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Bug 339967 - Results should be ordered by category, not by plugin
Results should be ordered by category, not by plugin
Product: deskbar-applet
Classification: Deprecated
Component: general
Other All
: Normal minor
: 2.18
Assigned To: Deskbar Applet Maintainer(s)
Deskbar Applet Maintainer(s)
: 487840 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Blocks: 339313
Reported: 2006-04-27 21:46 UTC by alejandro vera
Modified: 2011-07-10 02:26 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: Unversioned Enhancement

Description alejandro vera 2006-04-27 21:46:42 UTC
Since plugins can return result of any predefined category, it is weird to order
the plugins (in prefrences) to sort the results...

If beagle-live is in top of the list, then documents, conversations, mails will
be in top.. but the user should have a fine grain control over the order of the
category list

So, the plugins should be listed in the preferences to be turned on/off widthout
 drag and drop, and the categoryes should be draggeables to be sorted.

This make sense to you?

Other information:
Comment 1 Raphael Slinckx 2006-04-29 09:17:44 UTC
It does make sense, but needs UI love and code behind to do the actual sorting.
Nice to have for 2.16, maybe along with the web download thing so the UI can make more sense.
Comment 2 Raphael Slinckx 2006-04-29 09:18:11 UTC
Marking for gnome love, ask for guidance on this bug or IRC
Comment 3 alejandro vera 2006-04-29 15:17:12 UTC
Excuse me.. what do you mean by marking it for gnome-love?
Comment 4 Raphael Slinckx 2006-04-29 15:31:14 UTC
It means that the task should be suitable for a new gnome contributor to start hacking, and such a person could ask here for help, or on irc.
Comment 5 alejandro vera 2006-04-29 16:50:46 UTC
Is there any kind of protocol or common way for that?? i'd love to contribute....
and i starting to love and learn python

Comment 6 Raphael Slinckx 2006-04-29 18:07:00 UTC
Not really :)
You just get a copy of the code from CVS and create a patch...

I suggest you wait for a while though, because the Big Refactoring must still happen, and i fear this will depend on it..

Comment 7 alejandro vera 2006-04-29 20:00:14 UTC

Any idea of when i should came back to this bug? a week? month?

Thanks for your time
Comment 8 Raphael Slinckx 2006-04-29 22:54:14 UTC
I have no clue, it's all up to mikkel, hopefully he will see this bug report and comment when he's ready..
Comment 9 Johan Walles 2006-06-16 08:04:28 UTC
Raphael, any news about how the Big Refactoring is coming along?
Comment 10 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen 2006-06-17 22:06:12 UTC
The "Big Refactoring" has landed in CVS a few days ago. API-wise not much will change (mostly just polish) so we can start to pick up on this issue again.

However; I think we need to discuss the implementation details before we proceed - and I think we have done so at some point in the past... (Raph?)

Basically we have three options for sorting. Sort by category, sort by plugin, sort via ad hock mix and match of plugin  and category. I think the last one is bad because it will likely be confusing to the user.

Whether we sort by cat or plugin is mostly a matter of taste... I personally prefer plugin. Maybe we could make it a pref somehow..?

I experimented with this in the past and it is very difficult to make the categories reorderable in the normal search window (because of the gtk.TreeView DnD api is not the normal GTK DnD api *sigh*). Well it is easy infact, but it has the consequence of making all matches reorderble too... - which makes little sense  to me :-)

Comment 11 alejandro vera 2006-08-22 20:50:58 UTC
I was not suggesting that one can order the categories in the normal search window or the search results... i think it is confusing that the order that the plugins are displayed in the config dialog dictates the order of the results. 

I think that should be another "Tab" in configuration in where the user can select "which" categories to show and/or order them. 

I think that is confusing that you can click the plugin for activate and drag it to order the results...

I doesnt makes sense to me order the results draggin them. 

PD: This application rocks.. i've enabled it in all the computers in my office (running debian) and everybody loves it :)
Comment 12 Sebastian Pölsterl 2007-10-18 16:42:42 UTC
*** Bug 487840 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 13 Akhil Laddha 2011-07-10 02:26:10 UTC
deskbar-applet development has been stalled [1]. Maintainers don't have future development plan so i am closing the bugs as WONTFIX.
