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Bug 324655 - Easier ways to add applications
Easier ways to add applications
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 148962
Product: gnome-session
Classification: Core
Component: gnome-session-properties
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Session Maintainers
Session Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-12-20 23:27 UTC by Quim Gil
Modified: 2006-11-16 00:09 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.11/2.12

Description Quim Gil 2005-12-20 23:27:09 UTC
The current system to select applications launched at the session start implies
that the user knows the command to launch the application or the directory where
the application wanted lives. This is too much to ask for an average user.

Instead, it would be almost perfect to have a list of applications with nice
icons like the one you get in the context menu of a fle, when selecting "Open
with another application".

Drag and icon of the desktop and drop it on the list would rock.

Other information:
Comment 1 Tom Tromey 2006-09-27 17:53:00 UTC
I agree.

This mechanism should probably be replaced with the xdg autostart stuff.
GUI-wise it could either be d&d into a folder, or it could resemble
the panel's "add to menu" interface.
Comment 2 Vincent Untz 2006-11-16 00:09:50 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 148962 ***