GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 166762
Locations Love (late) - Malaysia
Last modified: 2005-02-10 16:00:19 UTC
Please describe the problem: Quick fix, this is a regression - we fixed the Sebang -> Sepang issue in 2.8. Attached patch (okay, pasted patch) fixes this issue. Not committing because we're past freeze date (otherwise ugly logs will point to cc@cvs being bad :P), but here's hoping that davyd will allow the minor fix to go thru. Steps to reproduce: Actual results: Expected results: Does this happen every time? Other information: Index: =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gnome-applets/gweather/,v retrieving revision 1.59 diff -r1.59 33106c33106 < <_name>Sebang</_name> --- > <_name>Sepang</_name>
This needs to be fixed. I have asked for permission to break freeze.
These translations contain some or part of the string Sebang: ar, bg, cs, cy, da, de, el, en_CA, en_GB, es, et, fi, hi, hu, it, ja, ko, lt, mk, mn, nb, nl, nn, no, pa, pl, pt_BR, pt, ru, sk, sq, sr@Latn, sr, sv, ta, th, tr, uk These translations are current, and have been safely corrected: bg, cs, cy, da, de, el, en_CA, en_GB, es, et, hu, lt, mk, nb, nl, nn, no, pl, pt_BR, ru, sk, sq, sr@Latn, sv, th, tr The following are current, but could not be safely corrected: it, jp, ko, pa, sr, ta