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Bug 46375 - Certain menu shortcuts don't work when insertion point is in location bar
Certain menu shortcuts don't work when insertion point is in location bar
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: Keyboardability
0.x.x [obsolete]
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Gene Z. Ragan
Nautilus Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2001-02-06 14:42 UTC by John Sullivan
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description John Sullivan 2001-09-10 00:59:02 UTC
To reproduce:
(1) Launch Nautilus
(2) Click in location bar
(3a) Type "Control-A". This should Select All as the menu advertises but instead
moves the insertion point to the beginning of the text field.
(3b) Type "Alt-F". This should pull down the File menu (as the underline in the
menu title advertises) but instead moves the insertion point forward by one word
(I think that's what it's doing)
(3c) Type "Alt-B". This should pull down the Bookmarks menu (as the underline in
the menu title advertises) but instead moves the insertion point backward by one
word (I think that's what it's doing)

In all three cases, there's a keyboard-shortcut conflict that's being won by the
hidden keyboard shortcut handling in GtkEntry. However, when there's a
keyboard-shortcut conflict, and one of the two conflicting uses is visibly
advertised to the user, and the other isn't, the visibly-advertised one should
win. Otherwise the visible advertisement (underscore, mark in menu) is lying,
and the user won't know when to trust the UI and when not to, and will lose all
confidence, and will switch to another platform that doesn't have this problem,
and we will all lose our jobs and live in the streets.

This can probably be fixed by making NautilusEntry (our GtkEntry subclass)
ignore these conflicting shortcuts. Gene has volunteered to do so.

------- Additional Comments From 2001-02-06 11:00:53 ----

Oh, please fix it, I don't want live in streets :)

------- Additional Comments From 2001-02-06 14:16:18 ----

Verified. I'm happy I won't live in street :)

------- Bug moved to this database by 2001-09-09 20:59 -------