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Bug 415495 - Ability to set the Podcast directory or similar means to avoid getting podcasts listed in the library
Ability to set the Podcast directory or similar means to avoid getting podcas...
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 341140
Product: banshee
Classification: Other
Component: Podcasting
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: 2.x
Assigned To: Mike Urbanski
Mike Urbanski
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-03-06 22:22 UTC by David Nielsen
Modified: 2007-03-07 03:30 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description David Nielsen 2007-03-06 22:22:41 UTC
Since Banshee monitors the music directory and the podcast plugin adds to the $Music/Podcast dir this means the music libary gets poluted with podcasts. As podcasts are normally poorly tagged and not music this creates a some what poor experience.

E.g. I often leave my music player on random all day for the purpose of playing music, I do not want to listen to podcasts in that mode but the random function will just select a file from the library.

It would be nice to keep the two seperate in some way, the easiest I can think of would be the allow users to set the placement of the podcast storage directory but other more elegant solutions should be possible say like using Tracker/Beagle to tag files and sort them that way.

It would be expected that the music context plays music and the podcast context is for playing podcasts, keeping appriate seperation between them should greatly enhance usability.
Comment 1 Mike Urbanski 2007-03-07 03:30:50 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 341140 ***