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Bug 324879 - Authentification failure to Exchange 2003 ("")
Authentification failure to Exchange 2003 ("")
Product: Evolution Exchange
Classification: Deprecated
Component: Connector
Other All
: Normal major
: 2.5
Assigned To: Connector Maintainer
Ximian Connector QA
Depends on:
Blocks: 323345 327514
Reported: 2005-12-23 14:07 UTC by Steffen Möller
Modified: 2006-07-07 02:45 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.11/2.12

Description Steffen Möller 2005-12-23 14:07:03 UTC
Please describe the problem:
Last week, I updated my System from Novell Linux Desktop 9 (which seems to be a
Suse 9.1) to OpenSuse 10. OpenSuse 10 comes with Evolution 2.4.0.

First I tried to continue using my user preferences stored in .evolution but the
first time I started evolution, I was shown a prompt for my Exchange password.
But after enterning the password, I became the same dialog again. Unfortunately
this happens independent from what I enter in this box. Every time, I get a
message box telling me that "Fehler bei Ordner in 'Exchange server <IP>' werden
gelesen - Could not authenticate to server (Password incorrect?)"

So I consulted the Internet and found, that there is a configuration tool for
the command line, ximian-connector-setup-2.4. So, I deleted the Exchange account
in Evolution, quit Exovoluation and finally I activated E2K_DEBUG=5. 

So I got the following output:
E2k-Debug: 0x82301f8 @ 1135345582
Host: <ip-of-exchange-host>
Accept-Language: de-DE, de, en
User-Agent: Evolution/1.4.0

401 Unauthorized
E2k-Debug: 0x82301f8 @ 1135345582
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 13:49:30 GMT
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
Content-Length: 86
Content-Type: text/html

E2k-Debug: 0x82301f8 @ 1135345582 [restarted]
Host: <ip-of-exchange-host>
Accept-Language: de-DE, de, en
Authorization: NTLM
User-Agent: Evolution/1.4.0

200 OK
E2k-Debug: 0x82301f8 @ 1135345582
MS-WebStorage: 6.5.7226
Set-Cookie: sessionid=a0658d36-db69-4479-82cd-4fe0cfc78411:0x407; path=/
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 13:49:30 GMT
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Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Length: 1135
Content-Type: text/html

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var g_iNewWindowWidth = 700;
var g_iNewWindowHeight = 500;
var g_fWarnOnLogOff=false;
function WarnOnLogOff()
if (g_fWarnOnLogOff)
alert("Schlie\uffffen Sie alle Browserfenster, wenn Sie Outlook Web Access
beenden, um Ihr Postfach besser vor unberechtigtem Zugriff zu sch\ufffftzen.");
<FRAMESET OnUnload="WarnOnLogOff()" framespacing="3" cols="190,*"><FRAME
bordercolor="#3D5FA3" name="navbar" title="Navigation" src="./?Cmd=navbar"
marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="auto" border="1"><FRAME
name="viewer" title="Inhalt" src="Posteingang/?Cmd=contents" scrolling="auto">
<BODY><P>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.</P></BODY>

GET /?Cmd=navbar HTTP/1.1
E2k-Debug: 0x8253d80 @ 1135345582
Host: <ip-of-exchange-host>
User-Agent: Evolution/1.4.0

200 OK
E2k-Debug: 0x8253d80 @ 1135345582
MS-WebStorage: 6.5.7226
Set-Cookie: sessionid=fcfde65b-1406-4984-9e34-92ddf3bd0a06:0x0; path=/
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 13:49:30 GMT
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Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
Cache-Control: no-cache
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Content-Type: text/html

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<TD class="nbButton" nowrap>
<A href="./Posteingang/?Cmd=contents&Page=1" target="viewer">
<IMG src="https://<ip-of-exchange-host>/exchweb/img/email.gif" width="24"
height="24" alt="" border="0">
<FONT size="2"> &nbsp;Posteingang</FONT>
<TR><TD class="nbButton"><A href="./Junk-E-Mail/?Cmd=contents"
src="https://<ip-of-exchange-host>/exchweb/img/junkemail-lg.gif" width="24"
height="24" alt="" border="0"><FONT size="2"> &nbsp;Junk-E-Mail</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TR><TD class="nbButton"><A href="./Kalender/?Cmd=contents" target="viewer"><IMG
src="https://<ip-of-exchange-host>/exchweb/img/calendar-lg.gif" width="24"
height="24" alt="" border="0"><FONT size="2"> &nbsp;Kalender</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TR><TD class="nbButton"><A href="./Kontakte/?Cmd=contents" target="viewer"><IMG
src="https://<ip-of-exchange-host>/exchweb/img/contacts-lg.gif" width="24"
height="24" alt="" border="0"><FONT size="2"> &nbsp;Kontakte</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TR><TD class="nbButton"><A href="./Aufgaben/?Cmd=contents" target="viewer"><IMG
src="https://<ip-of-exchange-host>/exchweb/img/task-lg.gif" width="24"
height="24" alt="" border="0"><FONT size="2"> &nbsp;Aufgaben</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TD class="nbButton">
<IMG src="https://<ip-of-exchange-host>/exchweb/img/folder-lg.gif" width="24"
height="24" alt="" border="0">
<FONT size="2"> &nbsp;Ordner</FONT>
<TR><TD class="nbButton"><A
href="https://<ip-of-exchange-host>/public/?Cmd=contents" target="viewer"><IMG
src="https://<ip-of-exchange-host>/exchweb/img/public-fld.gif" width="24"
height="24" alt="" border="0"><FONT size="2"> &nbsp;Öffentliche
<TD class="nbButton">
<A href="https://<ip-of-exchange-host>/<exchange-user-name>/?Cmd=options"
target="viewer" style='text-decoration: none'>
<IMG src="https://<ip-of-exchange-host>/exchweb/img/options-lg.gif" width="24"
height="24" alt="" border="0">
<FONT size="2"> &nbsp;Optionen</FONT>
<TD class="nbButton">
<A href="https://<ip-of-exchange-host>/<exchange-user-name>/?Cmd=logoff"
OnClick="top.g_fWarnOnLogOff=false" target="_parent" style='text-decoration:
none' title="Abmelden">
<IMG src="https://<ip-of-exchange-host>/exchweb/img/logoff-lg.gif" width="24"
height="24" alt="" border="0">
<FONT size="2"> &nbsp;Abmelden</FONT>

BPROPFIND /<exchange-user-name>/ HTTP/1.1
E2k-Debug: 0x8230d48 @ 1135345582
Host: <ip-of-exchange-host>
Depth: 0
Brief: t
User-Agent: Evolution/1.4.0
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><D:propfind xmlns:D="DAV:"

207 Multistatus
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MS-WebStorage: 6.5.7226
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 13:49:31 GMT
Accept-Ranges: rows
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<?xml version="1.0"?><a:multistatus
xmlns:b="urn:uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c14882/" xmlns:c="xml:"
200 OK</a:status><a:prop><d:x0ffb0102
Europe Standard Time</e:timezone></a:prop></a:propstat></a:response></a:multistatus>

GC: looking up info for /o=<Workgroup>/ou=Erste administrative

GC: Connecting to ldap://<ip-of-exchange-host>:3268/
GC: connected

GC: dn = CN=<User_Name>,CN=Users,DC=<Subdomain>,DC=<Domain>,DC=de

GC: displayName <User_Name>
GC: mail <exchange-email-address (not!)>
GC: mailNickname <exchange-user-name>
GC: homeMTA CN=Microsoft MTA,CN=<Workgroup>SERVER,CN=Servers,CN=Erste
administrative Gruppe,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=<Workgroup>,CN=Microsoft
GC:   Finding hostname for CN=<Workgroup>SERVER,CN=Servers,CN=Erste
administrative Gruppe,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=<Workgroup>,CN=Microsoft
GC:   <LDAP_Server_plus_domain>
GC: legacyExchangeDN /o=<Workgroup>/ou=Erste administrative

I started Evolution again and (again) was prompted for my password and so the
circle started again. 

What can I do? In my installation of NLD9, my installation of evo and connector
worked quite well and we didn't change our exchange installation.

Steps to reproduce:

Actual results:

Expected results:

Does this happen every time?
Yes, everytime

Other information:
Comment 1 Sushma Rai 2006-01-02 08:05:39 UTC
what is your Evolution version?

Can you delete the account and re-create it,
using Evolution account creation dialog (Edit->Preferences->Add)?

If authentication fails during account set up, please set
E2K_DEBUG=5 and start *Evolution* from that console and paste the
out put to this bug?

Note that you need to provide the user name and OWA URL, as you 
provide for Outlook Web Access (OWA).
Comment 2 Steffen Möller 2006-01-02 11:11:29 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> what is your Evolution version?
Evolution 2.4.0
> Can you delete the account and re-create it,
> using Evolution account creation dialog (Edit->Preferences->Add)?
I also tried this way but I always get the following error
1) I deleted the previously added exchange account (I still have an additional pop3 account)
2) I recreated the exchange account by typing in my emailadress, the username and the owa-url (https://<>) and pressed the "Legitimate" button. now a dialog box showed up asking me for my password. I poperly entered the password and everything seems allright. 
3) I Added the global catalog server (the same ip but without the leading "https://") 
4) I received a "everything allright configuration completed" message and configuation is finished. But as soon as I press the "Finish" Button, I get another box "Enter password for ...". So I retyped my password and pressed ok, then the same dialog came up again. So I (again) retyped my password but all I then get is an error box "Could not authenticate to server. (Password incorrect?)". So I closed the Settings dialoge.
6) ... and finally every time I try to receive/Send mails, the game starts again (retyping my password and getting the "Password incorrect" error dialog.

> If authentication fails during account set up, please set
> E2K_DEBUG=5 and start *Evolution* from that console and paste the
> out put to this bug?
Here it comes (the output from the storyboard above):
adding hook target 'source'

(evolution:24815): camel-WARNING **: camel_exception_get_id called with NULL parameter.

(evolution:24815): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_gc_set_foreground: assertion `GDK_IS_GC (gc)' failed

(evolution:24815): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to set label from markup due to error parsing markup: Fehler in Zeile 1, Zeichen 38: Element »markup« wurde geschlossen, aber das derzeit offene Element ist »b«

(evolution:24815): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id: assertion `GTK_IS_TREE_SORTABLE (sortable)' failed

(evolution:24815): e-utils-WARNING **: Cannot resolve symbol 'org_gnome_new_mail_config' in plugin '/opt/gnome/lib/evolution/2.4/plugins/' (not exported?)
BBDB spinning up...

(evolution:24815): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_entry_set_text: assertion `text != NULL' failed

(evolution:24815): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_gc_set_foreground: assertion `GDK_IS_GC (gc)' failed

(evolution:24815): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_hide: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed

(evolution:24815): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_hide: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
E2k-Debug: 0x8851f48 @ 1136199879
Host: <>
Accept-Language: de-DE, de, en
User-Agent: Evolution/1.4.0

401 Unauthorized
E2k-Debug: 0x8851f48 @ 1136199879
Date: Mon, 02 Jan 2006 11:07:20 GMT
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
Content-Length: 86
Content-Type: text/html

E2k-Debug: 0x8851f48 @ 1136199879 [restarted]
Host: <>
Accept-Language: de-DE, de, en
User-Agent: Evolution/1.4.0

200 OK
E2k-Debug: 0x8851f48 @ 1136199879
MS-WebStorage: 6.5.7226
Set-Cookie: sessionid=cf9c6804-182b-44e2-8427-340934b358a2:0x407; path=/
Date: Mon, 02 Jan 2006 11:07:20 GMT
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Length: 1135
Content-Type: text/html

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var g_iNewWindowWidth = 700;
var g_iNewWindowHeight = 500;
var g_fWarnOnLogOff=false;
function WarnOnLogOff()
if (g_fWarnOnLogOff)
alert("Schlie\uffffen Sie alle Browserfenster, wenn Sie Outlook Web Access beenden, um Ihr Postfach besser vor unberechtigtem Zugriff zu sch\ufffftzen.");
<FRAMESET OnUnload="WarnOnLogOff()" framespacing="3" cols="190,*"><FRAME bordercolor="#3D5FA3" name="navbar" title="Navigation" src="./?Cmd=navbar" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="auto" border="1"><FRAME name="viewer" title="Inhalt" src="Posteingang/?Cmd=contents" scrolling="auto">
<BODY><P>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.</P></BODY>

GET /?Cmd=navbar HTTP/1.1
E2k-Debug: 0x88a11b0 @ 1136199879
Host: <>
User-Agent: Evolution/1.4.0

200 OK
E2k-Debug: 0x88a11b0 @ 1136199879
MS-WebStorage: 6.5.7226
Set-Cookie: sessionid=8db19f39-0fdf-45a3-ac07-5ba7d027de9a:0x0; path=/
Date: Mon, 02 Jan 2006 11:07:20 GMT
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Length: 3314
Content-Type: text/html

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<IMG src="https://<>/exchweb/themes/0/logo2.gif" alt="" width="179" height="36" border="0">
<TD class="nbButton" nowrap>
<A href="./Posteingang/?Cmd=contents&Page=1" target="viewer">
<IMG src="https://<>/exchweb/img/email.gif" width="24" height="24" alt="" border="0">
<FONT size="2"> &nbsp;Posteingang</FONT>
<TR><TD class="nbButton"><A href="./Junk-E-Mail/?Cmd=contents" target="viewer"><IMG src="https://<>/exchweb/img/junkemail-lg.gif" width="24" height="24" alt="" border="0"><FONT size="2"> &nbsp;Junk-E-Mail</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TR><TD class="nbButton"><A href="./Kalender/?Cmd=contents" target="viewer"><IMG src="https://<>/exchweb/img/calendar-lg.gif" width="24" height="24" alt="" border="0"><FONT size="2"> &nbsp;Kalender</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TR><TD class="nbButton"><A href="./Kontakte/?Cmd=contents" target="viewer"><IMG src="https://<>/exchweb/img/contacts-lg.gif" width="24" height="24" alt="" border="0"><FONT size="2"> &nbsp;Kontakte</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TR><TD class="nbButton"><A href="./Aufgaben/?Cmd=contents" target="viewer"><IMG src="https://<>/exchweb/img/task-lg.gif" width="24" height="24" alt="" border="0"><FONT size="2"> &nbsp;Aufgaben</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TD class="nbButton">
<A href="https://<>/<>/?Cmd=contents&ShowFolders=1" target="viewer">
<IMG src="https://<>/exchweb/img/folder-lg.gif" width="24" height="24" alt="" border="0">
<FONT size="2"> &nbsp;Ordner</FONT>
<TR><TD class="nbButton"><A href="https://<>/public/?Cmd=contents" target="viewer"><IMG src="https://<>/exchweb/img/public-fld.gif" width="24" height="24" alt="" border="0"><FONT size="2"> &nbsp;Öffentliche Ordner</FONT></A></TD></TR>
<TD class="nbButton">
<A href="https://<>/<>/?Cmd=options" target="viewer" style='text-decoration: none'>
<IMG src="https://<>/exchweb/img/options-lg.gif" width="24" height="24" alt="" border="0">
<FONT size="2"> &nbsp;Optionen</FONT>
<TD class="nbButton">
<A href="https://<>/<>/?Cmd=logoff" OnClick="top.g_fWarnOnLogOff=false" target="_parent" style='text-decoration: none' title="Abmelden">
<IMG src="https://<>/exchweb/img/logoff-lg.gif" width="24" height="24" alt="" border="0">
<FONT size="2"> &nbsp;Abmelden</FONT>

E2k-Debug: 0x8877378 @ 1136199879
Host: <>
Depth: 0
Brief: t
User-Agent: Evolution/1.4.0
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><D:propfind xmlns:D="DAV:" xmlns:a="" xmlns:b="">

207 Multistatus
E2k-Debug: 0x8877378 @ 1136199879
MS-WebStorage: 6.5.7226
Date: Mon, 02 Jan 2006 11:07:20 GMT
Accept-Ranges: rows
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0"?><a:multistatus xmlns:b="urn:uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c14882/" xmlns:c="xml:" xmlns:d="" xmlns:e="" xmlns:a="DAV:"><a:response><a:href>https://<>/<>/</a:href><a:propstat><a:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</a:status><a:prop><d:x0ffb0102 b:dt="bin.base64">AAAAABtV+iCqZhHNm8gAqgAvxFoMAAAAV0kzU0VSVkVSAC9vPXdpMy9vdT1FcnN0ZSBhZG1pbmlzdHJhdGl2ZSBHcnVwcGUvY249UmVjaXBpZW50cy9jbj1zdGVmZmVuLm1vZWxsZXIA</d:x0ffb0102><e:timezone>W. Europe Standard Time</e:timezone></a:prop></a:propstat></a:response></a:multistatus>

(evolution:24815): evolution-mail-CRITICAL **: em_folder_tree_model_remove_uri: assertion `uri != NULL' failed

> Note that you need to provide the user name and OWA URL, as you 
> provide for Outlook Web Access (OWA).
I thought about that - but the same login/passwd combination works just fine for the owa

Thanx for your help!!
Comment 3 Sushma Rai 2006-01-02 12:41:12 UTC
That means, for you, authentication works fine and account
gets created, but later you are able to do any operations,
or access the contents.

Can you try 2.4.2?

Even 2.4.2 has a problem of allowing access to the 
account created only after re-starting evolution, e-d-s and
evolution-exchange-storage process (this is fixed in head and
2.4.3 will also have this fix). But after the re-start it works.

Comment 4 Steffen Möller 2006-01-03 10:25:38 UTC
Yes, I think you are right. Account gets created (I also had a look at the Debug output and everything seems to be allright) but I _cannot_ do anything with the account. Even the unfolding of the Tree in Evolution leads to the described error.

I will try the upgrade to Evolution 2.4.2 at the weekend. If it doesn' work, I will come back to you by next week.

Thank you very very much for your help & patience!
Comment 5 Sushma Rai 2006-03-07 13:16:42 UTC
If you haven't upgraded yet, please use most recent 2.6, which will be 
available around march 15th.
Comment 6 Steffen Möller 2006-03-07 16:37:13 UTC
Sorry, I just was busy with work. :) I recently upgraded to 2.4.2 but the problem was all the same. So I just thought about ignoring it and switched back to POP3-Mode. Not the most elegant way, but it performs for daily use.

Thanks for your comment - I will be looking forward to 2.6!

Comment 7 Sushma Rai 2006-03-09 10:09:10 UTC
Your DEBUG traces look fine.
Can you get the gdb stack traces for evolution-exchange-storage, when 
accessing account fails?
Attach gdb to evolution-exchange-storage process and get the traces
of all threads using "thread apply all bt" command.
See for more details.
Comment 8 André Klapper 2006-07-07 02:45:13 UTC
Closing this bug report as no further information has been provided. Please feel free to reopen this bug if you can provide the information Sushma asked for.
Thanks in advance!