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Bug 154551 - window icons
window icons
Product: epiphany
Classification: Core
Component: Interface
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Epiphany Maintainers
Marco Pesenti Gritti
: 324418 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 154588
Reported: 2004-10-05 11:56 UTC by Christian Persch
Modified: 2012-10-07 16:19 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Christian Persch 2004-10-05 11:56:48 UTC
<chpe>  spark, which icon should the pdm dialogue's and the file chooser windows
have ?
<spark> just ephy's icon.
<chpe>  just the epiphany icon, or something specific (like print, find etc
<chpe>  ok
<spark> just the ephy icon.
<chpe>  should print, find etc use that too ?
<spark> i'm not sure :p
<spark> i think they should all be the ephy icon.
<spark> that's what gedit does.
Comment 1 Bryan W Clark 2004-10-05 17:23:16 UTC
Most apps currently use their application icon in each dialog window they open.
 For now we should keep consistency with the other apps.  (note: this means
using the ephy icon, not the fac icon of the site being viewed)

However this brings up an interesting idea that dialogs of an application might
be a different case.  Using a icon specific to the action might be a better
choice.  In the HIG currently we have a section on icons for Documents,
Applications, Toolbars, and Menus but nothing regarding dialogs that
applications open up.  

spark filed bug 154588 against the HIG about this so we can hash it out in the
HIG and try to come up with a good recommendation.
Comment 2 Reinout van Schouwen 2005-03-23 00:38:12 UTC
I filed bug 170800 because according to chpe it was a theme bug that I didn't
see a special icon for the Find window etc. This bug seems to contradict that,
or am I seeing that wrong?
Comment 3 Christian Persch 2005-03-23 09:22:33 UTC
This bug is about using the 'web-browser' ephy icon on our extra windows (print,
find, ...). This has nothing to do with bug 170800 where the find dialogue
(which has explicitly set the Find icon as window icon) gets the window icon
from its EphyWindow parent, which is the favicon.
Comment 4 Christian Persch 2006-01-08 15:05:07 UTC
*** Bug 324418 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 Reinout van Schouwen 2006-01-11 20:56:07 UTC
Is this still a problem? I don't see it in 1.9.4.
Comment 6 Reinout van Schouwen 2006-02-02 11:02:12 UTC
The bookmark properties window in 1.9.6 has a stock bookmark window icon.
Comment 7 Diego Escalante Urrelo (not reading bugmail) 2007-07-25 04:10:20 UTC
I don't see a problem with using different icons, if no one disagrees I suggest closing as NOTABUG
Comment 8 Jaap A. Haitsma 2007-07-25 06:02:45 UTC
(In reply to comment #7)
> I don't see a problem with using different icons, if no one disagrees I suggest
> closing as NOTABUG
It's indeed not a problem, but it's not consistent with other apps. So it can be confusing.

I remember that for me the fact that the bookmark window has a bookmark icon was confusing the first time, because I didn't know to which application the window belonged
Comment 9 Jean-François Fortin Tam 2012-10-07 16:19:28 UTC
GNOME 3 doesn't have window icons anymore.