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Bug 551923 - Correct window size
Correct window size
Product: ekiga
Classification: Applications
Component: general
GIT master
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Ekiga maintainers
Ekiga maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-09-12 08:52 UTC by Eugen Dedu
Modified: 2008-09-14 10:10 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Eugen Dedu 2008-09-12 08:52:03 UTC
Actually, ekiga resizes the main window each time a communication is made. based on the video size of the communication.  The new size is approximately the size of the Contact tabs plus the video size.

Some people prefer to impose the windows size themselves, and do not like to have the window resized automatically.

What can be done?  Some ideas:
- don't resize at all, let the user resize it manually; this might be annoying for the user
- resize by enlarging only (only if the window is too small)

What do you think?
Comment 1 Eugen Dedu 2008-09-12 09:21:20 UTC
Damien: If we don't resize when the video size changes, people will complain.
Or perhaps the solution is to resize *only* when the video size changes.

Loïc: I just don't like the fact that the program resizes to whatever size it thinks is correct.  Perhaps resizing should simply be disabled?

Two persons, two different points of view...

When does the video component change its size?
- When changing from standby (a QCIF icon with the red circle) to communication (the size chosen, for ex. 640x480) and viceversa
- When the user changes in Preferences the resolution
Comment 2 Loïc Minier 2008-09-12 09:32:59 UTC
Well it sounds sensible to grow the window when the video widgets grow; and it would be nice if the window were to go back to it's previous size if it grew and I didn't particularly resize it, but this second part seems harder.

What I find weird is that the windows appears resizeable, but as soon as I finish resizing it, it jumps back to its original size; I'd prefer if it's resizeable, but if it's not really resizeable then it should be declared as such?  Or perhaps my WM (compiz) is misbehaving, dunno.
Comment 3 Jan Schampera 2008-09-12 10:28:26 UTC
I suggest:
- a minimal main window size (if video is enabled)
- grow with the video size
- shrink max.$ to the hardwired minimum size

So you always have an optically good looking window, and it grows with the video.

Comment 4 Damien Sandras 2008-09-14 10:10:55 UTC
It took me a very long time and much GTK+ experimenting, but I think I got things right. At least, things are not resized anymore to the wrong size.