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Bug 339318 - Allow page rendering to (optionally) happen in a thread
Allow page rendering to (optionally) happen in a thread
Product: gtk+
Classification: Platform
Component: Printing
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: Medium feature
Assigned To: gtk-bugs
Depends on:
Blocks: 557112
Reported: 2006-04-21 15:45 UTC by Alexander Larsson
Modified: 2008-12-19 16:54 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

a threaded page drawing proposal (14.19 KB, patch)
2008-11-07 15:34 UTC, Marek Kašík
needs-work Details | Review
the example (4.46 KB, text/plain)
2008-11-07 15:36 UTC, Marek Kašík
the modified patch (13.59 KB, patch)
2008-12-19 11:27 UTC, Marek Kašík
none Details | Review
the modified patch without indentation changes (7.80 KB, patch)
2008-12-19 11:28 UTC, Marek Kašík
none Details | Review
an example (4.54 KB, text/plain)
2008-12-19 14:02 UTC, Marek Kašík

Description Alexander Larsson 2006-04-21 15:45:41 UTC
It would be nice if there was a way to optionally make page rendering when printing happen on a thread. That way threadsafe applications could avoid to lock up the window for a potentially long time.
Comment 1 Carlos Garcia Campos 2008-10-18 11:13:15 UTC
I'm thinking about using gtkprintoperation in Evince, at least for the PDF backend, instead of exporting to a PS file. The problem is that with some documents pages take too long to render and I don't want to block the main loop while printing. I would like to fix this, do you have already an idea about how to implement it? 
Comment 2 Carlos Garcia Campos 2008-11-01 14:59:14 UTC
I've thinking about how to implement this. I think something like this might work. 

GtkPrintOperationResult gtk_print_operation_run_async         (GtkPrintOperation *op,
                                                         GtkPrintOperationAction action,
                                                         GtkWindow *parent,
                                                         GtkPrintOperationDrawPage callback, 
                                                         GError **error);

This new method might be a little bit confusing because we already have gtk_print_operation_set_allow_async(), so I'm not sure about the name. In any case, the idea is to provide a callback that is called instead of emitting the draw-page signal. In such a callback the user could send the cairo context to the rendering thread and once the page is rendered, it would call gtk_print_operation_draw_page_finished().

What do you guys think?
Comment 3 Marek Kašík 2008-11-07 15:34:58 UTC
Created attachment 122184 [details] [review]
a threaded page drawing proposal

Hi all,
here is my proposal of implementation of drawing pages in another thread.
There are three new functions:
gtk_print_operation_set_allow_threads ()
gtk_print_operation_get_allow_threads ()
gtk_print_operation_page_drawing_finished ().

The first function allows GtkPrintOperation to use threads for page drawing. It should be called before gtk_print_operation_run. The third function has to be called at the end of drawing of given page.

I'll send an example asap.


Comment 4 Marek Kašík 2008-11-07 15:36:38 UTC
Created attachment 122185 [details]
the example

This is the promised example. It uses pthreads.

Comment 5 Carlos Garcia Campos 2008-12-04 09:55:10 UTC
Any chance of having this fixed before for the next gtk+ unstable release? I would really like to rework the printing stuff in evince for 2.26.
Comment 6 Matthias Clasen 2008-12-16 05:21:38 UTC
Comment on attachment 122184 [details] [review]
a threaded page drawing proposal

As a general comment before going into the details of the patch, I don't 
really like the allow_threads boolean. 

My ideal api would be if the ::draw-page handler would be required to call 
drawing_finished(). Then rendering in a thread would simply consist in not 
calling drawing_finished() from the signal handler, but from a thread instead.  

Since that is not compatible with the current ::draw-page semantics, how
about we add another method, defer_drawing(), to tell the printoperation that 
it needs to wait for a drawing_finished() call before considering the page

>+ * gtk_print_operation_page_drawing_finished:
>+ * @op: a #GtkPrintOperation
>+ * 
>+ * Finish drawing of page.
>+ *
>+ * Since: 2.16
>+ **/

Once we have settled on the api, this doc comment needs quite a bit more detail.

>+gtk_print_operation_page_drawing_finished (GtkPrintOperation *op)
>+  GtkPrintOperationPrivate *priv = op->priv;
>+  GtkPageSetup *page_setup;
>+  GtkPrintContext *print_context;
>+  cairo_t *cr;
>+  print_context = priv->print_context;
>+  page_setup = gtk_print_context_get_page_setup (print_context);
>+  cr = gtk_print_context_get_cairo_context (print_context);
>+  priv->end_page (op, print_context);
>+  cairo_restore (cr);
>+  g_object_unref (page_setup);
>+  if (gtk_print_operation_get_allow_threads (op))
>+    priv->is_drawing_page = FALSE;

I think we should set is_drawing_page unconditionally here. No
need to check for allow_threads.

>-static gboolean
>-print_pages_idle (gpointer user_data)
>+prepare_data (PrintPagesData *data)
> {
>-  PrintPagesData *data; 
>-  GtkPrintOperationPrivate *priv; 
>-  GtkPageSetup *page_setup;
>-  gboolean done = FALSE;
>-  gint i;
>+  GtkPrintOperationPrivate *priv;
>+  GtkPageSetup             *page_setup;
>+  gint                      i;
>-  data = (PrintPagesData*)user_data;
>   priv = data->op->priv;
>-  if (priv->status == GTK_PRINT_STATUS_PREPARING)
>+  if (!data->initialized)
>     {
>-      if (!data->initialized)
>-	{
>-	  data->initialized = TRUE;
>-	  page_setup = create_page_setup (data->op);
>-	  _gtk_print_context_set_page_setup (priv->print_context, 
>-					     page_setup);
>-	  g_object_unref (page_setup);
>-	  g_signal_emit (data->op, signals[BEGIN_PRINT], 0, priv->print_context);
>-	  if (priv->manual_collation)
>-	    {
>-	      data->uncollated_copies = priv->manual_num_copies;
>-	      data->collated_copies = 1;
>-	    }
>-	  else
>-	    {
>-	      data->uncollated_copies = 1;
>-	      data->collated_copies = priv->manual_num_copies;
>-	    }
>+      data->initialized = TRUE;
>+      page_setup = create_page_setup (data->op);
>+      _gtk_print_context_set_page_setup (priv->print_context, 
>+                                 page_setup);
>+      g_object_unref (page_setup);
>-	  goto out;
>-	}
>-      if (g_signal_has_handler_pending (data->op, signals[PAGINATE], 0, FALSE))
>-	{
>-	  gboolean paginated = FALSE;
>+      g_signal_emit (data->op, signals[BEGIN_PRINT], 0, priv->print_context);
>-	  g_signal_emit (data->op, signals[PAGINATE], 0, priv->print_context, &paginated);
>-	  if (!paginated)
>-	    goto out;
>-	}
>-      /* Initialize parts of PrintPagesData that depend on nr_of_pages
>-       */
>-      if (priv->print_pages == GTK_PRINT_PAGES_RANGES)
>-	{
>-          if (priv->page_ranges == NULL) 
>-            {
>-              g_warning ("no pages to print");
>-              priv->cancelled = TRUE;
>-              goto out;
>-	  }
>-	  data->ranges = priv->page_ranges;
>-	  data->num_ranges = priv->num_page_ranges;
>-          for (i = 0; i < data->num_ranges; i++)
>-            if (data->ranges[i].end == -1 || 
>-                data->ranges[i].end >= priv->nr_of_pages)
>-              data->ranges[i].end = priv->nr_of_pages - 1;
>-	}
>-      else if (priv->print_pages == GTK_PRINT_PAGES_CURRENT &&
>-	       priv->current_page != -1)
>-	{
>-	  data->ranges = &data->one_range;
>-	  data->num_ranges = 1;
>-	  data->ranges[0].start = priv->current_page;
>-	  data->ranges[0].end = priv->current_page;
>-	}
>+      if (priv->manual_collation)
>+        {
>+          data->uncollated_copies = priv->manual_num_copies;
>+          data->collated_copies = 1;
>+        }
>       else
>-	{
>-	  data->ranges = &data->one_range;
>-	  data->num_ranges = 1;
>-	  data->ranges[0].start = 0;
>-	  data->ranges[0].end = priv->nr_of_pages - 1;
>-	}
>-      clamp_page_ranges (data);
>+        {
>+          data->uncollated_copies = 1;
>+          data->collated_copies = priv->manual_num_copies;
>+        }
>-      if (priv->manual_reverse)
>-	{
>-	  data->range = data->num_ranges - 1;
>-	  data->inc = -1;      
>-	}
>-      else
>-	{
>-	  data->range = 0;
>-	  data->inc = 1;      
>-	}
>-      find_range (data);
>-      /* go back one page, since we preincrement below */
>-      data->page = data->start - data->inc;
>-      data->collated = data->collated_copies - 1;
>+      return;
>+    }
>-      _gtk_print_operation_set_status (data->op, 
>-				       NULL);
>+  if (g_signal_has_handler_pending (data->op, signals[PAGINATE], 0, FALSE))
>+    {
>+      gboolean paginated = FALSE;
>-      goto out;
>+      g_signal_emit (data->op, signals[PAGINATE], 0, priv->print_context, &paginated);
>+      if (!paginated)
>+        return;
>     }
>-  data->total++;
>-  data->collated++;
>-  if (data->collated == data->collated_copies)
>+  /* Initialize parts of PrintPagesData that depend on nr_of_pages
>+   */
>+  if (priv->print_pages == GTK_PRINT_PAGES_RANGES)
>     {
>-      data->collated = 0;
>-      if (!increment_page_sequence (data))
>-	{
>-	  done = TRUE;
>-	  goto out;
>-	}
>+      if (priv->page_ranges == NULL) 
>+        {
>+          g_warning ("no pages to print");
>+          priv->cancelled = TRUE;
>+          return;
>+        }
>+      data->ranges = priv->page_ranges;
>+      data->num_ranges = priv->num_page_ranges;
>+      for (i = 0; i < data->num_ranges; i++)
>+        if (data->ranges[i].end == -1 || 
>+            data->ranges[i].end >= priv->nr_of_pages)
>+          data->ranges[i].end = priv->nr_of_pages - 1;
>     }
>-  if (data->is_preview && !priv->cancelled)
>+  else if (priv->print_pages == GTK_PRINT_PAGES_CURRENT &&
>+   priv->current_page != -1)
>     {
>-      done = TRUE;
>-      g_signal_emit_by_name (data->op, "ready", priv->print_context);
>-      goto out;
>+      data->ranges = &data->one_range;
>+      data->num_ranges = 1;
>+      data->ranges[0].start = priv->current_page;
>+      data->ranges[0].end = priv->current_page;
>     }
>+  else
>+    {
>+      data->ranges = &data->one_range;
>+      data->num_ranges = 1;
>+      data->ranges[0].start = 0;
>+      data->ranges[0].end = priv->nr_of_pages - 1;
>+    }

I couldn't really follow all these changes. What is going on here ? 
Just some rearrangement that caused lots of indentation changes, or something substantial ?

>+static gboolean
>+print_pages_idle (gpointer user_data)
>+  PrintPagesData *data; 
>+  GtkPrintOperationPrivate *priv; 
>+  gboolean done = FALSE;
>+  data = (PrintPagesData*)user_data;
>+  priv = data->op->priv;
>+  if (!(gtk_print_operation_get_allow_threads (data->op) && (priv->is_drawing_page)))

I think instead of a simple idle that checks the is_drawing_page flag, essentially in a busy loop, 
you may want to go to an approach where drawing_finished re-adds the idle. Not sure.
>+      if (gtk_print_operation_get_allow_threads (data->op))
>+        priv->is_drawing_page = TRUE;

Again, I think this should be set unconditionally. Also, why is this not done inside common_render_page ?
I wonder if the other caller of common_render_page() (for rendering previews) needs some adjustment too ?

>+      common_render_page (data->op, data->page);
Comment 7 Marek Kašík 2008-12-19 11:26:38 UTC
I changed the API in the way mentioned in the comment #6.
To print in another thread, you need to call gtk_print_operation_defer_drawing i
n the "draw-page" handler. After the page is completed you have to call gtk_prin
Unfortunatelly I needed more states than 2 (in is_drawing_page), so I created a new enum GtkPageDrawingState with 3 states (ready, drawing, deferred_drawing). T
his is enough to express state for controlling thread printing.
I extended comments of those 2 new functions.
The big portion of the code were only indentation changes + two conditions. There were quite a big portion of independent code. So, I moved it to a separated function prepare_data to simplify print_pages_idle function.
I also modified the code for preview.
The readding of idle would include change of _idle_done functions for preview and for real printing. It shouldn't be changed for non-thread printing. It would be helpful to have some function which pauses idle, but I didn't find any.

Comment 8 Marek Kašík 2008-12-19 11:27:25 UTC
Created attachment 124992 [details] [review]
the modified patch
Comment 9 Marek Kašík 2008-12-19 11:28:47 UTC
Created attachment 124994 [details] [review]
the modified patch without indentation changes
Comment 10 Carlos Garcia Campos 2008-12-19 11:53:11 UTC
hmm, I would suggest: 

gtk_print_operation_defer_drawing -> gtk_print_operation_set_defer_drawing
gtk_print_operation_page_drawing_finished -> gtk_print_operation_draw_page_finish

What happens during the actual page rendering with the print_pages_idle? does it always return TRUE so that it's running all the time until the page is rendered? If so, I would also suggest to return FALSE when common_render_page is called and reschedule the idle in the finished method.
Comment 11 Marek Kašík 2008-12-19 14:02:03 UTC
Created attachment 125001 [details]
an example
Comment 12 Matthias Clasen 2008-12-19 15:55:53 UTC
The patch in comment 9 looks pretty good. 
The naming changes that Carlos proposed are probaby a good idea.

Some details:

- It would be good to have

 g_return_if_fail (priv->page_drawing_state == GTK_PAGE_DRAWING_STATE_DRAWING)

in gtk_print_operation_defer_drawing, to give people a warning if they are calling it from the wrong context.

- In doc comments, please add () after function names (without a space) to get proper cross-referencing.
Comment 13 Marek Kašík 2008-12-19 16:54:36 UTC
Hi all,
I committed the patch modified according to the comments #10 and #12. I didn't include the remove-add idle way yet. But I'll file a new feature request for this and I'll return to it later.

  Thanks you for your comments
