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Bug 350026 - [translation] Cannot translate Pan: Group preferences dialog box
[translation] Cannot translate Pan: Group preferences dialog box
Product: Pan
Classification: Other
Component: general
pre-1.0 betas
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: 1.0
Assigned To: Charles Kerr
Pan QA Team
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-08-05 06:50 UTC by Frederic Bezies
Modified: 2006-08-08 05:55 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.15/2.16

screenshot showing the problem with pan 0.106 (88.83 KB, image/png)
2006-08-05 06:51 UTC, Frederic Bezies
0.106 patch to fix. (287 bytes, patch)
2006-08-07 16:19 UTC, Charles Kerr
none Details | Review

Description Frederic Bezies 2006-08-05 06:50:28 UTC
I  am working - for my own use in the first time - on a fresh and up-to-date french translation.

I translated the whole file, but a box doesn't seem to be translated. Right click on a group, select "Edit group preferences".

And the dialog box remains in english, while the rest of the software is translated.

I will add a screenshot to show the problem. It is not a big one, but it could be a translation blocker bug for 1.0, couldn't it ?
Comment 1 Frederic Bezies 2006-08-05 06:51:58 UTC
Created attachment 70244 [details]
screenshot showing the problem with pan 0.106

In pan 0.106... Kinda annoying :p
Comment 2 Frederic Bezies 2006-08-05 07:11:34 UTC
Seems to be related to this part of file starting on line 127 :

  GtkWidget * dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (_("Pan: Group Preferences"),
	                                            GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, GTK_RESPONSE_CLOSE,

And then following part starting on line 139 :

  int row (0);
  GtkWidget *t, *w, *l;
  t = HIG :: workarea_create ();
  char buf[512];
  g_snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), _("Properties for %s"), group.c_str());
  HIG::workarea_add_section_title (t, &row, buf);
    HIG :: workarea_add_section_spacer (t, row, 3);
    w = _charset = charset_picker_new (_group_prefs.get_string (group, "character-encoding", "UTF-8").c_str());
    HIG :: workarea_add_row (t, &row, _("Character _encoding:"), w);
    w = _save_path = file_entry_new (_("Directory for Saving Attachments"));
    char * pch = g_build_filename (g_get_home_dir(), "News", NULL);
    const std::string dir (_group_prefs.get_string (_group, "default-group-save-path", pch));
    g_free (pch);
    file_entry_set (w, dir.c_str());
    HIG :: workarea_add_row (t, &row, _("Directory for _saving attachments:"), w);
    w = _profile = create_profiles_combo_box (data, group, group_prefs);
    l = HIG :: workarea_add_row (t, &row, _("Posting _profile:"), w);
    gtk_widget_set_sensitive (l, GTK_WIDGET_SENSITIVE(w));

Too bad I don't know how to make it translatable :(

Comment 3 Charles Kerr 2006-08-07 16:19:02 UTC
Created attachment 70403 [details] [review]
0.106 patch to fix.

Looks like wasn't in
Comment 4 Frederic Bezies 2006-08-07 17:20:32 UTC
Ok. I will apply it and try to see if I can add the missing translation easily :)
Comment 5 Frederic Bezies 2006-08-07 17:29:55 UTC
I have to disagree here. There is no "" lines in pan.po created with xgettext :(

Here is the group-something part in pan.po after I added the patch :

#: pan/gui/
msgid "Group Name"
msgstr ""

#: pan/gui/
#, c-format
msgid " (%lu)"
msgstr ""

#: pan/gui/ pan/gui/
msgid "Clear the Filter"
msgstr ""

#: pan/gui/
msgid "Subscribed Groups"
msgstr ""

#: pan/gui/
msgid "Other Groups"
msgstr ""

#: pan/gui/
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""

#: pan/gui/
msgid "Open the Task Manager"
msgstr ""

So, I think - sorry to be so affirmative - that translation are hardcoded :(
Comment 6 Frederic Bezies 2006-08-07 17:43:22 UTC
I am not a c++ coder (what a pity), but when I look another .cc file with translatable dialog box like, I have something like :

GtkActionEntry entries[] =
    { "file-menu", NULL, N_("_File") },
    { "edit-menu", NULL, N_("_Edit") },
    { "profile-menu", NULL, N_("_Profile") },
    { "charsets-menu", NULL, N_("Character Encoding") },
    { "editors-menu", NULL, N_("Set Editor") },
    { "post-toolbar", NULL, "post" },

So, it looks like need a little cleaning, too ?! :/
Comment 7 Frederic Bezies 2006-08-07 19:08:56 UTC
I am sorry, but it looks the pan.pot I used wasn't updated :(

So the patch is right, I am an idiot. The only question : why pan.pot is not updated ?!

Argh :(
Comment 8 Charles Kerr 2006-08-07 19:37:15 UTC
I /think/ it's updated from when you run configure.

I'm pretty sure you can also update POTFILES by typing "make POTFILES"
in the po directory.
Comment 9 Frederic Bezies 2006-08-07 19:46:26 UTC
I am ashamed for this spamming. I finally use xgettext on, copied and pasted the missing lines in my translation/

I am very very - 2 minutes later - very sorry for this bugspam :(

I will update the translation on the other bug.

And pan.pot seems to remain intact :(

Strange :(
Comment 10 Charles Kerr 2006-08-08 04:05:27 UTC
I don't think you're spamming.  I'm happy that you're
helping out by updating Pan's translations!

If nothing else works, you could try deleting pan.pot,
adding by hand to POTFILES,
and running "make pan.pot" in pan-0.106/po/.
Comment 11 Frederic Bezies 2006-08-08 05:44:50 UTC
Thanks it works. 

I may also replace the french translation to correct some little display errors ;)
Comment 12 Charles Kerr 2006-08-08 05:55:37 UTC