GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 542249
Thunderbird flat review in large folders doesn't work
Last modified: 2008-07-13 22:08:18 UTC
Hi again, I noticed a 2nd problem with flat review in the Thunderbird message list. I'm filing it separately, as it is not related to the previous report. In folders with many messages (~1500) pressing a flat-review key on the braille display effectively crashes orca, because the request takes immensely long to fulfil. I killed orca when nothing happend for 5 min. It seams, that orca is going to the entire table: ---------> QUEUEING EVENT object:property-change:accessible-name flat_review.getZonesFromAccessible (name=Franz Bozsak role=table cell) flat_review.getZonesFromAccessible (name= role=table cell) ---------> QUEUEING EVENT object:property-change:accessible-name flat_review.getZonesFromAccessible (name=07/23/2007 08:47 PM role=table cell) flat_review.getZonesFromAccessible (name= role=table cell) flat_review.getZonesFromAccessible (name= role=table cell) flat_review.getZonesFromAccessible (name= role=table cell) ---------> QUEUEING EVENT object:property-change:accessible-name flat_review.getZonesFromAccessible (name=[AK Bildung] [Fwd: [LAK-BaWue] Studieng ebühren im Landtag in Baden-Württemberg --- CDU fragt nach guten Erfahrungen] ro le=table cell) flat_review.getZonesFromAccessible (name= role=table cell) ---------> QUEUEING EVENT object:property-change:accessible-name flat_review.getZonesFromAccessible (name=Björn role=table cell) flat_review.getZonesFromAccessible (name= role=table cell) and so on. These message continue until I kill the orca process. In small folders (with ~10 messages) flat review in the message list works as described in my previous report. Thanks for looking into it! Cheers, Rudolf
Turns out that flat review in Thunderbird is largely broken and IMHO needs a comprehensive analysis of the issues and a clean fix which addresses all the issues. Therefore, I've opened bug 542833 for that and am marking this as a dup. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 542833 ***