GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 350571
Word of an indexed file not found
Last modified: 2006-08-10 09:10:24 UTC
Please describe the problem: There a some indexed files containing the string birKLaTeX. Searching for this string with Beagle Search gives no result. Steps to reproduce: 1. Typing 'birKLaTeX' at the Deskbar 2.14.2 2. Choosing searching with beagle 3. Actual results: Beagle Search tells me that it didn't find the string Expected results: It should show me *at least* 4 different files (those files I know of that they contain the string). In fact I'm expecting at least 5 different files because there *must* be another one containing 'birKLaTeX' (the file that defines the LaTeX command \birKLaTeX). Does this happen every time? Yes Other information: There's the file erste_schritte.tex that contains the string and it's already indexed: chris@skull:~/.beagle/Log$ grep erste_schritte.tex * 2006-08-07-11-09-07-Beagle:060807 1146521251 04969 Beagle DEBUG: Parsed query 'erste_schritte.tex' as text_query Sorry, I can't include the file erste_schritte.tex.
Maybe worth to mention: Beagle runs on an UTF-8-environment (Ubuntu Dapper -> Laptop) while most of the files are created on an ISO-8859-15-environment (Debian Sarge -> Desktop); both systems are synchronized with unison.
TeX files are not yet supported, so their content isn't indexed. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 314844 ***
Ah, ok. Sorry, for overlooking bug 314844. I go on reading there.