GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 166830
better support for reading multi-column documents
Last modified: 2018-05-22 12:51:51 UTC
[Note: this is a distant future/wishlist/blue sky kind of idea. It's just something I'd been thinking about before evince even started and I wanted to throw it out there and see what other people think.] All existing PDF viewers suck for reading multi-column documents (assuming you can't comfortably fit an entire page on your monitor all at once). This really sucks given that multi-column layouts are extremely common in PDF files. The way you end up having to read them currently is that first you see the top 2/3 or so of the page, and you read the top of the first column: +---------------------------------+ | The licenses the software | | for most is free for | | software are all its | | designed to users. This | | take away General | | your freedom Public | | to share and License | | change it. applies to | | By contrast, most of the | | the GNU Free | | General Software | | Public Foundation's | | License is software and | | intended to to any other | +---------------------------------+ Then you scroll down and read the final bit of the first column: +---------------------------------+ | guarantee program | | your freedom whose | | to share and authors | | change free commit to | | software--to using it. | | make sure (Some other | | 1 | <- end of page 1 | ---------------------------- | | | <- start of page 2 | Free software, we | | Software are | | Foundation referring to | | software is freedom, not | | covered by price. Our | +---------------------------------+ But then you have to scroll backwards to get back to the top of the page so you can start reading the second column. And you have to jump back and forth like this through every single page of the document. It would be easier if the viewer could present the text in a single flow somehow. One possibility would be to display each page twice, first with the right column grayed out, and then with the left column grayed out: +---------------------------------+ | The licenses ... ........ | "..."s mean dimmed text | for most .. .... ... | | software are ... ... | | designed to ...... .... | | take away ....... | | your freedom ...... | | to share and ....... | | change it. ....... .. | | By contrast, .... .. ... | | the GNU .... | | General ........ | | Public ............ | | License is ........ ... | | intended to .. ... ..... | +---------------------------------+ +---------------------------------+ | guarantee ....... | | your freedom ..... | | to share and ....... | | change free ...... .. | | software--to ..... ... | | make sure ..... ..... | | 1 | <- end of page 1 | ---------------------------- | | | <- start of page 1 again | ... ........ the software | | ... .... is free for | | ........ ... all its | | ........ .. users. This | | .... .... General | +---------------------------------+ +---------------------------------+ | .... ....... Public | rest of page 1... | .. ..... ... License | | ...... ... applies to | /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ | .... .... (Some other | | 1 | <- end of page 1 | ---------------------------- | | | <- start of page 2 | Free ......... .. | | Software ... | | Foundation ......... .. | | software is ........ ... | | covered by ...... ... | +---------------------------------+ Things that didn't seem to be exclusively part of either column (page numbers, diagrams, sidebars, etc) could be ungrayed in both views. I don't know how much work it is for either the frontends or backends to automatically figure out that a given document uses multiple columns. It would probably need to be figured out on a per-page basis anyway, since some papers use a single-column layout on the front page and then switch to two-column. Maybe this would have to be something the user turned on explicitly, rather than being figured out automatically. Maybe people think this particular idea is awful, but the fact remains that it's currently really annoying to read multi-column PDFs, and it would be very cool if we could find a way to make it not be.
Did you write the multi column ascii by hand? 1) In gv (with one g), if you can page through a document with <space>, scrolling down one screen at a time. If the document is wider than the viewport and you have reached a page border, it doesn't go to the next page, but to the top of the current page and scrolls to the right. A low tech idea. And not doable once we have continuous scrolling. 2) PDF files can have "Threads". Don't know exactly what they are, but I think they describe how the text flows on a page (say, a linked list of rectangles that represent the columns). This information has to be embedded explicitly, so I wouldn't expect this in many files. Maybe in Output from FrameMaker or other expensive DTP products. But as you say, that's all quite blue sky for evince. 3) Tagged PDF. Again, not something I know well. This is used in Acrobat for Palm to reflow text to fit on a PDA screen. Again, this has to be embedded at distillation time. The Palm reader was the reason why 2.0 will produce tagged PDF (optionally).
> Did you write the multi column ascii by hand? I used "C-x r k" / "C-x r y" in emacs (rectangular cut and paste). The gv way is nice if you don't have continuous scrolling. But continuous scrolling is nice too... :) Tagged PDF definitely sounds like something that might be useful. Though one advantage of having an implementation that didn't depend on any special PDF features would be that it would work even for documents that were just scans from hardcopy. (The ACM digital library has a lot of old articles like that.)
Dan it's possible to do something like how the articles on are done. Have the Next/Previous buttons take you to the left or right page. With continuous document scrolling you'd get a similar effect to the web site. /me wonders if this would introduce i18n problems WRT left->right reading.
What about just having a keybinding for "jump to top of current page"? That alone would help reading multi-column documents a lot. PageUp followed by PageDown sorta works, but... Maybe "." (period/full stop)?
I don't see why continuous scrolling precludes the idea implemented in gv. Pressing PageDown would scroll to the next page, while pressing Space or some other, specific shortcut would scroll to the start of the page and one screenwidth to the side. Which side would depend on the text direction at the end of the current column -- that would work correctly in most cases; it would break when most of the text is say right to left and only the last sentence is left-to-right, but it's a good solution. If it's not possible to detect the page direction in general, make the pan direction configurable.
I think its worth pointing this out: This was a fix to expose info in poppler that allows a reader to zoom & follow columns, in the same order that poppler would extract text. The behaviour had been hacked into the community version of the iRex Iliad's ipdf viewer. Fix is now in poppler master: More info about the ipdf hack:
I think having a shortcut for "Go to the top of the page and one screen width to the right" would be a reasonable approximation, but it would probably break down. Typically, I zoom in enough that the text of the left column is at a comfortable size and alignment, which leaves some of the right column visible. That would make scrolling one screen width to the right chop off some of the right column. ... Except in the case where there's less than one whole screen width of space to scroll into; in that case, I guess a reasonable behaviour would be to show me the right-most screen width of the document. I think a more useful (and, sadly, probably more laborious) thing to do is to compute bounding boxes of the columns and have some heuristic say how many columns there are; then, it should be easy to go to the top of the next column. As a side benefit, it would (probably) be easy(er) to make it possible to implement a feature that lets the user center-align the current column independent of the zoom level. Right now, unless I zoom in too far for my tastes, I have the left column left-aligned and the right column right-aligned, which makes me all frowny and such ;) Happy hacking :)
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