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Bug 136779 - Insufficent docs for scripts
Insufficent docs for scripts
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 324966
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: Documentation
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: John Fleck
Nautilus Maintainers
: 172206 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-03-10 17:22 UTC by Jon Wood
Modified: 2006-01-19 08:34 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.9/2.10

Description Jon Wood 2004-03-10 17:22:08 UTC
I'm trying to get the scripts menu to work, and the help file only says

"The file manager includes a special folder where you can store your scripts."

It never gets round to telling you *where* this special folder is, which is
still something I don't know, since I can't find it anywhere else either.
Comment 1 Tiago de Paula Peixoto 2004-04-11 04:19:26 UTC
In the "Scripts" context menu in nautilus, the last item is "Open Scripts Folder".
Comment 2 Jon Wood 2004-04-20 11:28:26 UTC
That context menu only appears if you already have scripts though, and if you 
don't have any already, you're most likely to not know where the folder is. 
Comment 3 Matthew Gatto 2004-05-18 21:14:50 UTC
*** Bug 125449 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Raul Acevedo 2004-06-09 18:07:39 UTC
Is there a reason the scripts menu isn't shown if there aren't any scripts? 
Wouldn't it just be easier to always include the scripts menu, with an entry of
"Open Scripts Folder" so you can easily add scripts?
Comment 5 Sebastien Bacher 2005-04-03 12:27:07 UTC
*** Bug 172206 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 August Mayer 2005-04-03 15:46:50 UTC
Description from Bug 172206:
If no scripts are installed, and thus the "Scripts" submenu is hidden, a
menu entry "File->Open scripts folder" should be added.

Other information:
If no scripts are installed, the Scripts menu of Nautilus isn't displayed at
all. There is also no "Open Scripts folder" menu entry anywhere, and the
location of the scripts folder on disk is also not mentioned in the Help, so
it's impossible to add scripts without googling the location of the scripts
folder ( ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/ ).
Comment 7 John Fleck 2005-04-06 01:36:17 UTC
Shaun -

Can you point this in the direction of whoever's thinking about Nautilus docs?
Comment 8 Shaun McCance 2005-04-06 06:03:01 UTC
That would be me.  I have a section on scripts in my current outline.  ${DEITY}
willing, it will actually make it into 2.10.1.
Comment 9 Joachim Noreiko 2006-01-19 08:34:34 UTC
I agree with comment 4, and reopening Bug 125449 to deal with it.

Marking this as a dupe of a bug that fixes documentation.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 324966 ***