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Bug 162104 - Error handling for the "Create Archive" operation in nautilus is not proper.
Error handling for the "Create Archive" operation in nautilus is not proper.
Product: file-roller
Classification: Applications
Component: general
Other All
: Normal major
: ---
Assigned To: Paolo Bacchilega
Nautilus Maintainers
Depends on: 166658
Reported: 2004-12-23 16:39 UTC by Mohan Raj R
Modified: 2005-02-27 20:13 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.7/2.8

Description Mohan Raj R 2004-12-23 16:39:06 UTC
Please describe the problem:
Nautilus relies on varies tools installed in the system to do the various
archiving operations. e.g tar,untar,zip,unzip,rar,unrar...etc.

But not all of the tools come installed in every machine. (I guess this wasn't
the case in the machines of the coders/testers).

So when a tool is missing say 'rar' is not in my system and I try to create a
.rar file using 'create archive' ; nautilus says/does nothing.

Steps to reproduce:
1. make sure you DON'T have rar installed in your system.
2. right click a file in nautilus and click 'Create Archive..'
3. Give the file name as filename.rar and click 'Create..'

Actual results:
Nothing happens

Expected results:
An error message saying that nautilus depends on such and such tool for this
operation (which is not installed). It can then give an option for creating
archives in 'available' alternate formats. Or take steps towards installing the
missing tool (e.g launching synaptic/apt-get in debian)

Does this happen every time?

Other information:
Comment 1 Mohan Raj R 2004-12-23 16:39:50 UTC
This is duplicate of the bug Bug 161760.
Comment 2 Martin Wehner 2005-02-12 14:30:12 UTC
I think this bug belongs to file-roller (which provides the "Create Archive"
operation). Reassigning.
Comment 3 Paolo Bacchilega 2005-02-27 20:11:54 UTC
this depends on bug #166658
Comment 4 Paolo Bacchilega 2005-02-27 20:13:39 UTC
...and closing.