GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 546244
'Mark as Uninportant' does not equal 'Unmark as Important'
Last modified: 2009-02-12 04:44:27 UTC
A message can be marked 'important' by selecting 'Mark as Important' from the menu that appears after right clicking (default behaviour) any mail message. A message that has been marked as 'important' can be unmarked as important. The option that the little message-specific menu offers for this action is labeled 'Mark as unimportant' implying that 'unimportant' is a new (or different) which is not true. The 'important' flag is merely removed. This means that the option to remove the 'important' flag should be named something like 'Unmark as important' or 'Remove important flag' instead of 'Mark as unimportant'.
My guess is it was worded that way for consistency with "Mark as Unread" and "Mark as Not Junk"; for you could make the same argument for those as well: "Unmark as Read" and "Unmark as Junk", which sound awkward. I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, but if we change one we need to change all three, and I'm not sure that's worth it. Note, you can also toggle the "Important" flag by just clicking the icon directly (or where it would appear).
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 301404 ***