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Bug 332143 - Evolution crashes when clicking in empty attachment bar
Evolution crashes when clicking in empty attachment bar
Product: evolution
Classification: Applications
Component: Mailer
Other other
: High critical
: ---
Assigned To: evolution-mail-maintainers
Evolution QA team
: 332280 378315 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-02-22 08:15 UTC by Michael Reinsch
Modified: 2013-09-13 01:00 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.13/2.14

Description Michael Reinsch 2006-02-22 08:15:59 UTC
Distribution: Mandriva Linux release 2006.1 (Cooker) for i586
Package: Evolution
Severity: Normal
Version: GNOME2.13.90 2.5.x
Gnome-Distributor: Penguin Liberation Front
Synopsis: Evolution crashes when clicking in empty attachment bar
Bugzilla-Product: Evolution
Bugzilla-Component: Mailer
Bugzilla-Version: 2.5.x
Description of Problem:
When composing a new email and right-clicking into the empty attachment
bar of the email editor, evolution crashes.

Steps to reproduce the problem:
1. create new email
2. open attachment bar
3. right click into empty attachment bar

Actual Results:
crash, core dump

Expected Results:
show grayed out context menu

How often does this happen?
every time

------- Bug created by bug-buddy at 2006-02-22 08:15 -------

Comment 1 Götz Waschk 2006-02-22 09:23:02 UTC
I can confirm this. It happens with the GNOME packages from
Comment 2 André Klapper 2006-02-22 10:55:07 UTC
Thanks for the bug report, this is already fixed in current cvs by chen:

Michael, please feel encouraged to file further bugs, and feel even more encouraged to also provide a stack trace from the crash. ;-)
Please see for more information on how to do so.
Comment 3 Michael Reinsch 2006-02-22 11:44:05 UTC
I didn't see much advantage in providing a stack trace as it was easy to reproduce this problem and Goetz already confirmed that he could reproduce it as well. But as it seems to be helpful to provide stack traces even in those cases, I will do so in the future.
Comment 4 André Klapper 2006-02-22 12:36:04 UTC
michael, let's say "we're on the safer side".
sometimes problems cannot be reproduced on every architecture or distro (e.g. we have bugs that only appear in solaris).
of course you're right that it was easy to reproduce, but you can expect stuff to be fixed a bit quicker when someone (a developer, or a bug triager like me) can take a quick look at the stack trace to find out *where* something goes wrong and then take a look into the source code.
so if you have time, i'm very happy with stacktraces. if you're in a hurry or have better stuff to do, it's also okay without. :-)
Comment 5 André Klapper 2006-02-22 12:37:30 UTC the way i've never heard of that distro, but "Penguin Liberation Front" sounds awesome! (written by somebody who listens to KLF songs nearly everyday) ;-)
Comment 6 André Klapper 2006-02-23 07:34:36 UTC
*** Bug 332280 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 ebbywiselyn 2006-12-07 04:43:20 UTC
*** Bug 378315 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***