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Bug 531321 - mouse pointer doesn't show busy animation when loading webpages
mouse pointer doesn't show busy animation when loading webpages
Product: epiphany
Classification: Core
Component: Backend
Other All
: Normal minor
: ---
Assigned To: Xan Lopez
Epiphany Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-05-04 01:24 UTC by Michael Gilbert
Modified: 2010-01-22 20:51 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.21/2.22

Description Michael Gilbert 2008-05-04 01:24:18 UTC
Please describe the problem:
the following was reported by a debian user, and i have confirmed that the issue does exist.

   While loading a page in epiphany-gecko there's feedback in the form of
   the mouse pointer changing to "busy", this feedback is missing in

see debian bug #476851 (

Steps to reproduce:

Actual results:

Expected results:

Does this happen every time?

Other information:
Comment 1 Xan Lopez 2009-01-22 02:58:37 UTC
This is WebKit, nothing for us to do here.
Comment 2 gbz 2010-01-22 20:51:03 UTC
There are occasions when a link is clicked but there's no loading indication at all, mouse pointer aside. The throbber is not moving, the Stop button doesn't get sensitive. It's not that the gui is dealocked either, you can do anything as usual. But after a few seconds the requested page is rendered. I don't know exactly the cause, but I've only seen it in pages using frames.