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Bug 164303 - gnome-panel messes up languages if you have LC_COLLATE="C". Why?
gnome-panel messes up languages if you have LC_COLLATE="C". Why?
Product: bonobo-activation [was: oaf]
Classification: Deprecated
Component: general
cvs (head)
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Michael Meeks
Luis Villa
: 60701 158387 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-01-17 00:08 UTC by Telsa Gwynne
Modified: 2005-02-03 17:03 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

/proc/(various/environ when clock doing half a translation (1.37 KB, application/x-tar)
2005-01-17 13:01 UTC, Telsa Gwynne
/proc/(various)/environ for clock all in one language (1.49 KB, application/x-tar)
2005-01-17 13:02 UTC, Telsa Gwynne
Fixer. (1.53 KB, patch)
2005-01-31 18:41 UTC, Allison Karlitskaya (desrt)
none Details | Review
better fixer (2.33 KB, patch)
2005-02-02 14:32 UTC, Mark McLoughlin
none Details | Review
Pass the locale settings via a special environment var (3.05 KB, patch)
2005-02-03 17:00 UTC, Roman Kagan
none Details | Review

Description Telsa Gwynne 2005-01-17 00:08:54 UTC
I don't subscribe to the theory that I should have to start from
a fresh account on every new release. I have been carting home
directories around since (mumblemumble). So I have a lot of
cruft in all manner of dot files. 

To cut a long story short, this is what I get when I run Gnome
in the normal way. Fedora Core 3, booting to "text login". Then
I do "startx". ~/.i18n, /etc/sysconfig/i18n and ~/.bash_profile
all show LANG=cy_GB.UTF-8. The only "odd" thing is that I
still have LC_COLLATE=C, because I am used to capital letters
coming first. Also, if I change it, all my scripts break. :)

(If you have problems viewing that, let me know: the site has
issues atm. It shows the "right-click" menu for the clock. The
bottom three entries in it (Remove from panel, Close, Move)
are in Welsh as expected. All the other entries are in English. 
It's weird.)

Almost everything else in Gnome is in Welsh. It's the panel
which is confused. Launchers are in Welsh. "Remove from panel,
close, move" are in Welsh in every menu. The right-click menu
for the panel of "Add to this panel, delete panel, etc" is in Welsh. 

But half of the panel applet right-click menus are in English,
all the preferences are in English, and the date is in English.
I don't understand how this is happening.

What I _want_ is this:

I got this to happen by killing the panel and restarting it with
an LC_COLLATE of cy_GB.UTF-8. 

I know you're going to say that I should not have things like
LC_COLLATE=C in my .bash_profile, but I have :) I expect 
things to sort like that. 

I think this is a bug. Why is the panel looking at LC_COLLATE?
What is it doing with that? I have had a quick peek at the module
in the hope of something like "collate" or "locale" being obvious,
but I can't see anything.
Comment 1 Vincent Untz 2005-01-17 07:16:19 UTC
I would think this is a bonobo issue since it's only happening for applets. But
I really don't know what is the problem...

Maybe Mark has an idea of what's happening.
Comment 2 Mark McLoughlin 2005-01-17 10:38:50 UTC
If you attach the contents of /proc/$(pid)/environ for gnome-panel,
bonobo-activation-server and clock-applet for the working and non-working cases,
that should help us figure out what's going on
Comment 3 Telsa Gwynne 2005-01-17 13:01:12 UTC
Created attachment 36130 [details]
/proc/(various/environ when clock doing half a translation

In .gz format: bugzilla eats binaries.
Comment 4 Telsa Gwynne 2005-01-17 13:02:36 UTC
Created attachment 36131 [details]
/proc/(various)/environ for clock all in one language

In .gz format; bugzilla eats binaries.
Comment 5 Telsa Gwynne 2005-01-17 13:07:25 UTC
Bugzilla thinks those are "x-tar". They're just gzipped. 

I killed off the all-in-Welsh panel and when it restarted, it went
back to English-and-Welsh. And the weather applet crashed. This
was quite good. First I got a dialogue telling me this and asking
if I wanted to report a bug. In English. After dismissing that, I 
got one asking me if I wanted to reload it. In Welsh. 

Just in case that helps! 
Comment 6 Mark McLoughlin 2005-01-17 13:26:56 UTC
Okay, the clock is being launched with a screwed up environment:


whereas in the second case, you get:


Now, it must be bonobo-activation-server that's doing this, so moving there.

One thing of interest is that in the first case gnome-panel gets run with
LANG=cy_GB.UTF-8, but in the second case it gets run with LC_ALL=cy_GB.UTF-8
Comment 7 Telsa Gwynne 2005-01-17 13:39:49 UTC
Oh, that's my fault. In order to get it to do one language, I did

gnome-session-properties  (and set it to not respawn, and saved that)
killall gnome-panel
LC_ALL=cy_GB.UTF-8 gnome-panel &

I was in Gnome all the time. I don't restart a lot. This machine
is zippy enough when running X, but it does take a while to start

I thought that LC_ALL would override LC_COLLATE (which it seems to), 
whereas I am not sure that LANG will.  

Comment 8 Telsa Gwynne 2005-01-17 13:47:30 UTC
I see I also claimed to do this with LC_ALL and LC_COLLATE. I'm
sorry! I've used both. Both seem to work. Alas, I don't remember 
which I had used when I started the panel that was running when 
I did the attachment. Sorry about that. I can re-start it again 
(and again, and..) with LC_COLLATE or LC_ALL or whatever if you 

Sorry for the confusion. I honestly don't recall which was set now.
Comment 9 Telsa Gwynne 2005-01-30 16:33:57 UTC
I grepped for processes with "LC_ALL=LC" in their 
environment. The panel didn't show up because of course 
I restarted that with the "right" locale. The other processes 

hobbit    5446  0.0  0.8 19556 4260 ?        S    Jan06   0:44
--oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_SettingsDaemon --oaf-ior-fd=22
hobbit    5452  0.0  0.3  2724 1688 ?        S    Jan06   2:17
hobbit    5461  0.0  0.2  4444 1428 ?        S    Jan06   2:53 xscreensaver
hobbit   30947  0.0  0.2  2476 1008 ?        Ss   Jan26   0:00 /usr/bin/esd
-terminate -nobeeps -as 2 -spawnfd 35

I don't know what started them, but is bonobo-activation-server a reasonable guess?
Comment 10 Allison Karlitskaya (desrt) 2005-01-30 21:04:12 UTC
This bug is definitely caused by LC_ALL being (incorrectly) set by

I had the same problem (ie: i'd get the environment setting LC_ALL="[huge string
of uselessless]").  For me, I could see it, though because I was using the
quicklounge applet (which gets spawned by activation) to launch terminals (and
then my locale settings inside the terminal would be screwed).

This workaround fixes the problem:

in bonobo-activation-fork-server.c:
static void
bonobo_activation_setenv (const char *name, const char *value)
  if( !strcmp( name, "LC_ALL" ) )
        setenv (name, value, 1);
        char *tmp;

        tmp = g_strconcat (name, "=", value, NULL);

        putenv (tmp);

So somehow some badness is getting into the environment that bonobo-activation
is setting up.

I'm not sure where the problem really happens, though, so this is obviously not
the correct solution.
Comment 11 Michael Meeks 2005-01-31 10:04:42 UTC
The values that bonobo-activation sets for clients come from the environment of
one of the launchers; so - somewhere, somehow someone is setting a 'badness' to
LC_ALL - and that's really outside bonobo-activation's control.

I guess we need to find what values LC_ALL is being set to, by whom etc. I'm
guessing if the base panel is getting this environment then it's being done
pretty early in the process - during login sometime perhaps.
Comment 12 Michael Meeks 2005-01-31 10:12:47 UTC
So; yes bonobo-activation server launches gnome-settings-daemon, that in turn
launches esd and xscreensaver I guess.

However - b-a-s itself is (normally) launched by gnome-session; I guess the
question is how LC_ALL can get screwed up from that. There is no special casing
for LC_ALL in bonobo-activation/ or activation-server/ beyond the fact that it
takes precedence (if set) over the various other LC_ messages.

Ultimately, IMHO having a desktop that can activate components or applications
with a different locale to 'the desktop' is prolly a disaster - and AFAIR this
is the wat D/BUS is going: a mandatory single language desktop.

What concerns me is that this should work; of course - it's possible that your
~/.bash_profile is not being read on gnome-session startup - and hence not
interpreted until later - at which stage (perhaps) it is inherited from the
client [ ie. b-a-s is doing the right thing, but it is not what you expect ].

Out of interest - I believe GDM has some language-selection list - why can that
not be used in favour of tweaking some set of different config files ? or is
that what /etc/sysconfig/i18n does ? ;-)
Comment 13 Allison Karlitskaya (desrt) 2005-01-31 18:41:30 UTC
Created attachment 36775 [details] [review]

The problem comes from the fact that bonobo calls setlocale() and uses its
return value to setenv().

setlocale() is documented as returning "an opaque string".  In the event of
calling setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL); with a non-homogeneous locale (eg: LC_COLLATE
set to something different than LANG) it returns a string of the form

Bonobo then sets this as the environment for the launched server (in

I think the best solution is to just get the locale strings for the environment
of the server by just calling getenv() (which will always return something
that's appropriate to set as an environment variable).	In this case, you'll
call getenv("LC_ALL") and get NULL (instead of the semicolon-delimited string).
 Then the LANG and LC_COLLATE options will be set properly.

The attached patch does just that.  Can I commit this?
Comment 14 Michael Meeks 2005-02-02 10:37:10 UTC
Mark ? - this is really your forte - you wrote the code.

Ryan - nice patch; have you read the cvs log comments on that file / looked at
the annotations there; there were a number of relevant related bugs in the past
here that would be good to review.

AFAIR - yes, it's an opaque string, but it was the best thing we had I think; sigh.
Comment 15 Mark McLoughlin 2005-02-02 14:32:58 UTC
Created attachment 36869 [details] [review]
better fixer

Hmm, what brand of crack was I on?

I can't see why I was using setlocale() instead of the values from the
environment. I must have just been trying to be too clever or something.

Ryan's patch looks right, but might as well remove the setlocale() special
casing altogher. Not tried my patch - Ryan, could you ?
Comment 16 Allison Karlitskaya (desrt) 2005-02-03 01:47:52 UTC
There is one small functional difference between your patch and the originally
intended behaviour:

In the original code, if "LC_ALL" is set then none of the other environment
variables are sent since LC_ALL overrides them.  In your code, they're still all

That being said, any program that looks at locale information will see "LC_ALL"
set alongside the others and do the right thing, and it's probably best to leave
the environment like the user set it anyway.

Patch works great here as far as I can tell.  Thanks :)
Comment 17 Michael Meeks 2005-02-03 08:22:23 UTC
Mark - please can you commit to HEAD ? - also, I've no idea what's happening
with releases here anymore, but ... I guess we'll need a new one for gnome 2.10 :-)

Thanks muchly. 
Comment 18 Mark McLoughlin 2005-02-03 08:57:56 UTC
Thanks again Ryan:

2005-02-03  Mark McLoughlin  <>

        Fix problem with locale env variables getting cocked up.
        Based on patch from Ryan Lortie <> in
        bug #164303

        * bonobo-activation/bonobo-activation-activate.c:
        (bonobo_activation_init_activation_env): treat LC_* just
        the same as all other environment variables rather than
        trying to be clever with selocale().

Comment 19 Mark McLoughlin 2005-02-03 09:19:01 UTC
*** Bug 158387 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 20 Mark McLoughlin 2005-02-03 09:22:07 UTC
*** Bug 60701 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 21 Roman Kagan 2005-02-03 10:04:44 UTC
Mark, I believe your patch is wrong: the application may have set the locale
itself by setlocale(LC_XXX, "SOME_LOCALE").

IMO the activating application's current locale settings should be propagated to
the activated application, not the ones inherited from the environment.

I think my patch in bug #158387 handles it better: it obtains the settings of
all the available locale categories in the activating app using setlocale (be it
inherited from the environment or set inside the app) and propagates them to the
activated app.
Comment 22 Allison Karlitskaya (desrt) 2005-02-03 14:44:24 UTC
rkagan: There are a couple of problems with your patch.

It still relies on undocumented behaviour of setlocale that seems likely to
break (ie: trusting that its opaque data is useable as environment variables).

Also, instead of setting the LANG environment variable in the children (if
that's the only one the user has set) it individually sets every single LC_
category with a separate environment variable.  In my case, where terminals are
spawned (indirectly) by activation, I'd find this annoying and confusing (almost
to the same extent as I was originally annoyed and confused by this bug).

ie: Assume I'm a person who only uses LANG= and doesn't do LC_...= overrides. 
All of the sudden for some reason I feel like typing 'LANG=fr_CA.UTF-8 ls
--help' but because of all of the specific overrides set by bonobo, my LANG
variable that I set is now completely ignored.

Your idea of unsetting the LC_ALL environment variable in the forked server is
probably good, though since it could easily blow away LANG or anything else we
send over.  To adjust for the fact that we're not always sending all of LC_* the
code should probably be adjusted to unset all of these variables (unless the
environment is already being cleared elsewhere).
Comment 23 Telsa Gwynne 2005-02-03 15:06:34 UTC
Oh, eep, yes. I do use "LANG=whatever gnome-app" a lot:

  * someone on IRC wants to know the order through the
menus, perhaps. I can't tell them the Welsh order -- well, I
can but it's not going to help -- so I run the app in English 
to check.

  * checking whether a translation is right, or running something
side by side in two different languages. 

  * taking fancy pictures of Gnome running four applications
in four locales at once. 

Et cetera. I think they are all good reasons why I expect 
"LANG=whatever gnome-app" to run gnome-app in whatever
language. I would be sad if that went away. 
Comment 24 Roman Kagan 2005-02-03 15:31:31 UTC
2 Ryan Lortie (desrt):
> It still relies on undocumented behaviour of setlocale that seems likely to
break (ie: trusting that its opaque data is useable as environment variables).

Exactly the opposite: setlocale(LC_XXX, NULL) is supposed to always return a
valid locale name for any category _except_ LC_ALL, no matter how you set it:
using LANG, LC_*, setlocale, or a combination thereof.

That's why I take the complete snapshot of the current locale settings by
calling setlocale for _all_the_individual_ categories, and propagate them to the
activated app via the corresponding environment variables.

It doesn't matter if you use LANG or LC_* or a combination thereof: 
Comment 25 Roman Kagan 2005-02-03 15:37:19 UTC
[ Ups, sorry, accidentally hit "commit" while editing.  Please ignore the last
line of the previous comment ]

Given that LC_ALL environment variable takes precedence over specific LC_*, I
have to unset it in b-a-s.

Also, since LC_* in turn take precedence over LANG, and I propagate the complete
set of locale categories, there's no point propagating LANG.
Comment 26 Roman Kagan 2005-02-03 16:05:27 UTC
As to your second point, I can see only one way around it: not using LC_*
environment variables to propagate the locale info altogether.

Instead, the return value of setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL) in the activating app can
be passed to the activated app in a special environment variable, say
BONOBO_LC_ALL, and then be used to set the locale in the activated one without
messing with the locale-related environment at all.  E.g. add 

setlocale(LC_ALL, getenv("BONOBO_LC_ALL"));

to the main() of the activated app.
Comment 27 Roman Kagan 2005-02-03 17:00:16 UTC
Created attachment 36928 [details] [review]
Pass the locale settings via a special environment var

This patch makes bonobo propagate the locale settings from the activating app
to the activated one via a special environment variable BONOBO_LC_ALL.

This way the activated app inherits the complete locale setting from the
activating one without messing with the locale-related environment controlled
by the user.
Comment 28 Roman Kagan 2005-02-03 17:03:24 UTC
I'm not sure if I put the setlocale call for the activated apps in the right
place.  Mark and/or Michael should know better.