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Bug 524687 - Problem with Cursor
Problem with Cursor
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 401028
Product: vte
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: VTE Maintainers
VTE Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-03-27 18:22 UTC by Christopher Roy Bratusek
Modified: 2008-10-22 04:54 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.23/2.24

Screenshot (240.61 KB, image/png)
2008-03-27 18:23 UTC, Christopher Roy Bratusek

Description Christopher Roy Bratusek 2008-03-27 18:22:53 UTC
Please describe the problem:
The Cursor looks strange. It looks like when the window is unfocused, but it is focused, everything works normal, but I everytime click inside the window, 'cause I think it's unfocused ... Ah yes, I'm using 2.23.0+rev2524, I'll attach an screenshot in the next post.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Install GT 2.23.0
2. Start it
3. You'll see

Actual results:
Cursor looks like window is unfocused

Expected results:
To look normal

Does this happen every time?

Other information:
Comment 1 Christopher Roy Bratusek 2008-03-27 18:23:42 UTC
Created attachment 108126 [details]

The Screenshot shows what I mean.
Comment 2 Christian Persch 2008-04-12 15:52:55 UTC
Very strange indeed. I can reproduce this with the following steps:
0) Double-click the window title bar to roll-up the window
1) Double-click again to expand it again
Now, when moving the mouse pointer outside of the vte terminal area, the cursor appears as the hollow block.

Using g-t svn trunk, metacity 2.20.x.
Comment 3 Christopher Roy Bratusek 2008-05-09 17:12:27 UTC
Hmm, the bug seems to be a problem caused by "svn up", after a clean "svn co" it works well. The Problem you discribed does not appear with Sawfish 1.3.3 [Which I'm using]

Since the Issue is not a bug in the code marking as NOTABUG
Comment 4 Christian Persch 2008-05-30 18:32:57 UTC
I can still reproduce with my steps from comment 2.
Comment 5 Christian Persch 2008-06-15 21:35:37 UTC
Reproducible in vteapp -> reassigning to vte.
Comment 6 Christopher Roy Bratusek 2008-06-15 21:43:21 UTC
>> Very strange indeed. I can reproduce this with the following steps:
>> 0) Double-click the window title bar to roll-up the window
>> 1) Double-click again to expand it again
>> Now, when moving the mouse pointer outside of the vte terminal area, the cursor
>> appears as the hollow block.

>> Using g-t svn trunk, metacity 2.20.x.

I can't reproduce that with Sawfish 1.3.3 [Neither with Sloppy (Enter-Exit) nor Click Focus]
Comment 7 Christian Persch 2008-10-21 23:36:16 UTC
It's a metacity bug.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 401028 ***