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Bug 517903 - Error sync-ing between googlecal and evolution
Error sync-ing between googlecal and evolution
Product: conduit
Classification: Other
Component: dataproviders
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: conduit-maint@gnome.bugs
Depends on:
Blocks: 546088
Reported: 2008-02-21 16:39 UTC by e.colutta
Modified: 2018-07-01 09:04 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description e.colutta 2008-02-21 16:39:45 UTC
Conduit 0.3.8
Ubuntu Gutsy

I made this test : 

1. make a two way sync between google cal (with appointment) and a fresh calendar on my evolution (so, without events)
2. sync-ed with success.
3. changed an event, adding an alarm to it (with evolution)
4. sync-ed with failure :-(

here is the log :

[Syncronization      ][DEBUG  ] 2WAY PUT: Evolution Calendar (20080221T162608Z-28679-1000-28675-1@eliosh-desktop) -----> Google Calendar (
[datatypes.DataType  ][DEBUG  ] Getting Rid for 20080221T162608Z-28679-1000-28675-1@eliosh-desktop (
[TypeConverter       ][DEBUG  ] [('event', 'event', {})] (
[TypeConverter       ][DEBUG  ] Convert event -> event using [('event', 'event', {})] (
[TypeConverter       ][DEBUG  ] [('event', 'event', {})] (
[TypeConverter       ][DEBUG  ] Skipping event -> event (
[Syncronization      ][INFO   ] Putting data 20080221T162608Z-28679-1000-28675-1@eliosh-desktop --> into (
Exception in thread Wrapper: Google Calendar twoway (UID: <--> Wrapper: Evolution Calendar twoway (UID: EvoCalendarTwoWay-file:///home/eliosh/.evolution/calendar/local/1203611066.28437.0@eliosh-desktop):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  • File "", line 460 in __bootstrap
  • File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/conduit/", line 691 in run
    self.two_way_sync(self.source, sink)
  • File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/conduit/", line 532 in two_way_sync
    self._put_data(sourcedp, sinkdp, data, dataRid)
  • File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/conduit/", line 291 in _put_data
    put_data(source, sink, sourceData, sourceDataRid, False)
  • File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/conduit/", line 41 in put_data
  • File "/usr/local/lib/conduit/modules/GoogleModule/", line 479 in put
    comp =
  • File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/conduit/datatypes/", line 57 in compare
    log.debug("COMPARE: %s <----> %s " % (self.get_UID(), B.get_UID()))
AttributeError: 'GoogleEvent' object has no attribute 'get_UID'

Comment 1 John Stowers 2008-04-01 05:51:58 UTC
OK, looks like a conversion bug..
Comment 2 Simon Wingrove 2008-04-23 23:11:44 UTC
Confirmed, albeit with Conduit 0.3.6 (Ubuntu Hardy, default repositories)

Sync GCal -> Evolution works fine.

Sync Evolution -> GCal (as part of a two-way sync OR as a separate group) hangs at some point (has been anything between 7 and 85% so far).

[Syncronization      ][DEBUG  ] EvoCalendarTwoWay-file:///home/simon/.evolution/calendar/local/system Changes: Modified 12 items
['20080423T225438Z-10518-1000-10513-0@simon-laptop', '20080423T225438Z-10518-1000-10513-1@simon-laptop', '20080423T225438Z-10518-1000-10513-2@simon-laptop', '20080423T225439Z-10518-1000-10513-3@simon-laptop', '20080423T225439Z-10518-1000-10513-4@simon-laptop', '20080423T225439Z-10518-1000-10513-5@simon-laptop', '20080423T225439Z-10518-1000-10513-6@simon-laptop', '20080423T225439Z-10518-1000-10513-7@simon-laptop', '20080423T225439Z-10518-1000-10513-8@simon-laptop', '20080423T225757Z-10684-1000-10679-0@simon-laptop', '20080423T225055Z-10185-1000-10180-0@simon-laptop', '20080423T225055Z-10185-1000-10180-1@simon-laptop'] (
[Syncronization      ][DEBUG  ] EvoCalendarTwoWay-file:///home/simon/.evolution/calendar/local/system Changes: Deleted 0 items
[] (
[Syncronization      ][DEBUG  ] 1WAY PUT: Evolution Calendar (20080423T225438Z-10518-1000-10513-0@simon-laptop) -----> Google Calendar (
[datatypes.DataType  ][DEBUG  ] Getting Rid for 20080423T225438Z-10518-1000-10513-0@simon-laptop (
[TypeConverter       ][DEBUG  ] [('event', 'event', {})] (
[TypeConverter       ][DEBUG  ] Convert event -> event using [('event', 'event', {})] (
[TypeConverter       ][DEBUG  ] [('event', 'event', {})] (
[TypeConverter       ][DEBUG  ] Skipping event -> event (
[Syncronization      ][INFO   ] Putting data 20080423T225438Z-10518-1000-10513-0@simon-laptop --> into (
Exception in thread Wrapper: Evolution Calendar twoway (UID: EvoCalendarTwoWay-file:///home/simon/.evolution/calendar/local/system) |--> [<conduit.ModuleWrapper.ModuleWrapper instance at 0x89541ec>]:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  • File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 486 in __bootstrap_inner
  • File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/conduit/", line 701 in run
    self.one_way_sync(self.source, sink)
  • File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/conduit/", line 468 in one_way_sync
    self._put_data(source, sink, data, dataRid)
  • File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/conduit/", line 302 in _put_data
    put_data(source, sink, sourceData, sourceDataRid, False)
  • File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/conduit/", line 41 in put_data
  • File "/usr/lib/conduit/modules/GoogleModule/", line 468 in put
    comp =
  • File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/conduit/datatypes/", line 57 in compare
    log.debug("COMPARE: %s <----> %s " % (self.get_UID(), B.get_UID()))
AttributeError: 'GoogleEvent' object has no attribute 'get_UID'

Can provide full readout if necessary.
Comment 3 André Klapper 2018-07-01 09:04:43 UTC
Conduit is not under active development anymore, has not seen code changes for eight years, and saw its last tarball release in 2010.
Its codebase has been archived:

Closing this report as WONTFIX as part of Bugzilla Housekeeping to reflect reality. Please feel free to reopen this ticket (or rather transfer the project to GNOME Gitlab, as GNOME Bugzilla is deprecated) if anyone takes the responsibility for active development again.