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Bug 321296 - bug-buddy hangs when updating system information, using 100% CPU
bug-buddy hangs when updating system information, using 100% CPU
Product: bug-buddy
Classification: Deprecated
Component: general
Other All
: Normal major
: ---
Assigned To: Bug-buddy Maintainers
Bug-buddy Maintainers
: 316859 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-11-12 15:22 UTC by bernhard
Modified: 2006-10-01 03:56 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.11/2.12

Backtrace details (201.05 KB, text/plain)
2005-11-12 15:24 UTC, bernhard

Description bernhard 2005-11-12 15:22:07 UTC
Please describe the problem:
When an application crashes and I choose "inform developers" (or something like
that, I have a German system), bug-buddy appears and says that it collects
information concerning the crash. It then uses 100 % CPU to collect the data
(i.e. to make a stacktrace), however, it doesn't get finished ever. I let it run
for an hour but it did not finish.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Let an application crash (shouldn't be too difficult with Nautilus ;))
2. "Inform developers"

Actual results:
bug-buddy hangs when making a backtrace with 100% CPU utilisation. It also
reacts very very slow.

Expected results:
I would expect it to finish the backtrace and let me report the bug.

Does this happen every time?
YES! I can't report bugs using bug-buddy because of this bug.

Other information:
Ubuntu 5.10/AMD64
AMD Athlon64 3200+, 1 GB RAM, enough free disk space
Comment 1 bernhard 2005-11-12 15:24:51 UTC
Created attachment 54668 [details]
Backtrace details

These details appear when I select "show details" in the "collecting
information" dialog. I think the list is always getting longer while bug-buddy
works, but it doesn't finish. It's not easy to get this list because "select
all" and "copy to clipboard" takes 10 sec each (bug-buddy reacts very slow)
Comment 2 bernhard 2005-11-12 18:11:53 UTC
I tried to get a backtrace via gdb now, and funnily, "thread apply all bt" after
crashing Nautilus results in a stacktrace which is several hundred lines long
and even longer (I aborted with q<enter>). Maybe this bug is caused by gdb by
producing endless stack traces?
Comment 3 bernhard 2005-12-20 17:12:19 UTC
Any idea why this error occurs or for a workaround? I would like to report so many bugs and I can't because the bug buddy or gdb is so buggy...
Comment 4 Fernando Herrera 2006-01-05 17:45:08 UTC
This backtrace comes from nautilus process. We would need a backtrace from bug-buddy while it is hanging.
Comment 5 bernhard 2006-03-18 14:15:28 UTC
Backtrace while bug-buddy is "hanging", i.e. collecting info from gdb:

$ gdb bug-buddy <pid>
(gdb) thread apply all bt

Thread 1 (Thread 46912584315744 (LWP 14077))

  • #0 __read_nocancel
    from /lib64/
  • #1 g_vasprintf
    from /usr/lib64/
  • #2 g_io_channel_get_encoding
    from /usr/lib64/
  • #3 g_io_channel_read_chars
    from /usr/lib64/
  • #4 stop_gdb
  • #5 g_main_context_dispatch
    from /usr/lib64/
  • #6 g_main_context_check
    from /usr/lib64/
  • #7 g_main_loop_run
    from /usr/lib64/
  • #8 gtk_main
    from /usr/lib64/
  • #9 main
  • #0 __read_nocancel
    from /lib64/

Maybe this is useful, too (gdb is called from bug-buddy):
$ ps ax
13563 ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/lib/evolution/2.4/evolution-exchange-storage --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_Excha14071 ?        S      0:00 /usr/bin/evolution,
14076 ?        S      0:00 /usr/lib/libgnomeui-0/gnome_segv evolution 11 2.4.1
14081 ?        R      0:30 /usr/bin/gdb --batch --quiet --command=/usr/share/bug-buddy/gdb-cmd /usr/bin/evolution 14010
14010 ?        Tl     0:02 /usr/bin/evolution,
14083 ?        Z      0:00 [gdb] <defunct>
14077 ?        S      0:01 /usr/bin/bug-buddy --appname=evolution --pid=14010 --package-ver=2.4.1
14117 pts/0    R+     0:00 ps ax
Comment 6 Lionel Dricot 2006-04-11 19:09:05 UTC
*** Bug 316859 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Olav Vitters 2006-06-13 16:57:28 UTC
I assume it cannot reach for some reason. Can you check with Bug-Buddy 2.15.0 or newer? It doesn't need the server information, so this should be gone.
Comment 8 André Klapper 2006-10-01 03:56:43 UTC
Closing this bug report as no further information has been provided. Bernhard, please feel free to reopen this bug if you can still reproduce this with version 2.1.50 or newer.
Thanks a lot in advance!