GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 433431
Firefox list role not announced when skipping setting is "report"
Last modified: 2007-04-26 13:23:50 UTC
I believe the problem is in FirefoxPerk's should skip task: elif skipping == AEConstants.SKIP_REPORT: if not peek: role = self.getAccRole(por=por) # then invoke the review report task if role == 'table' and not self.perk.isLayoutTable(por, role): # update the Perk object's task_por self.moveToPOR(por) self.doTask('review skip report') else: self.moveToPOR(por) # indicate something has been skipped and reported self.setTempVal('has skipped', True) else: # indicate something will be skipped and reported self.setTempVal('will skip', True) self.setTempVal('should skip', True) Notice we only invoke 'review skip report' in the table case. But what about other things that have been skipped? The code wasn't originally like this, so why did we factor out tables as a special case? I bet we wanted the inverse logic to apply to layout tables. But as written, it's applying to *anything* that isn't a data table.
This problem has been fixed in our software repository. The fix will go into the next software release. Thank you for your bug report.