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Bug 369647 - DAAP playlists don't show up in Banshee
DAAP playlists don't show up in Banshee
Product: banshee
Classification: Other
Component: DAAP
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: 2.x
Assigned To: James Willcox
Banshee Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-11-02 21:13 UTC by Michael Monreal
Modified: 2007-02-21 17:10 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Michael Monreal 2006-11-02 21:13:27 UTC
I'm using tangerine (trunk) to share my Banshee library, which also includes a few playlists. I can access the share just fine in Banshee and play/copy all the music but the playlists don't show up.
Comment 1 Aaron Bockover 2006-11-03 14:58:35 UTC
James: are they supposed to? I didn't know Tangerine shared playlists?
Comment 2 James Willcox 2006-11-03 15:17:28 UTC
Yeah, it does share the playlists, so this should be working :/
Comment 3 Michael Monreal 2006-11-03 15:20:25 UTC
Anyway... doesn't this look a bit silly? I mean, source/subsource like the library is ok, but the playlists would be a subsubsource? Perhaps better take the connected share out of the daap source?
Comment 4 Ruben Vermeersch 2006-11-03 15:31:38 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> Perhaps better take the connected share out of the daap source?

Could you explain this further, as either I misunderstood it, or I don't see the logic (in consistency) of this?

Comment 5 Michael Monreal 2006-11-03 15:45:52 UTC

Well perhaps there is no consistency in this, but I don't know about this:


O Daap Share #1
|-O Daap Playlist #1
|-O Daap Playlist #2
'-O Daap Playlist #3
O Daap Share #2
|-O Daap Playlist #1
|-O Daap Playlist #2
'-O Daap Playlist #3


O Shared Music
'-O Daap Share #1
  |-O Daap Playlist #1
  |-O Daap Playlist #2
  '-O Daap Playlist #3
  O Daap Share #2
  |-O Daap Playlist #1
  |-O Daap Playlist #2
  '-O Daap Playlist #3

Isn't that too much nesting?
Comment 6 Aaron Bockover 2006-11-03 16:18:00 UTC
This was done because DAAP shares in many places come and go rapidly, and in some places there may be dozens of them. The ability to group and collapse them all is important.
Comment 7 Dan Munckton 2006-12-08 11:08:00 UTC
A colleague and I have also noticed this. We both have Banshee yet our playlists don't show up in the others player.

We're both using Ubuntu Dapper.

I've got Banshee version 0.11.2 compiled from src. My colleague is using 0.10.10 from the repos. Did the DAAP plugin support playlist sharing in 0.10.10?
Comment 8 Michael Monreal 2007-01-22 19:52:26 UTC
I think this can be closed now, I can see the playlists from my tangerine-shared banshee stuff now. How about you, Munckfish?

[I'm using Tangerine and Banshee from SVN Trunk]
Comment 9 Dan Munckton 2007-01-25 12:13:45 UTC
Michael: I've just checked out Banshee svn trunk (reporting itself as 0.11.5). I'm still not getting my colleagues playlists, but then he's still using the dapper repos version of Banshee. I'll gonna ask him to upgrade also and see if that solves it.

I couldn't find anything about this problem on the Ubuntu tracker (
Comment 10 Dan Munckton 2007-01-25 13:42:56 UTC
Ok, my colleague has also upgraded to SVN Banshee and still neither of us can see the other's playlists.

I ran an Ethereal trace of the daap communication between the two clients, I can certainly see the track info being exchanged but couldn't see anything that looked like the playlists, although I don't know enough about DAAP to be able to say for sure.

Anyone know a bit more and could advise me what to look for?
Comment 11 Michael Monreal 2007-01-25 16:02:44 UTC
I don't know if the problem was solved for me by updating banshee or tangerine but the svn trunk versions of both clearly work for me now. You are trying to share using banshee directly? I cannot test this.
Comment 12 Dan Munckton 2007-02-01 15:24:03 UTC
I've now installed a DAAP server on another machine (mt-daapd) and we can both see playlists from that, just not between each other. So, is it that banshee playlist sharing is not implemented? If so I'd like to request the feature.
Comment 13 Michael Monreal 2007-02-01 17:05:49 UTC
I don't know about the daap *server* in banshee, maybe this code is outdated?

Setting tangerine to share "Banshee" works nice and makes a lot more sense. I vote for removing the server side of this plugin and change the configuration to start tangerine-properties.
Comment 14 Dan Munckton 2007-02-12 13:35:06 UTC
Ok, I'd like to have a go at implementing this.

I notice that in DaapCore.LoadInitialServerDatabase() it only loads the local server with tracks not playlists. Maybe there's a good reason why this hasn't been implemented I guess I'll find out on the way.

Currently I'm trying to find out where the Banshee.Core.Library.Playlists member has been refactored to. Any hints?
Comment 15 Dan Munckton 2007-02-13 23:36:05 UTC
I completed a first attempt at a patch to make Banshee advertise its own playlists. Looking at the original bug description here I think it's a different issue to the one I'm dealing with so I've created a new bug and attached the patch there.

Bug #407672 – Banshee doesn't share its own playlists via DAAP

I'm finished with this issue so it could be closed if no one else needs it.
