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Bug 164805 - Text Entry Formatting and Masking
Text Entry Formatting and Masking
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 50276
Product: gtk+
Classification: Platform
Component: Widget: GtkTextView
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: gtk-bugs
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-01-21 09:46 UTC by Itai Bar-Haim
Modified: 2005-01-21 21:52 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: Unversioned Enhancement

Description Itai Bar-Haim 2005-01-21 09:46:23 UTC
It would help a lot to have masking in the Text Entry widget, that will allow 
the user to define a certain format for the input and enforce it while typing. 
This could be useful for time and date fields, IP address fields and in many 
places this option fills a specific demand (where I work we need this option 
in about 4 or 5 very commonly used fields). Since the development I do is 
using GTK#, and since extending a widget to support such an option is not an 
easy task (I tried), and since it is a very demanded option (at least from my 
research), this would be a very much nice-to-have feature.
Comment 1 Matthias Clasen 2005-01-21 21:52:51 UTC
This is covered by bug 50276

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 50276 ***