GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 307617
Totem creates inconsistencies in Nautilus
Last modified: 2006-04-06 19:55:14 UTC
Please describe the problem: I'm using Gnome as a Spanish User (es_ES@euro) and ISO-8859-15. locale returns: LANG=es_ES@euro LC_CTYPE="es_ES@euro" LC_NUMERIC="es_ES@euro" LC_TIME="es_ES@euro" LC_COLLATE="es_ES@euro" LC_MONETARY="es_ES@euro" LC_MESSAGES="es_ES@euro" LC_PAPER="es_ES@euro" LC_NAME="es_ES@euro" LC_ADDRESS="es_ES@euro" LC_TELEPHONE="es_ES@euro" LC_MEASUREMENT="es_ES@euro" LC_IDENTIFICATION="es_ES@euro" LC_ALL=es_ES@euro Okay. I have a folder named "Música" ("Music" in spanish) (Note: It has a special character), and I save an audio or video file inside it. Now I right-click on the file and select "Properties", and when I move to the Audio/Video tab that is provided by Totem, it shows me everything in ENGLISH, like it has no spanish language, and the MAIN PROBLEM is that "Música" becomes "M?sica (Invalid coding)" in Nautilus, and spaces (" ") becomes ("%20") wherever in nautilus. If I do uninstall Totem and the Audio/Video tab disappears there is no such problem. Steps to reproduce: 1. Set your environment to spanish (es_ES@euro). 2. Create a folder named "Música", save at least an audio or video file (with id3 tags or whatever) in that folder. 3. Now right-click on the file and Properties "Propiedades" in spanish. Now go to the tab Audio/Video and see what happens to "Música" in Nautilus. Actual results: Música becomes M?sica (invalid encoding) and it shows all tags IN ENGLISH in Audio/Video tab Expected results: Show all tags in spanish and not to change my nautilus encoding Does this happen every time? Always. The only thing you can do to restablish Nautilus' spanish encoding is to restart gnome session. (There's no need to reboot). Other information: Using Gentoo Linux.
Now, I've been studying Totem's code and here is the problem: (Totem v1.0.2): File: totem-properties-main.c. /* --- extension interface --- */ void nautilus_module_initialize (GTypeModule *module) { bacon_video_widget_init_backend (NULL, NULL); totem_properties_plugin_register_type (module); totem_properties_view_register_type (module); /* set up translation catalog */ bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, GNOMELOCALEDIR); bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); } As I see it hasn't been Internationalized yet...
The fact that it hasn't been translated is a different problem. What does removing this line do to your test case? bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
Well, I haven't re-compiled it without that line. I am using Gentoo and I only have this computer, so I don't want to do a "make install" getting my body out of portage... That would be risky... so... If someone could check it out... Thanks.
Bastien, the problem is that you are creating interface from glade file, and glade use nautilus translation domain by default instead of totem one. We had such problem in evince and fixed it by adding GETTEXT_PACKAGE as third argument to glade_xml_new when you create nautilus property page. Let me mark this as high priority since it brokes translation.
2005-09-03 Bastien Nocera <> * src/totem-interface.c: (totem_interface_load_with_root): load the glade files with the totem gettext package to force totem translations to be used when loading as part of other applications (fixes the property window not being translated in Nautilus) (Closes: #307617)
*** Bug 323288 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 323714 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This bug is not fixed in Totem 1.3.0. Please reopen !
Reopening, looks like I'll need to test it better.
This only happens with the xine-lib backend, when the samba input plugin exists (try to move away /usr/lib/xine/plugins/<version>/, and restarting nautilus) The bug is caused by libsmbclient calling setlocale(), thus overriding the current language to C:
Ok, this last solution works :) As I don't use Samba, it's perfect for me, I imagine I won't have collateral effects ;)
*** Bug 337533 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***