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Bug 208803 - EAddress conduit somehow duplicates contacts when changing category on desktop
EAddress conduit somehow duplicates contacts when changing category on desktop
Product: evolution
Classification: Applications
Component: Do Not Use
pre-1.5 (obsolete)
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: JP Rosevear
Evolution QA team
Depends on:
Reported: 2001-09-04 05:25 UTC by Peter Williams
Modified: 2013-09-13 12:35 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: Unversioned Enhancement

Description Peter Williams 2001-09-04 05:25:47 UTC
I had created some categories for my contacts on my desktop, and I started
categorizing all these contacts. Ie, I'd put people into "Friends, School"
or "Work, GNOME"... most of these categories are of my own created.

I ran a sync (on synchronize mode) and the changed contacts got duplicated
on both the desktop and my Visor.

First I got a lot of:


eaddrconduit-Message: match: looking for local copy of ['Gerstenhaber'
'Mike' '']

eaddrconduit-Message:   matched

eaddrconduit-Message: compare: local=['Gerstenhaber' 'Mike' '']
remote=['Gerstenhaber' 'Mike' '']...

eaddrconduit-Message: local_record_to_pilot_record

eaddrconduit-Message:     not equal
eaddrconduit-Message: compare: local=['Gerstenhaber' 'Mike' '']
remote=['Gerstenhaber' 'Mike' '']...

eaddrconduit-Message: local_record_to_pilot_record

eaddrconduit-Message:     not equal
eaddrconduit-Message: add_record: adding ['Gerstenhaber' 'Mike' ''] to desktop

eaddrconduit-Message: set_status_cleared: clearing status


That happened once for every duplicated contact -- the non-duplicated
contacts unsurprisingly had "equal" printed:


eaddrconduit-Message: match: looking for local copy of ['Friedman' 'Nat' '']

eaddrconduit-Message:   matched

eaddrconduit-Message: compare: local=['Friedman' 'Nat' '']
remote=['Friedman' 'Nat' '']...

eaddrconduit-Message: local_record_to_pilot_record

eaddrconduit-Message:     equal
eaddrconduit-Message: set_status_cleared: clearing status


. Then, for every contact that *wasn't* duplicated, I got:


eaddrconduit-Message: prepare: encoding local ['Friedman' 'Nat' '']

eaddrconduit-Message: local_record_to_pilot_record

eaddrconduit-Message: set_pilot_id: setting to 11608337

then I got a bunch of

eaddrconduit-Message: free_match: freeing


then a bunch of


eaddrconduit-Message: set_pilot_id: setting to 11608319

eaddrconduit-Message: prepare: encoding local ['Engborg' 'Nicole' '']

eaddrconduit-Message: local_record_to_pilot_record


for some but not all of the unduplicated contacts, then finally more
free_match output.

I've had to repair my entire addressbook three or four times in the three
or four hours in which I've been trying to use it with the conduit. Not good.
Comment 1 JP Rosevear 2001-09-26 17:54:32 UTC
This would happen if the desktop record categories changed and the
entries on the palm also changed, since that is the syncing rule.  Can
you still duplicate this with the pilot records not modified?
Comment 2 Peter Williams 2001-09-29 03:09:58 UTC
Um, I'm pretty sure not. But my USB seems to have just broken itself
so I'm not able to check :-(
Comment 3 JP Rosevear 2001-10-17 23:26:12 UTC
I still can't duplicate this and if anything, its probably a symptom
of your earlier problems.