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Bug 511742 - Evolution ALWAYS prints out using US LETTER format
Evolution ALWAYS prints out using US LETTER format
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 540282
Product: evolution
Classification: Applications
Component: BugBuddyBugs
2.12.x (obsolete)
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Evolution Triage Team
Evolution QA team
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-01-24 09:39 UTC by Bryan Cole
Modified: 2009-02-17 02:28 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.19/2.20

Description Bryan Cole 2008-01-24 09:39:54 UTC
Version: 2.12

Evolution ALWAYS prints out using US LETTER format, regardless of the paper size I choose in the Page Setup dialog. Here in the UK, this is really frustrating.

Distribution: Fedora release 8 (Werewolf)
Gnome Release: 2.20.2 2007-11-27 (Red Hat, Inc)
BugBuddy Version: 2.20.1
Comment 1 Bryan Cole 2008-01-24 09:59:24 UTC
Note, what happens, in detail, is this:

If I open the Page Setup dialog, I can select the page size for each printer. When I close and re-open the dialog, the page sizes seem to be retained. Now, if I actually print an email, the output always comes out in US-Letter format. If I now re-open the page-setup dialog, I find the page size for the printer I just used has been reset to US-Letter. The other as-yet-unused printers retain their A4 page size setting (until I try to use them). This behaviour applies to the PDF output as well as the CUPS physical printers (thus, this isn't a CUPS problem).

Finally, Printing from other Gnome applications like Evince seems OK. I can print out pdfs of emails on A4 paper OK from Evince (actually I didn't try other gnome apps besides Evince yet).

Comment 2 Matthew Barnes 2009-02-17 02:28:12 UTC
This is fixed in Evolution 2.24.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 540282 ***