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Bug 151701 - Bugmail subjects contain unneeded " -"
Bugmail subjects contain unneeded " -"
Classification: Infrastructure
Component: email
Other All
: Normal trivial
: ---
Assigned To: Bugzilla Maintainers
Bugzilla Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-09-02 17:59 UTC by Olav Vitters
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Olav Vitters 2004-09-02 17:59:02 UTC
Please describe the problem:
Emails from Bugzilla have three unneeded characters in the subject. The
characters are: "  -" (two spaces and a dash).

Steps to reproduce:
1. Watch every product in
2. Open your Bugzilla folder
3. Look at the subject of an email

Actual results:
Subjects that look like:
[Bug 150145]  - [PATCH] fixes a bunch of leaks in the control-center
[Bug 117216]  - Gnome-panel crash when using CodeWeavers wine
[Bug 148188]  - sound recorder crashed

Expected results:
Subject that look like:
[Bug 150145] [PATCH] fixes a bunch of leaks in the control-center
[Bug 117216] Gnome-panel crash when using CodeWeavers wine
[Bug 148188] sound recorder crashed

Does this happen every time?
1. Watch every product in
2. Open your Bugzilla folder
3. Look at the subject of an email

Other information:
I love s-b-g.
Comment 1 Dave Neary 2004-09-02 19:16:42 UTC
The subject of the mail is supposed to be 
[Bug 117216] Status - Gnome-panel crash when using CodeWeavers wine

But the Status only appears when the bug is New. In fact, it would be nice to
have it be 
[Bug 117216] UNCONFIRMED - Gnome-panel crash when using CodeWeavers wine
[Bug 117216] NEW - Gnome-panel crash when using CodeWeavers wine
[Bug 117216] RESOLVED - Gnome-panel crash when using CodeWeavers wine

Alternatively, the " - " should be part of the status string, and not part of
the description string.


Comment 2 Olav Vitters 2004-09-02 20:05:52 UTC
With status you mean the neworchanged 'field'? The %status% 'field' contains the
actual status (unconfirmed etc).

Bugzilla 2.16.6 default email template has the following:
Subject: [Bug %bugid%] %neworchanged%%summary%

So the %neworchanged% is followed directly by the summary. The %neworchanged% is
currently either empty ("") or "New: ". Because of the extra space the subject
still looks ok. Example:
[Bug 148188] New: sound recorder crashed
and a 'changed' bug:
[Bug 148188] sound recorder crashed

There is no need to separate this (IMO).
Comment 3 Andrew Sobala 2004-09-05 23:26:31 UTC
(fwiw, the "Does this happen every time" bug shown by sbg in this bug is now fixed.)
Comment 4 James Henstridge 2004-10-28 11:18:24 UTC
I just made that bugzilla config change, and it seems to be working so I'm
marking this bug fixed.

This does make it a bit easier to scan the message list in my bugmail folder.