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Bug 169321 - [PATCH] Remove titles from alert dialogs
[PATCH] Remove titles from alert dialogs
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: general
0.x.x [obsolete]
Other All
: Normal minor
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-03-05 19:17 UTC by Michael Terry
Modified: 2005-12-09 12:14 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Proposed patch (42.67 KB, patch)
2005-03-05 19:18 UTC, Michael Terry
none Details | Review

Description Michael Terry 2005-03-05 19:17:13 UTC
According to the HIG, alert dialogs should not have titles, since a title
provides visual clutter and under normal circumstances, duplicates the primary text.

The attached patch removes the title from all alert dialogs I could find in
nautilus.  There are a couple string changes and a lot of string removals.  I
never found a title that I felt was necessary.

Now, obviously I did not test every change, since I can't very well make every
error or info dialog appear.  So, please, review this carefully to be sure I
didn't mess anything up.

Other information:
Comment 1 Michael Terry 2005-03-05 19:18:16 UTC
Created attachment 38311 [details] [review]
Proposed patch
Comment 2 Michael Terry 2005-03-05 19:21:54 UTC
Adding HIG keyword
Comment 3 Luis Villa 2005-03-05 19:26:59 UTC
If I remember correctly, there is some conflict over this one; the HIG
recommendation specifically conflicts with the requirements of the accessibility
team. Calum, is this ever going to be resolved?
Comment 4 Calum Benson 2005-03-24 17:52:15 UTC
This is a question that's also just been asked in bug #165132.  Since
gnopernicus will read the text of an alert whenever the alert is focused, I
think the HIG's guidance is acceptable, except for the occasional alert that has
to appear in the window list (e.g. an evolution alarm) because it doesn't
necessarily belong to a windowed application.  I've pinged Bill for a second
opinion in that other bug report, so I won't do so again here...
Comment 5 Christian Neumair 2005-07-20 13:15:52 UTC
Calum: Your new comment in bug 165132 suggests that there will be put up a
draft. Can you already say whether the Nautilus dialogs patched by Michael's
patch should have a title or not?
Comment 6 Calum Benson 2005-07-20 15:22:14 UTC
I haven't studied the patch yet, but I think the recommendation will be that
alerts that don't appear in the window list or Alt-Tab sequence should
preferably still have no title.

If there are any alerts that do appear there, they should have a title, but
preferably not one that just duplicates the primary text of the alert.  I don't
yet have a definite idea about exactly what such titles might look like, though.
 Most likely they should include the action that caused the alert, plus the
application name (since the only alerts that would normally appear in the window
list are, or could be, the only visible window for that application).  So, for
example, "Copy Files - File Manager".
Comment 7 Christian Neumair 2005-09-14 20:22:02 UTC
Calum: Most of the changes look excellent. The error dialogs really shouldn't
have titles. However, I'm not sure on cancellation dialogs, which are shown if
an operation takes extraordinarily long. Should these appear in the window list
or not?
Comment 8 Christian Neumair 2005-10-01 19:34:07 UTC
Comment 9 Christian Neumair 2005-10-01 19:34:57 UTC
Let me know if you need a screenshot because you don't know what I'm talking about.
Comment 10 Calum Benson 2005-11-14 13:17:00 UTC
Sorry, wasn't paying attention to this one :)  No, I don't think cancellation alerts should appear in the 
window list either, provided they set the window hint that makes the main nautilus window flash in the 
window list instead.  (WM_DEMANDS_ATTENTION, or the other one whose name escapes me at the 
moment... not sure which one we use.)
Comment 11 Jaap A. Haitsma 2005-12-04 18:40:57 UTC
I filed another bug including patches at bug 323134
That patch removes the window title property from all the alert dialogs in
libeel. That way in new alert dialogs with window titles  will not be
introduced. And also contains the necessary patch to nautilus to use the
modified eel lib.
Comment 12 Alexander Larsson 2005-12-09 12:14:25 UTC
It seems we finally decided on this. I commited Jaaps patches.