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Bug 532795 - GtkActivatable should provide a unified definition of the "activate" signal for 3.0
GtkActivatable should provide a unified definition of the "activate" signal f...
Product: gtk+
Classification: Platform
Component: Class: UIManager / Actions
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: 3.0
Assigned To: gtk-bugs
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-05-12 15:52 UTC by Jan Arne Petersen
Modified: 2013-11-11 05:27 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Introduce a GtkActivatable interface with as less changes as possible. (840 bytes, patch)
2008-05-12 15:58 UTC, Jan Arne Petersen
rejected Details | Review
Introduce a GtkActivatable interface with as less changes as possible. (The previous patch was the wrong one) (45.71 KB, patch)
2008-05-12 16:00 UTC, Jan Arne Petersen
none Details | Review

Description Jan Arne Petersen 2008-05-12 15:52:38 UTC
In GTK+ 3 there should be a real GtkActivatable interface instead of the class variable GtkWidgetClass->activate_signal.

See also bug 468689 for a replacement of GtkWidgetClass->set_scroll_adjustments_signal.
Comment 1 Jan Arne Petersen 2008-05-12 15:58:09 UTC
Created attachment 110780 [details] [review]
Introduce a GtkActivatable interface with as less changes as possible.

Deprecated widgets are probably broken.
Comment 2 Johan (not receiving bugmail) Dahlin 2008-05-12 16:00:15 UTC
Comment on attachment 110780 [details] [review]
Introduce a GtkActivatable interface with as less changes as possible.

Looks incorrect, wrong bug?
Comment 3 Jan Arne Petersen 2008-05-12 16:00:28 UTC
Created attachment 110781 [details] [review]
Introduce a GtkActivatable interface with as less changes as possible. (The previous patch was the wrong one)

Deprecated widgets are probably broken.
Comment 4 Tristan Van Berkom 2008-12-14 06:14:39 UTC
   Matthias pointed out to me that we were somehow working
on the same thing, same same but different... (see bug 560228
about some work I did cleaning up GtkAction code with activatable

Anyway, I had some thoughts on the activate signal while
plowing through all that activatable code, so I'll paste
them here from the other bug:

The bug on bug 532795 targets 3.0 and... I'm not sure what
we can do so far as api breaks, I wonder, if a button and an
expander use "activate" to do something, while a menu or an
entry clearly use "activate" to denote user input (i.e. useful
"activate" to listen to...) if its a good idea to mix this
implementation into an interface. 

I would really like that kind of thing to be resolved for 3.0, 
"activate" should mean user activated, or it should mean do a
fancy dance (I would really like the name "dance" for this actually ;-))
or it could even mean both... 

I would really like to land activatable for 2.16 (mostly for gtkbuilder
purposes) with or without the signal - am I totally off mark with
the signal's conflict of meaning ? (I dont think a button 
"activate"s when its clicked by the user...) 

Comment 5 Jan Arne Petersen 2008-12-15 20:12:23 UTC
Hm, yeah the activate-signal is used for multiple purposes (signal user input, react on key bindings, etc.) so it is probably better to not convert it into a new interface with the same problems but to add better implementations.
Comment 6 Tristan Van Berkom 2008-12-25 17:12:04 UTC
Some additional thoughts...

Since I saw GtkEntry's new icon behavior, I think that it should also
be activatable and emit some unified "GtkActivatable::activate" signal 
(probably for a combination of icon-pressed/icon-released with a 
monitored enter/leave notify like GtkButton does for "clicked")...

along the same lines I think it would be very interesting to make a 
GtkTextAction that could be used to represent a string... that may 
or may not be modifiable by its proxies.

another thought, is the signal name "activated" available ?
if we had consensus that we wanted "activated" signals strictly to 
notify user input or state changes, it could be a good alternative
name for a unified "get it right" implementation.
Comment 7 Murray Cumming 2010-05-17 21:42:27 UTC
GtkActivatable exists now:

Should this bug title be updated?
Comment 8 Tristan Van Berkom 2010-05-18 17:34:07 UTC
Updating bug title and description for clarification.

This would be IMHO a very good thing to deal with before 3.0; provided 
the implied api breaks are acceptable...

The problem here is we have a divergence in the meaning of the "activate"
  a.) notifies that there should be an action activated for this proxy.
  b.) notifies the proxy that it should do a dance and provide feedback
      for it's underlying action which was somehow activated.

Would be nice to have a unified implementation of the "activate" signal
and possibly an added separate "dance" signal for the latter interpretation
of the "activate" signal.
Comment 9 Matthias Clasen 2013-11-10 18:20:29 UTC
I think the answer here is GAction
Comment 10 Tristan Van Berkom 2013-11-11 05:27:14 UTC
Or rather GtkActionable, the new GtkActivatable replacement which basically does what GtkActivatable does, but for GActions.

In either case, we still have the same confusing issue where some concrete 
widget classes declare an "activate" signal, while some of these classes use
it as an indication that the proxy itself should "do a dance" and other 
classes use it to notify that the user requested some activation.

This doesnt just go under the rug just because we reimplemented actions all
over again... suggest we rename this with 's/GtkActivatable/GtkActionable/'
instead of closing.