GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 162229
bug in fs support table? (0.0.8)
Last modified: 2004-12-26 12:16:53 UTC
The filesystem operations table in Gparted 0.0.8 doesnt show the copy operation for xfs right. i have the package xfsprogs installed, and i assume /usr/sbin/xfs_copy is the tool it needs, and i have that installed, but it doesnt get detected properly. also, im wondering why the 'features' page claims to use dd for copying reiserfs, since the package progsreiserfs has its own tool called cpfs.reiserfs.
Hi, For copying of xfs i use xfsdump and xfsrestore, these tools allow gparted to actually shrink the destinationpartition and is the only way of shrinking an xfs filesystem. Maybe i should use xfs_copy if the dump/restore tools can't be found. I'll put it somewhere on my TODO ;) About cpfs.reiserfs.. i don't think it's part of the official namesys tools (reiserfsprogs). That is, i cannot find it anywhere in their package. I know of a cpfs.reiserfs program in the unoffical lib (progsreiserfs). Maybe you're confusing these 2? Anyway, the combination of 'reiserfsck', 'resize_reiserfs' en 'dd' performs a perfect copy :)
ok, thanks. i installed the 'xfsdump' package and it gets detected now. no need to include support for xfs_copy then, but i think you should mention it on the 'features' page, cause it only mentions xfsprogs as 'required software'. about the reiserfs: yes, i have progsreiserfs installed. i thought that was just another name for the same package, since distros, or even different packagers, sometimes mix package names up. but oh well, as long as it works :P
hmm, it seems you're right and the dump/restore tools are distributed in a separate package. Thanks for the notice :)
btw, you should be very carefull with the unoffical reiserfs tools (progsreiserfs) , since it has a reputation for destroying filesystems. My advice is to uninstall it asap :)