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Bug 306595 - Rather weird nautilus status-bar-text bug
Rather weird nautilus status-bar-text bug
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 169390
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: [obsolete] Visual Design
Other All
: Normal trivial
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-06-05 23:56 UTC by Arthur Taylor
Modified: 2005-06-06 10:10 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.9/2.10

Description Arthur Taylor 2005-06-05 23:56:55 UTC
Please describe the problem:
This bug only happens when nautilus is in spatial mode. If you click the current
directory in the menu that appears from the button in the lower left corner of
nautilus (the one showing the parent folders of the current folder) many times,
the text in the status bar gets smaller. 

Steps to reproduce:
1. Open nautilus in the non-browser mode, and click on the bottem-left-most button
2. In the menu that pops up of the parent folders, click the current folder.
3. If you repeat thoses two steps, the text area of the status bar shrinks.
4. To return the status text to its proper state, re-load the view (CTRL-R)

Actual results:
Rather strangely the status text gets smaller. For example, what used to say:
"11 items, Free space: 17.7 GB"
will say:
"11 items, Free sp..."
And will continue to get smaller if step 2 is repeated.

Expected results:

Does this happen every time?
This happens every time.

Other information:
I've seen this bug in the ubuntu-5.03 nautilus package and in my own
custom-compiled version of nautilus. I discovered it by just randomly clicking
on the left button when I was bored. It doesn't do anything serious (as far as I
can tell) but it is rather an amusing bug.
Comment 1 Sebastien Bacher 2005-06-06 10:10:07 UTC
Thanks for the bug report. This particular bug has already been reported into
our bug tracking system, but please feel free to report any further bugs you find.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 169390 ***