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Bug 52877 - GtkFileSelection needs a refresh method.
GtkFileSelection needs a refresh method.
Product: gtk+
Classification: Platform
Component: Widget: GtkFileChooser
Other All
: Low enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: gtk-bugs
Depends on:
Blocks: 86865
Reported: 2001-04-04 21:52 UTC by Murray Cumming
Modified: 2011-02-04 16:12 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: Unversioned Enhancement

Adds gtk_file_selection_refresh() (1.66 KB, patch)
2001-05-13 14:37 UTC, Murray Cumming
none Details | Review

Description Murray Cumming 2001-04-04 21:52:57 UTC
A GtkFileSelection can not be refreshed. It is unacceptable to have to
create a new instance of the widget, particularly with language bindings.

This should be real easy to do.
Comment 1 Havoc Pennington 2001-05-10 21:41:05 UTC
Probably in 2.0 only if we get a patch for it
Comment 2 Murray Cumming 2001-05-13 14:37:01 UTC
Created attachment 533 [details] [review]
Adds gtk_file_selection_refresh()
Comment 3 Murray Cumming 2001-05-13 14:38:57 UTC
OK, here's a patch. It's very simple, and it can be done without the
extra function, but the public use of the get-and-set side-effect
would not be a clear API.
Comment 4 Owen Taylor 2001-06-08 14:17:03 UTC
Consider for API freeze, despite the fact that all other 
GtkFileSel bugs have been punted until 2.2.
Comment 5 Alexander Larsson 2001-06-08 19:08:01 UTC
What is the reason you need this function? Is it just to be able to
refresh the fileselector when it is shown? 

If so, it probably makes more sense to just automatically refresh it
on show.

Do you have any other usecase for this function?
Comment 6 Murray Cumming 2001-06-09 00:19:02 UTC
Yes, I discovered the problem when trying to show a GtkFileSelection 
again. Refreshing it on show might be enough, but that would be a 
more complex patch.
Comment 7 Owen Taylor 2001-06-14 20:44:06 UTC
We should _at least_ refresh on show. Better to avoid
problems then make people compresent for them.  
Comment 8 Owen Taylor 2001-06-25 02:45:24 UTC
Moving off the API milestone, since I think refresh-on-show
is better than further cluttering up the API in advance
of knowing what we'll be doing as part of a more major
filesel rework for 2.2.
Comment 9 Owen Taylor 2001-06-25 02:46:37 UTC
Also note that the proposed patch uses only public API,
so clearly there are easier ways to work around the
problem (set the current directory again) than to
create a new filesel from scratch.
Comment 10 Owen Taylor 2002-01-17 00:57:34 UTC
Wed Jan 16 19:33:41 2002  Owen Taylor  <>

	* gtk/gtkfilesel.c (gtk_file_selection_map): Refresh
	the dialog on map. (#52877, inspired by request from
	Murray Cumming)

We might want the API as part of the filesel rewrite for 2.2,
so moving the bug to that milestone.
Comment 11 Owen Taylor 2002-06-30 22:55:06 UTC
How does this bug have anything to do with gtkmm
other than that you filed it? :-)

It's a trivial (and not at all critical since the filesel
refreshes on map now) API enhancement request. Presumably
gtkmm would support this API if and only if GTK+ offered
Comment 12 Murray Cumming 2002-07-01 07:21:02 UTC
As I remember it, it was slightly more significant for gtkmm because
C++ tends to reuse instances rather than reallocate them. However,
yes, this is trivial, and I'm not even sure that it's still a bug -
I[ll review it again at some point. I'm just gathering some bugs together.
Comment 13 Owen Taylor 2002-08-02 21:03:33 UTC
Munge this together with the 'replace GtkFileSelection' issue.
Comment 14 Federico Mena Quintero 2004-01-06 18:02:22 UTC
Is this still an issue, or can we close the bug?  It doesn't make much
sense to have this in the 2.4 API milestone if GtkFileChooser now
replaces GtkFileSelection.
Comment 15 Murray Cumming 2004-01-07 08:16:45 UTC
It's old and I can't remember enough about the problem. I'm sure I'll
complain if it's still a problem in future. Closing.