GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 528923
crash in Gimmie: testing, clicking some b...
Last modified: 2008-04-23 22:03:55 UTC
What were you doing when the application crashed? testing, clicking some buttons Distribution: Ubuntu 8.04 (hardy) Gnome Release: 2.22.1 2008-04-15 (Ubuntu) BugBuddy Version: 2.22.0 System: Linux 2.6.24-16-386 #1 Thu Apr 10 12:50:06 UTC 2008 i686 X Vendor: The X.Org Foundation X Vendor Release: 10400090 Selinux: No Accessibility: Disabled GTK+ Theme: Clearlooks Compact Icon Theme: eXperience Memory status: size: 0 vsize: 0 resident: 0 share: 0 rss: 0 rss_rlim: 0 CPU usage: start_time: 0 rtime: 0 utime: 0 stime: 0 cutime:0 cstime: 0 timeout: 0 it_real_value: 0 frequency: 0 ----------- .xsession-errors --------------------- *** Reloading TopicRunningList: Opened Documents *** Reloading TopicRunningList: Active Conversations *** Reloading TopicRunningList: Computer Running Source *** Reloading TopicRunningList: Running Applications *** Reloading TopicRunningList: Opened Documents *** Reloading TopicRunningList: Active Conversations *** Reloading TopicRunningList: Computer Running Source *** Reloading Printer: printerhp (state: Preparado, jobs: 0, location: , make/model: , info: ) *** Reloading Printer: PDF (state: Preparado, jGimmie Version: 0.2.8 Traceback (most recent call last):
+ Trace 195634
printer.connect("attributes_changed", lambda *args: self.emit("reload"))
-------------------------------------------------- Gimmie Version: 0.2.8 Traceback (most recent call last):
Thanks for the bug report. This particular bug has already been reported into our bug tracking system, but please feel free to report any further bugs you find. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 475020 ***