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Bug 548710 - metacity is not respawned when dies
metacity is not respawned when dies
Product: gnome-session
Classification: Core
Component: gnome-session
Other Linux
: Normal blocker
: ---
Assigned To: Session Maintainers
Session Maintainers
Depends on: 549479
Reported: 2008-08-20 18:03 UTC by Baptiste Mille-Mathias
Modified: 2008-09-08 23:29 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: 2.24.x
GNOME version: 2.23/2.24

Description Baptiste Mille-Mathias 2008-08-20 18:03:58 UTC
If you kill metacity, there is no new instance respawned, like it was before the new session.

I set the bug critical, because it seems I can't access to any application when metacity is died, like accessing the terminal (perhaps this is a side-effect bug of compositor).
Comment 1 William Jon McCann 2008-08-21 21:32:28 UTC
Thanks for the report.  Should be fixed in trunk.
Comment 2 Frederic Peters 2008-08-21 22:00:28 UTC
Hi William; this afternoon I spent some time with Baptiste to reproduce this and here is the method that was used:

 - run metacity --replace
 - killall metacity

And then metacity wouldn't be relaunched.  (it is correctly relaunched when metacity --replace has not been called).

I checked with trunk (revision 4983) and it still behave that way.

I just checked with a pre-dbus-based gnome-session and it respawned metacity in that situation.
Comment 3 William Jon McCann 2008-08-21 22:07:07 UTC
That is actually a slightly different issue.  We need to make sure metacity is installing a desktop file into a directory supported by the XDG menu spec and/or the autostart spec.  Basically, clients are not restarted - apps are.

At the moment this issue is confused somewhat since we only install the gnome-wm desktop file.  But I think it was a mistake on my part to do this.  We should make sure that metacity and compiz etc install desktop files of their own.
Comment 4 Ghee Teo 2008-08-29 12:01:09 UTC
on 2.23.90 build, it seems metacity does not restart if it died the second time.
This can be easilly test by 
kill <pid metacity>

The first time it restarts, but not the second time.
Same thing hapens to nautilus and panel.

How does gnome-session handle this?
Comment 5 William Jon McCann 2008-08-29 21:54:17 UTC
Again, once metacity installs its own desktop file and we don't use gnome-wm this will be fixed.
Comment 6 Ghee Teo 2008-09-01 09:11:04 UTC

The same thing is also happen to nautilus and panel with 2.23.90 even though both of them have their own .desktop file in /usr/share/applications. That is, pkill nautilus, it restart once and pkill nautilus again, it does not restart anymore.

The observation is that restart only works once, I think this is a blocker bug.

Comment 7 Ghee Teo 2008-09-01 14:34:31 UTC
Okay, I just tried out the trunk, this is now fixed! Thanks Jon!
Comment 8 André Klapper 2008-09-03 19:19:57 UTC
So if this is fixed, feel free to close and point me to a commit revision.
Comment 9 William Jon McCann 2008-09-08 23:29:52 UTC
2008-09-08  Vincent Untz  <>

        Desktop file installed in both places.

        * src/ install both kinds of desktop file
        * src/ desktop file for gnome/wm-properties