GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 565219
Unimplemented block at relaxng.c:3790
Last modified: 2017-06-12 19:06:33 UTC
Please describe the problem: Validating with (converted by trang, see other information section); produces "Unimplemented block at relaxng.c:3790" libxml 2.6.32 Steps to reproduce: Actual results: Unimplemented block at relaxng.c:3790 Expected results: Validation occurs correctly Does this happen every time? Yes Other information: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- -*- rnc -*- RELAX NG Compact Syntax Grammar for the Atom Format Specification Version 11 --> <grammar ns="" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:xhtml="" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary=""> <start> <choice> <ref name="atomFeed"/> <ref name="atomEntry"/> </choice> </start> <!-- Common attributes --> <define name="atomCommonAttributes"> <optional> <attribute name="xml:base"> <ref name="atomUri"/> </attribute> </optional> <optional> <attribute name="xml:lang"> <ref name="atomLanguageTag"/> </attribute> </optional> <zeroOrMore> <ref name="undefinedAttribute"/> </zeroOrMore> </define> <!-- Text Constructs --> <define name="atomPlainTextConstruct"> <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/> <optional> <attribute name="type"> <choice> <value>text</value> <value>html</value> </choice> </attribute> </optional> <text/> </define> <define name="atomXHTMLTextConstruct"> <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/> <attribute name="type"> <value>xhtml</value> </attribute> <ref name="xhtmlDiv"/> </define> <define name="atomTextConstruct"> <choice> <ref name="atomPlainTextConstruct"/> <ref name="atomXHTMLTextConstruct"/> </choice> </define> <!-- Person Construct --> <define name="atomPersonConstruct"> <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/> <interleave> <element name="atom:name"> <text/> </element> <optional> <element name="atom:uri"> <ref name="atomUri"/> </element> </optional> <optional> <element name="atom:email"> <ref name="atomEmailAddress"/> </element> </optional> <zeroOrMore> <ref name="extensionElement"/> </zeroOrMore> </interleave> </define> <!-- Date Construct --> <define name="atomDateConstruct"> <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/> <data type="dateTime"/> </define> <!-- atom:feed --> <define name="atomFeed"> <element name="atom:feed"> <s:rule context="atom:feed"> <s:assert test="atom:author or not(atom:entry[not(atom:author)])">An atom:feed must have an atom:author unless all of its atom:entry children have an atom:author.</s:assert> </s:rule> <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/> <interleave> <zeroOrMore> <ref name="atomAuthor"/> </zeroOrMore> <zeroOrMore> <ref name="atomCategory"/> </zeroOrMore> <zeroOrMore> <ref name="atomContributor"/> </zeroOrMore> <optional> <ref name="atomGenerator"/> </optional> <optional> <ref name="atomIcon"/> </optional> <ref name="atomId"/> <zeroOrMore> <ref name="atomLink"/> </zeroOrMore> <optional> <ref name="atomLogo"/> </optional> <optional> <ref name="atomRights"/> </optional> <optional> <ref name="atomSubtitle"/> </optional> <ref name="atomTitle"/> <ref name="atomUpdated"/> <zeroOrMore> <ref name="extensionElement"/> </zeroOrMore> </interleave> <zeroOrMore> <ref name="atomEntry"/> </zeroOrMore> </element> </define> <!-- atom:entry --> <define name="atomEntry"> <element name="atom:entry"> <s:rule context="atom:entry"> <s:assert test="atom:link[@rel='alternate'] or atom:link[not(@rel)] or atom:content">An atom:entry must have at least one atom:link element with a rel attribute of 'alternate' or an atom:content.</s:assert> </s:rule> <s:rule context="atom:entry"> <s:assert test="atom:author or ../atom:author or atom:source/atom:author">An atom:entry must have an atom:author if its feed does not.</s:assert> </s:rule> <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/> <interleave> <zeroOrMore> <ref name="atomAuthor"/> </zeroOrMore> <zeroOrMore> <ref name="atomCategory"/> </zeroOrMore> <optional> <ref name="atomContent"/> </optional> <zeroOrMore> <ref name="atomContributor"/> </zeroOrMore> <ref name="atomId"/> <zeroOrMore> <ref name="atomLink"/> </zeroOrMore> <optional> <ref name="atomPublished"/> </optional> <optional> <ref name="atomRights"/> </optional> <optional> <ref name="atomSource"/> </optional> <optional> <ref name="atomSummary"/> </optional> <ref name="atomTitle"/> <ref name="atomUpdated"/> <zeroOrMore> <ref name="extensionElement"/> </zeroOrMore> </interleave> </element> </define> <!-- atom:content --> <define name="atomInlineTextContent"> <element name="atom:content"> <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/> <optional> <attribute name="type"> <choice> <value>text</value> <value>html</value> </choice> </attribute> </optional> <zeroOrMore> <text/> </zeroOrMore> </element> </define> <define name="atomInlineXHTMLContent"> <element name="atom:content"> <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/> <attribute name="type"> <value>xhtml</value> </attribute> <ref name="xhtmlDiv"/> </element> </define> <define name="atomInlineOtherContent"> <element name="atom:content"> <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/> <optional> <attribute name="type"> <ref name="atomMediaType"/> </attribute> </optional> <zeroOrMore> <choice> <text/> <ref name="anyElement"/> </choice> </zeroOrMore> </element> </define> <define name="atomOutOfLineContent"> <element name="atom:content"> <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/> <optional> <attribute name="type"> <ref name="atomMediaType"/> </attribute> </optional> <attribute name="src"> <ref name="atomUri"/> </attribute> <empty/> </element> </define> <define name="atomContent"> <choice> <ref name="atomInlineTextContent"/> <ref name="atomInlineXHTMLContent"/> <ref name="atomInlineOtherContent"/> <ref name="atomOutOfLineContent"/> </choice> </define> <!-- atom:author --> <define name="atomAuthor"> <element name="atom:author"> <ref name="atomPersonConstruct"/> </element> </define> <!-- atom:category --> <define name="atomCategory"> <element name="atom:category"> <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/> <attribute name="term"/> <optional> <attribute name="scheme"> <ref name="atomUri"/> </attribute> </optional> <optional> <attribute name="label"/> </optional> <ref name="undefinedContent"/> </element> </define> <!-- atom:contributor --> <define name="atomContributor"> <element name="atom:contributor"> <ref name="atomPersonConstruct"/> </element> </define> <!-- atom:generator --> <define name="atomGenerator"> <element name="atom:generator"> <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/> <optional> <attribute name="uri"> <ref name="atomUri"/> </attribute> </optional> <optional> <attribute name="version"/> </optional> <text/> </element> </define> <!-- atom:icon --> <define name="atomIcon"> <element name="atom:icon"> <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/> <ref name="atomUri"/> </element> </define> <!-- atom:id --> <define name="atomId"> <element name="atom:id"> <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/> <ref name="atomUri"/> </element> </define> <!-- atom:logo --> <define name="atomLogo"> <element name="atom:logo"> <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/> <ref name="atomUri"/> </element> </define> <!-- atom:link --> <define name="atomLink"> <element name="atom:link"> <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/> <attribute name="href"> <ref name="atomUri"/> </attribute> <optional> <attribute name="rel"> <choice> <ref name="atomNCName"/> <ref name="atomUri"/> </choice> </attribute> </optional> <optional> <attribute name="type"> <ref name="atomMediaType"/> </attribute> </optional> <optional> <attribute name="hreflang"> <ref name="atomLanguageTag"/> </attribute> </optional> <optional> <attribute name="title"/> </optional> <optional> <attribute name="length"/> </optional> <ref name="undefinedContent"/> </element> </define> <!-- atom:published --> <define name="atomPublished"> <element name="atom:published"> <ref name="atomDateConstruct"/> </element> </define> <!-- atom:rights --> <define name="atomRights"> <element name="atom:rights"> <ref name="atomTextConstruct"/> </element> </define> <!-- atom:source --> <define name="atomSource"> <element name="atom:source"> <ref name="atomCommonAttributes"/> <interleave> <zeroOrMore> <ref name="atomAuthor"/> </zeroOrMore> <zeroOrMore> <ref name="atomCategory"/> </zeroOrMore> <zeroOrMore> <ref name="atomContributor"/> </zeroOrMore> <optional> <ref name="atomGenerator"/> </optional> <optional> <ref name="atomIcon"/> </optional> <optional> <ref name="atomId"/> </optional> <zeroOrMore> <ref name="atomLink"/> </zeroOrMore> <optional> <ref name="atomLogo"/> </optional> <optional> <ref name="atomRights"/> </optional> <optional> <ref name="atomSubtitle"/> </optional> <optional> <ref name="atomTitle"/> </optional> <optional> <ref name="atomUpdated"/> </optional> <zeroOrMore> <ref name="extensionElement"/> </zeroOrMore> </interleave> </element> </define> <!-- atom:subtitle --> <define name="atomSubtitle"> <element name="atom:subtitle"> <ref name="atomTextConstruct"/> </element> </define> <!-- atom:summary --> <define name="atomSummary"> <element name="atom:summary"> <ref name="atomTextConstruct"/> </element> </define> <!-- atom:title --> <define name="atomTitle"> <element name="atom:title"> <ref name="atomTextConstruct"/> </element> </define> <!-- atom:updated --> <define name="atomUpdated"> <element name="atom:updated"> <ref name="atomDateConstruct"/> </element> </define> <!-- Low-level simple types --> <define name="atomNCName"> <data type="string"> <param name="minLength">1</param> <param name="pattern">[^:]*</param> </data> </define> <!-- Whatever a media type is, it contains at least one slash --> <define name="atomMediaType"> <data type="string"> <param name="pattern">.+/.+</param> </data> </define> <!-- As defined in RFC 3066 --> <define name="atomLanguageTag"> <data type="string"> <param name="pattern">[A-Za-z]{1,8}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8})*</param> </data> </define> <!-- Unconstrained; it's not entirely clear how IRI fit into xsd:anyURI so let's not try to constrain it here --> <define name="atomUri"> <text/> </define> <!-- Whatever an email address is, it contains at least one @ --> <define name="atomEmailAddress"> <data type="string"> <param name="pattern">.+@.+</param> </data> </define> <!-- Simple Extension --> <define name="simpleExtensionElement"> <element> <anyName> <except> <nsName ns=""/> </except> </anyName> <text/> </element> </define> <!-- Structured Extension --> <define name="structuredExtensionElement"> <element> <anyName> <except> <nsName ns=""/> </except> </anyName> <choice> <group> <oneOrMore> <attribute> <anyName/> </attribute> </oneOrMore> <zeroOrMore> <choice> <text/> <ref name="anyElement"/> </choice> </zeroOrMore> </group> <group> <zeroOrMore> <attribute> <anyName/> </attribute> </zeroOrMore> <group> <optional> <text/> </optional> <oneOrMore> <ref name="anyElement"/> </oneOrMore> <zeroOrMore> <choice> <text/> <ref name="anyElement"/> </choice> </zeroOrMore> </group> </group> </choice> </element> </define> <!-- Other Extensibility --> <define name="extensionElement"> <choice> <ref name="simpleExtensionElement"/> <ref name="structuredExtensionElement"/> </choice> </define> <define name="undefinedAttribute"> <attribute> <anyName> <except> <name>xml:base</name> <name>xml:lang</name> <nsName ns=""/> </except> </anyName> </attribute> </define> <define name="undefinedContent"> <zeroOrMore> <choice> <text/> <ref name="anyForeignElement"/> </choice> </zeroOrMore> </define> <define name="anyElement"> <element> <anyName/> <zeroOrMore> <choice> <attribute> <anyName/> </attribute> <text/> <ref name="anyElement"/> </choice> </zeroOrMore> </element> </define> <define name="anyForeignElement"> <element> <anyName> <except> <nsName ns=""/> </except> </anyName> <zeroOrMore> <choice> <attribute> <anyName/> </attribute> <text/> <ref name="anyElement"/> </choice> </zeroOrMore> </element> </define> <!-- XHTML --> <define name="anyXHTML"> <element> <nsName/> <zeroOrMore> <choice> <attribute> <anyName/> </attribute> <text/> <ref name="anyXHTML"/> </choice> </zeroOrMore> </element> </define> <define name="xhtmlDiv"> <element name="xhtml:div"> <zeroOrMore> <choice> <attribute> <anyName/> </attribute> <text/> <ref name="anyXHTML"/> </choice> </zeroOrMore> </element> </define> </grammar> <!-- EOF -->
It seems that the issue is still present in current libxml2-2.9.2 and occurs during some tests in OpenStack. Specifically, when testing the repo in branch stable/icehouse, the warning is triggered during the tox tests. The validation still succeeds and the warning mostly seems to go unnoticed. It can be easily reproduced by running: jrosenboom@cuboid ~/src/nova $ xmllint --relaxng ./nova/api/openstack/compute/schemas/atom.rng resp.body Unimplemented block at /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libxml2-2.9.2/work/libxml2-2.9.2/relaxng.c:3822 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <feed xmlns=""><title type="text">About This Version</title><updated>2011-01-21T11:33:21Z</updated><id>http://localhost/v2/</id><link rel="self" href="http://localhost/v2/"/><author><name>Rackspace</name><uri></uri></author><entry><id>http://localhost/v2/</id><title type="text">Version v2.0</title><updated>2011-01-21T11:33:21Z</updated><link rel="self" href="http://localhost/v2/"/><link rel="describedby" href="" type="text/html"/><content type="text">Version v2.0 CURRENT (2011-01-21T11:33:21Z)</content></entry></feed> resp.body validates jrosenboom@cuboid ~/src/nova $ Is there any plan to fill in the missing code?
Haha, I didn't know openstack were using libxml2 for validation :-) Lemme see quickly ... so that's an except contruct used in nameclasses comparisons. <element> <anyName> <except> <nsName ns=""/> </except> </anyName> .... </element> is probably what is raising it in the original example. Sure I can fix it, can I trade that for a pass to the Vancouver OpenStack summit for one of my guys :) ? Daniel, also original libvirt author ;-)
Okay, I think I fixed it: thanks, Daniel
Thanks for the fast response, I can confirm that the patch works for me. I'll see what I can do about the summit.
Okay for Summit, I was kind of joking, though if you could provide one access to a person of my choice (I'm in China and definitely can't go to Vancouver), I would be grateful, Thanks for the confirmation of the fix :-) Daniel