GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 556953
Using Remember the Milk backend, single categories list always '0' tasks even if not empty
Last modified: 2018-07-02 10:39:23 UTC
Please describe the problem: Tasque lists each category (e.g. work, home, personal) as containing '0' tasks, while actually each category has several tasks (some of them where inserted using Tasque). If asking Tasque to refresh the tasks, the correct number is shown for each category and each list will contain the right number of tasks, but only for a few seconds. It seems like after resyncing with RTM Tasque will loose again the details for categories. Steps to reproduce: 1. Add a task in a Category 2. Close Tasque 3. Restart Tasque 4. Select the Category you chose before Actual results: The chosen Category does not list the task I inserted before Expected results: The chosen Category should list the task I inserted before Does this happen every time? Yes Other information:
Cannot reproduce in SVN. What version of Tasque are you using, perhaps this is an old bug?
I'm experienced this problem in both 0.17 and SVN version. To better explain this I uploaded a small video: Please note that the tasks are momentanealy listed, but disappear as soon as the status bar says "Task Loaded"
Also tried to delete all the tasks from my Remember the Milk account: after restarting Tasque still the same problem.
Not sure, but I think it could be related to custom lists on RtM. The tasks vanishing does not occur for default lists, but always does on custom lists.
I made a custom list and still can't reproduce this...tried to follow your video instructions (really awesome of you to provide that, by the way, this is one of the best bug reports I've ever seen!). Kind of late, will have to try again later. :-/
Please, let me know any additional information I can give you to help you solve this bug.
I can confirm this bug using tasque-0.1.7-3.fc10.i386 on Fedora 10. Any work arounds?? Nothing relevant in the .tasque.log it seems - but can forward on if requested. Just shows: 1/8/2009 11:11:47 AM [Debug]: Refreshing data... 1/8/2009 11:11:47 AM [Debug]: Done refreshing data! 1/8/2009 11:11:47 AM [Debug]: RtmBackend.UpdateCategories was called 1/8/2009 11:11:48 AM [Debug]: RtmBackend.UpdateCategories is done 1/8/2009 11:11:48 AM [Debug]: RtmBackend.UpdateTasks was called 1/8/2009 11:12:06 AM [Debug]: RtmBackend.UpdateTasks is done 1/8/2009 11:12:06 AM [Debug]: Backend sync finished 1/8/2009 11:12:06 AM [Debug]: Backend sync finished 1/8/2009 11:12:06 AM [Debug]: Backend sync finished 1/8/2009 11:12:06 AM [Debug]: Backend sync finished
Todd, you could try Tasque 0.1.8 (or latest SVN) to see if you still have the problem. I need to take some time to look at this again, as in the past I could not reproduce it. I suppose it's possible it was related to our issues communicating properly with RTM, which were fixed in 0.1.8.
Confirmed that it still exists on svn Tasque 0.1.9 App looks great btw - thx!
I have the exact same problem. I am using 0.1.7 on Unbuntu Hardy, so I am not updated to the latest version. However, I am using this ppa for installation and 0.1.7 is the newsest available there:
I have this problem too. In tasque you can't see the difference between a normal list and a smart list (saved search). The latter seems to load, correct number appears shortly in parentheses in the dropdown, but a second later this is reduced to zero (in one smart list there are actually 4 results left, but I haven't seen what those 4 had in common)
I also see this problem. From what I have found it seems related to smart lists and the fact that any task item can belong to any number of lists. For example, I have a smart list called _today (the underscore makes it show up just after "All" in the categories dropdown) with the simple search criteria "due:today". The _today smart list contains all items that is due today and works correctly in both Tasque and the RTM web interface. However, this makes all today items disappear from all subsequent lists (smart lists or normal lists). It seems that if tasque has included a task item in a list, that item will not show up in subsequent lists even if RTM says it should be there. ...well, I'm off to checking the source of tasque to see if I can find anything.
Could not reproduce this for normal custom lists on Ubuntu 10.10 with tasque 0.1.9. However smart lists show the exact same problems. Which is reasonable, since smart lists are probably not supported yet.
I also have the same problem with Tasque 0.19 on fc13. I first added tasks in default list on RTM website and then I created customized tasks lists. It appeared correctly in Tasque next, but after a reboot of fc13, all tasks are appearing only in the "All" list. When refreshing the tasks are appearing in the customized lists (with the correct number of tasks) and disappear a few second later (and than display '0' tasks in customized lists)
I had this problem with 0.1.9 under Ubuntu 11.04 beta. If I went to a list like 'Work' there would be 0 tasks. If I refreshed the task list, the tasks would appear briefly before disappearing. I noticed I had 'All' as well as 'All Tasks' available. 'All Tasks' turned out to be a Remember the Milk smart list. Tasque seems unable to cope with a task being in two lists. The work around is to go into and delete your smart lists. I imagine the fix for task is to allow tasks to be in multiple lists, or to detect and ignore smart lists.
Removing smart lists doesn't seem to be a viable work around, as the All Tasks smart list keeps reappearing.
Confirmed on ubuntu 11.04 amd64. It is working fine in 10.10 32 bit.
Confirmed on gentoo amd64 - using 0.1.9. and current development head. I agree with comment#15 - from looking at the code it seems that tasks can only be in one list. (And as issue#653354 states, some updates to tasks fail if the list-id is an id of a smart-list...) I attached a patch to issue#653354 which removes the smart-lists from tasque. Obviously this can not be a solution…
I have the same issue. Ubuntu 11.10, x86_64, Tasque 0.1.9.
Tasque is not under active development anymore and has not seen code changes for five years, and both its mailing lists have seen their last activity three years ago at and!forum/tasky Its codebase has been archived: Closing this report as WONTFIX as part of Bugzilla Housekeeping to reflect reality. Please feel free to reopen this ticket (or rather transfer the project to GNOME Gitlab, as GNOME Bugzilla is deprecated) if anyone takes the responsibility for active development again.