to reflect reality. Please feel free to reopen this ticket (or rather transfer the project to GNOME Gitlab, as GNOME Bugzilla is deprecated) if anyone takes the responsibility for active development again.