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Bug 354357 - wrong location for scrollkeeper files after install
wrong location for scrollkeeper files after install
Product: gnome-doc-utils
Classification: Deprecated
Component: build utils
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: gnome-doc-utils maintainers
gnome-doc-utils maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-09-04 22:18 UTC by calessio
Modified: 2020-03-03 18:34 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description calessio 2006-09-04 22:18:47 UTC
in evince 0.5.5 the install target puts scrollkeeper files into $PREFIX/var/lib.
it should be $PREFIX/lib (as stated in configurte --help too)
Comment 1 calessio 2006-09-04 22:36:10 UTC
it seems that even passing --localstatedir, scrollkeeper files are installed anyway in 'scrollkeeper-config --pkglocalstatedir'... is this the correct behavior?
Comment 2 Nickolay V. Shmyrev 2006-09-04 23:34:01 UTC
we are using quite standard document makefile from gnome-doc-utils. Do this error appear in other applications? Probably it's gnome-doc-utils bug.
Comment 3 calessio 2006-09-05 13:47:54 UTC
Let me explain better, maybe i am misunderstanding  the meaning of some "configure" switches.

At this link:

I read:

"--localstatedir=/var/lib: This parameter is used so that all ScrollKeeper files are installed in, and the ScrollKeeper database is properly updated in /var/lib/scrollkeeper instead of some files being installed in $GNOME_PREFIX/var/scrollkeeper"

So I understand that configuring evince with the switch --localstatedir=some_dir allows evince to install its own scrollkeeper files in some_dir.

But this does not happen: after running configure, if you run a 
grep -r localstatedir * 
you'll see that the value of $localstatedir is never used.
Indeed, the scrollkeper files destination is obtained only by running "scrollkeeper-config --pkglocalstatedir".

What I would think is that if I pass --localstatedir to configure, then its value should override the one reported by "scrollkeeper-config --pkglocalstatedir".
Am I wrong?
Comment 4 Nickolay V. Shmyrev 2006-09-09 10:21:56 UTC
It's actually a gnome-doc-utils problem, it really don't respect localstatedir.
Comment 5 Shaun McCance 2006-11-28 18:54:22 UTC
gnome-doc-utils intentionally uses `scrollkeeper-config --pkglocalstatedir` rather than a subdirectory of --localstatedir.  ScrollKeeper has no way to merge information from multiple paths, so if you use some other directory, you'll never see those documents.

As for the LFS documentation, it's just wrong.  Passing --localstatedir has absolutely no effect on how scrollkeeper-update is called.  Their documentation may be a relic from the old omf.make stuff.

As far as I'm concerned, this is not a bug.  Passing --localstatedir lets you specify which directory this module (in this case, evince) should use.  ScrollKeeper is not evince, and it should use the directory it was configured to use.
Comment 6 Tristan Van Berkom 2006-12-07 15:33:36 UTC
(In reply to comment #5)
> gnome-doc-utils intentionally uses `scrollkeeper-config --pkglocalstatedir`
> rather than a subdirectory of --localstatedir.  ScrollKeeper has no way to
> merge information from multiple paths, so if you use some other directory,
> you'll never see those documents.

    I am reopening this bug not because of the irrelevent --localstatedir,
but because the package prefix is completely ignored - regardless
of whether you will be able to see the documentation that you just installed
into your custom prefix or not, it is important to respect the custom

Someone could be installing into a prefix where they dont have root 
privalages on the system, that means they cannot build and test packages 
that install sk files because they will constantly try to install in 
/var/lib instead of $PREFIX/var/lib. 

I've been bending my head around this line in gnome-doc-utils.make:

  _sklocalstatedir ?= `scrollkeeper-config --pkglocalstatedir`

And I'm having a hard time to prefix it with the package prefix,
also not sure if it would be a correct fix to prefix the path
returned by scrollkeeper-config, thoughts ?

Note: I am currently holding back from applying a docs patch
to glade because it introduces this bug at `make install' time
into a custom prefix, if its too difficult to fix in 
gnome-doc-utils.make at this time - do you have an idea of how
we could easily work around it in the glade makefiles ?
Comment 7 Shaun McCance 2006-12-07 16:44:46 UTC
This is really just a fundamental shortcoming of ScrollKeeper.  Users who are installing somewhere local (say, ~/gnome/) can install ScrollKeeper there as well.  To get ScrollKeeper to list the system-installed documentation as well, they can seed the local ScrollKeeper database with the system-installed OMF files (probably in /usr/share/omf/).  It's a painful manual process, but it's feasible.

I'll leave this open for now in case any bright ideas come up.  But short of forking ScrollKeeper and fixing some of its more annoying inadequacies (which we should probably do), I'm not sure we can do anything.
Comment 8 Danilo Segan 2006-12-27 20:06:36 UTC
Is this also the reason for "make distcheck" failures when ran as non-root? (bug #369550)
Comment 9 Stefan Sauer (gstreamer, gtkdoc dev) 2009-02-28 21:48:43 UTC
Danillo, yes it is. Btw. I filed
against scrollkeeper a long ago, but apparently its totally unmaintained (see the random crap in the bugtracker).
Comment 10 Shaun McCance 2009-02-28 22:11:18 UTC
Which is exactly why we recommend adding this to your top-level

DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = --disable-scrollkeeper
Comment 11 Stefan Sauer (gstreamer, gtkdoc dev) 2009-03-02 09:47:02 UTC
Shaun, gtk-doc already uses 
DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = --disable-scrollkeeper

Besides that I found out about this due to sheer luck (I can't see any place where this is recommended), it does not help with e.g. bug #573555 where people to --prefix=$HOME/test. Is this so hard to fix in scrollkeeper?
Comment 12 Shaun McCance 2009-03-02 16:51:44 UTC
ScrollKeeper is, for all intents and purposes, dead.  We now have Rarian, which provides a SK compatibility layer that, I believe, does not suffer this problem.

If you're doing a complete Gnome installation in $HOME/test, I'd argue that you ought to install SK there as well, if you're still using SK instead of Rarian.  Otherwise, well, that's why we're killing SK.
Comment 13 André Klapper 2020-03-03 18:34:12 UTC
gnome-doc-utils has been superseded by yelp-xsl, yelp-tools, and itstool.

gnome-doc-utils will not see any further development, hence closing as WONTFIX.
