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Bug 549387 - [Win32] Python plugin doesn't work
[Win32] Python plugin doesn't work
Product: Gnumeric
Classification: Applications
Component: General
git master
Other Windows
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Jody Goldberg
Jody Goldberg
: 572488 623625 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-08-26 03:09 UTC by kanigoo
Modified: 2018-05-22 13:28 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

gnumeric python working in version 1.10.5 (173.77 KB, image/png)
2010-10-05 15:25 UTC, CYE

Description kanigoo 2008-08-26 03:09:56 UTC
On windows 2000, xp, vista, when I try to open the python's console or to use a python's function, gnumeric terminate with a Visual C++ runtime error...

gnumeric version 1.9.1
python version 2.5.2
Comment 1 Jody Goldberg 2008-09-11 12:48:25 UTC
This looks like a packaging problem rather than anything fundamental.

The latest packages now include the pygobject code, and I'll look into the right combination of env vars to enable things properly.
Comment 2 gkr 2009-02-17 15:44:36 UTC
Jody, I am also having the same problem as posted by kanigoo. Thanks.

OS : Win XP Pro SP2
Gnumeric : 1.9.3
Python : 2.5.4
Comment 3 gkr 2009-02-17 15:49:02 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)
> Jody, I am also having the same problem as posted by kanigoo. Thanks.
> OS : Win XP Pro SP2
> Gnumeric : 1.9.3
> Python : 2.5.4

Some quick workaround to solve the problem will be more helpful than waiting for the next release. Thanks again.
Comment 4 Morten Welinder 2009-02-19 21:18:34 UTC
*** Bug 572488 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 Gang 2010-06-08 15:40:14 UTC

This bug is still here in the 1.10.5 version.  Later I installed an independent Python 2.6.5, but didn't resolve this issue.


Comment 6 Andreas J. Guelzow 2010-07-05 18:44:57 UTC
*** Bug 623625 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 dror.pockard 2010-07-28 12:52:15 UTC
same with gnumeric 1.10.7, windows xp sp3.

other notes:
- i have a "standard" python installation on my computer (v. 2.5.4)
- i added gnumeric\bin to the system's PATH
- i verified and fixed all DLLs' dependencies
(the DLLs in the installation kit relies on MSVCR90.DLL, which was not present on anywhere on my computer !)

still, same errors.

1) i did not try to remove my existing python. does any of you who experience it have checked on a computer witout python already installed?

2) how can i run gnumeric in debug mode (if possible)
Comment 8 Morten Welinder 2010-07-28 13:56:30 UTC
I am disabling python in the win32 build until someone cares enough
to invest the time in figuring out why it crashes.

At present the python plugin will not do much for you anyway, even
on linux.
Comment 9 CYE 2010-10-05 15:25:56 UTC
Created attachment 171776 [details]
gnumeric python working in version 1.10.5
Comment 10 CYE 2010-10-05 15:27:00 UTC
Comment on attachment 171776 [details]
gnumeric python working in version 1.10.5

Please don't disable python. 
I have got python to work in windows XP, with Gnumeric version 1.10.5.
Please look at the following url.
To see the error messages, run gnumeric.exe from the command line and you should be able to see the error messages when they occured. 

By the way, I am using the python plugins in my work. So... please enable back the build otherwise, I will be stuck with version 1.10.5. Thanks.
Comment 11 Morten Welinder 2010-10-05 17:07:42 UTC
The problem remains: it crashes for a lot of people and we do not know
why.  Until and unless someone figures out how to fix that, I will
not reenable.

With respect to what you do on your web page, it looks weird.  For example,
installing your own copy of gtk instead of the one that comes with Gnumeric.
If your copy ends up being used, then you will miss the fixes that we apply
to gnumeric's copy.
Comment 12 CYE 2010-10-06 03:01:20 UTC
Perhaps  this is the problem causing the crash. Somehow, the copy of
GTK that comes with Gnumeric   isn't   configured   properly. Probably
Gnumeric isn't finding any reference to the GTK.

I  had  saw  the error message when I was trying to get python to work
with  gnumeric.  I   have   installed   my  own  copy  of  GTK because
Gnumeric was throwing a message about not being able to find GTK.

You  can  try it yourself. Try starting Gnumeric from a command prompt
and try to enable python and you will see the error message In the command prompt.  Like what Jody mentioned 2 years back. This look more like a packaging issue than any major bug. 

I mean, there is a workaround, i.e. the link I sent in the previous post. However, if you disable it in the build, it becomes a show stopper. Because even the workaround doesn't work. I do hope that you can enable back the python plugin.

Anyway, I'm wondering why would Gnmeric need it's own copy of GTK instead of using the original one that is probably being updated? This is not a good practice is it?
Comment 13 Morten Welinder 2010-10-06 18:07:35 UTC
I do not think I am getting through to you: if I were to re-enable python,
then many people would experience crashes, even when doing things that
are not directly python related.  Bringing up the function list is enough.

That is not acceptable.  I will not do it.

Therefore you have three options:

1. You can compile the whole thing yourself.  This is not easy and currently
   requires cross-compilation from a Linux or similar system.

2. You can pin-point the cause somehow.  "This heavily modified system
   appears to run ok" is not an explanation of anything.

3. You can wait for someone else to do the work.  This can take years.
   Real life seems to have swallowed up Jody; I do not have the time nor
   the Win32 tools to do this.   I don't think anyone else has managed
   to compile a working win32 binary of Gnumeric.

> Anyway, I'm wondering why would Gnmeric need it's own copy of GTK

We have had to fix grave bugs in gtk+.

> instead of using the original one that is probably being updated?

It is not being updated.  The gtk+ team recommends using a very, very
old version.  None of the releases in the past 2 years have come close
to working out of the box.

> This is not a good practice is it?

Comment 14 dror.pockard 2010-10-06 23:00:25 UTC
I wish I could help somehow.
I'm just a python developer though, not C++.

OTOH, if you're looking for a spreadsheet with python, you can try Openoffice. They have their own bugs, of course :)

Depends on your usage.
Comment 15 GNOME Infrastructure Team 2018-05-22 13:28:43 UTC
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