GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 154004
Values above VScale widgets from a Glade UI disappear when the widget is used
Last modified: 2011-01-16 23:33:31 UTC
Download the program and glade files from (they are very small). Compile test.cpp with the command 'g++ `pkg-config --libs --cflags libglademm-2.4` test.cpp' and run the program. Try to move some of the scales. The values on top of the scales will disappear (at least they did for me with libglademm2.4_1-2.4.1-2mdk, gcc-c++-3.4.1-3mdk, libgtkmm2.4_1-2.4.5-1mdk).
This does seem to be specific to the C++ wrapper. I'm attaching a C test case as well as the C++ one.
Created attachment 32083 [details] test_c.cpp
Created attachment 32084 [details] test.cpp
Created attachment 32085 [details]
I got it fixed for C++. There the bug is caused by the C++ wrapper using Glib::ustrings, which do not understand the concept of NULL. To format a value, a signal is emmited. single_string_accumulator (gtkscale.c:114) is used to decide whether more handler need to be called. It evaluates the return value (the formatted text) of the previus handler for NULL and if not, goes on calling more handlers if available. This works fine as long as there is no C++ wrapper around. With the wrapper, it goes sth. like this (I'm a little bit confused by the code of who calls who, so it may be slightly different): emit: expects gchar*, NULL value breaks Scale_Class::format_value_callback: returns gchar* class::on_format_value:: returns Glib::ustring calls C format_value method: returns gchar* Because the last C function returns NULL which is converted to Glib::ustring("") which is converted back to a gchar*("") which is not NULL this breaks the system. The default action in _gtk_scale_format_value (gtkscale.c:636) is never executed because it expects NULL when nobody else has a better way to convert, which is not possible because single_string_accumulator returns an empty string, which it regards as a value, not NULL, although there is nobody handling it. This also breaks overwriting the on_format_value method in the wrapper, because it gets never executed, because single_string_accumulator breaks after it got an empty string from the default handler. A first patch looks may look like this: --- gtkscale.c.orig 2004-08-09 19:59:52.000000000 +0300 +++ gtkscale.c 2005-02-24 11:50:05.000000000 +0200 @@ -121,6 +121,8 @@ const gchar *str; str = g_value_get_string (handler_return); + if (str != NULL && str[0] == 0) + str = NULL; g_value_set_string (return_accu, str); continue_emission = str == NULL; This patches single_string_accumulator to react on empty strings in the same way like on NULL. I don't know whether other wrappers are affected, maybe this should be handled there. Sorry for the confusing text, I'm not used to programming raw Gtk+.
This is good detective work. I think you should submit a GTK+ bug. I suggest using g_strlen() instead of str[0], though C isn't my thing. And your patch should also add a comment saying why it's necessary.
GTK+ bug:
Hmm, I first thought that python is also affected, but Owen Taylor proved me wrong on this. Maybe this could be changed in the bindings by modifying the signal to sth like bool format_value (const int value, Glib::ustring& result) I don't think the callback was used in any gtkmm program yet.
In scale.hg, I have prevented format_value from ever returning an empty string to GTK+. This is in HEAD (gtkmm 2.5/2.6 only). Thanks for the hard work. Please reopen if this doesn't fix it.