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Bug 350608 - Run once in multiscreen (non xinerama) and then with only one screen => bugs
Run once in multiscreen (non xinerama) and then with only one screen => bugs
Product: gnome-panel
Classification: Other
Component: panel
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Panel Maintainers
Panel Maintainers
Depends on:
Blocks: randr-tracker
Reported: 2006-08-09 15:02 UTC by Vincent Untz
Modified: 2020-11-06 20:19 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Vincent Untz 2006-08-09 15:02:49 UTC
First one, is that panel_toplevel_is_last_unattached() return FALSE because we're supposed to have toplevels on the second screen, but we don't have a second screen. Side effect: "Delete this panel" is always sensitive

I'm sure there are tons of other bugs.
Comment 1 André Klapper 2020-11-06 20:19:39 UTC is being replaced by We are closing all old bug reports in Bugzilla which have not seen updates for many years.

If you can still reproduce this issue in a currently supported version of GNOME (currently that would be 3.38), then please feel free to report it at

Thank you for reporting this issue and we are sorry it could not be fixed.