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Bug 570731 - Get rid of gnome-config in yelp
Get rid of gnome-config in yelp
Product: yelp
Classification: Applications
Component: General
git master
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Yelp maintainers
Yelp maintainers
Depends on:
Blocks: 580425
Reported: 2009-02-05 23:40 UTC by André Klapper
Modified: 2009-07-20 11:32 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: 2.28.x
GNOME version: ---

Changes all gnome-config API calls to GKeyFile (7.02 KB, patch)
2009-03-02 19:12 UTC, Filipp Ivanov
committed Details | Review

Description André Klapper 2009-02-05 23:40:48 UTC
According to , gnome-config has been
replaced by GConf and GKeyFile.


./yelp/src/yelp-window.c:    width = gnome_config_get_int (YELP_CONFIG_WIDTH
./yelp/src/yelp-window.c:    height = gnome_config_get_int (YELP_CONFIG_HEIGHT
./yelp/src/yelp-window.c:    gnome_config_set_int (YELP_CONFIG_WIDTH, width);
./yelp/src/yelp-window.c:    gnome_config_set_int (YELP_CONFIG_HEIGHT, height);
./yelp/src/yelp-window.c:    gnome_config_sync ();
./yelp/src/yelp-bookmarks.c:	width = gnome_config_get_int (BK_CONFIG_WIDTH
./yelp/src/yelp-bookmarks.c:	height = gnome_config_get_int (BK_CONFIG_HEIGHT
./yelp/src/yelp-bookmarks.c:    gnome_config_set_int (BK_CONFIG_WIDTH, width);
./yelp/src/yelp-bookmarks.c:    gnome_config_set_int (BK_CONFIG_HEIGHT, height);
./yelp/src/yelp-bookmarks.c:    gnome_config_sync ();
Comment 1 Filipp Ivanov 2009-03-02 19:12:28 UTC
Created attachment 129874 [details] [review]
Changes all gnome-config API calls  to GKeyFile

Please, if it can be done more effectively or something is wrote, write here or main me.
Comment 2 André Klapper 2009-03-02 19:29:07 UTC
Shaun, can this get a review too?
Comment 3 Don Scorgie 2009-04-29 19:17:59 UTC
Thanks for the patch.  I've committed a modified version to current HEAD

Major differences are to remove loads from when we're storing (they don't do anything, except cause breakages when the file doesn't exist - in that case, it errors and doesn't actually set anything anyway).

Other than that, a couple of stylistic changes to fit current code.

2009-04-29  Don Scorgie  <>

	* src/yelp-bookmarks.c: 
	* src/yelp-window.c: 
	Convert gnome-config useage to GKeyFile
	Bug #570731 based on the patch from
	Filipp Ivanov