GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 353483
crash in Rhythmbox Music Player: i did nothing exept star...
Last modified: 2006-08-30 22:03:31 UTC
What were you doing when the application crashed? i did nothing exept starting it Distribution: Unknown Gnome Release: 2.15.92 2006-08-29 (JHBuild) BugBuddy Version: 2.15.92 Memory status: size: 46059520 vsize: 0 resident: 46059520 share: 0 rss: 21733376 rss_rlim: 0 CPU usage: start_time: 1156889545 rtime: 0 utime: 73 stime: 0 cutime:65 cstime: 0 timeout: 8 it_real_value: 0 frequency: 4 Backtrace was generated from '/usr/bin/rhythmbox' Using host libthread_db library "/lib/". [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] [New Thread -1229518592 (LWP 28090)] 0xb7f44410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
+ Trace 71217
Thread 1 (Thread -1229518592 (LWP 28090))
looks like hal/dbus problems if you start from a terminal, what is the error output?
REOPENing. According to the stacktrace, this is the same issue for rhythmbox as bug 348993 is for totem. Bastien and any other rhythmbox developer: Note bug 348993 comment 10. Cc'ing rhythmbox developer Jonathan, who fixed this for totem... :)
it's way too easy to screw up calls to libhal_ctx_shutdown. fixed in cvs.
.. so maybe I should mark it as such.